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Everything posted by Spinners

  1. Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.
  2. Have you seen my decal tutorial? It's for GIMP but is so easy!
  3. Consolidated B-24J Liberator - Soviet Air Force, Manchukuo, 1945
  4. I've set it up for use with my Mongolian MiG-21 (one of my few real world uploads) just drop the skin in but you'll need to move the decals into a newly created 'DRAAF' folder in the decal folder (you know what to do). One decal isn't required but has a higher opacity for use on camo. http://combatace.com/files/file/12251-mikoyan-mig-21pfm-fishbed-f-mongolia/ DRAAF.7z
  5. Believe me, I did the wiki thing beforehand.
  6. Focke-Wulf Ta288 Tornado - JG3, Luft'46 Created using Geary's new MiG-17 lines layer.
  7. Yes. You may be missing the point of the masquerade thread.
  8. I was lucky enough to have been passed this by the original 3D modeler, drakkodj.
  9. The MiG-17 masquerading as the Focke-Wulf Ta288!
  10. I would like the NM one please.
  11. I've no desire to upload and did it as a quick conversion for myself but here's the decal positions (using the stock Soviet red star) if you want to make your own. You might need to adjust the scale as I use my own national insignia on most things. [Decal001] MeshName=Fuselage DecalLevel=0 DecalFacing=LEFT FilenameFormat=INSIGNIA Position=-6.800,0.150 Scale=1.6 DecalMaxLOD=3 [Decal002] MeshName=Fuselage DecalLevel=0 DecalFacing=RIGHT FilenameFormat=INSIGNIA Position=-6.800,0.150 Scale=1.8 DecalMaxLOD=3 [Decal003] MeshName=wing_l DecalLevel=0 DecalFacing=TOP FilenameFormat=INSIGNIA Position=-13.300,-2.700 Scale=1.8 DecalMaxLOD=3 [Decal004] MeshName=wing_r DecalLevel=0 DecalFacing=TOP FilenameFormat=INSIGNIA Position=13.300,-2.700 Scale=1.8 DecalMaxLOD=3 [Decal005] MeshName=wing_l DecalLevel=0 DecalFacing=BOTTOM FilenameFormat=INSIGNIA Position=-13.300,-2.700 Scale=1.8 DecalMaxLOD=3 [Decal006] MeshName=wing_r DecalLevel=0 DecalFacing=BOTTOM FilenameFormat=INSIGNIA Position=13.300,-2.700 Scale=1.8 DecalMaxLOD=3 [Decal007] MeshName=Vtail_L DecalLevel=0 DecalFacing=LEFT FilenameFormat=INSIGNIA Position=-11.900,1.950 Scale=2.0 DecalMaxLOD=3 [Decal008] MeshName=VTail_R DecalLevel=0 DecalFacing=RIGHT FilenameFormat=INSIGNIA Position=-11.900,1.950 Scale=2.0 DecalMaxLOD=3 [Decal009] MeshName=Rudder_L DecalLevel=0 DecalFacing=LEFT FilenameFormat=INSIGNIA Position=-11.900,1.950 Scale=2.0 DecalMaxLOD=3 [Decal010] MeshName=Rudder_R DecalLevel=0 DecalFacing=RIGHT FilenameFormat=INSIGNIA Position=-11.900,1.950 Scale=2.0 DecalMaxLOD=3 [Decal011] MeshName=Tail DecalLevel=2 DecalFacing=LEFT FilenameFormat=SOVIETWHITENUM Position=-9.650,0.550 Scale=1.6 DecalMaxLOD=3 [Decal012] MeshName=Tail DecalLevel=2 DecalFacing=RIGHT FilenameFormat=SOVIETWHITENUM Position=-9.650,0.550 Scale=1.6 DecalMaxLOD=3 [Decal013] MeshName=Nose DecalLevel=2 DecalFacing=LEFT FilenameFormat=SOVIETWHITENUM Position=3.000,-0.100 Scale=2.0 DecalMaxLOD=3 [Decal014] MeshName=Nose DecalLevel=2 DecalFacing=RIGHT FilenameFormat=SOVIETWHITENUM Position=3.000,-0.100 Scale=2.0 DecalMaxLOD=3
  12. Great work and I just love the 'Azon' powered bomb!
  13. The Hawker Hurricane masquerading as the... Pfalz Flugzeugwerke D.XXXII - Jasta 25, Deutsche Luftstreitkräfte, 1936
  14. DAT have one. I think it's in the beta section. I did a 'what if' post-war version Republic P-72B Superbolt - JG71, German Air Force, 1950 Following the end of the Berlin Airlift in May 1949 the U.S. made urgent calls for the rearmament of West Germany in order to help defend Western Europe from similar Soviet aggression. Whilst naturally condemned by the Soviet Union this plan was also initially rejected by most Western European nations but by late 1949 consensus was reached and West Germany was allowed to re-arm within the framework laid out by the European Defence Community. The German Air Force was officially created on April 1st, 1950 when JG71 reformed with Republic P-72B's supplied under the offshore procurement policy.

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