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Everything posted by Spinners

  1. Hawker Typhoon 1B - 335th Fighter Squadron, 4th Fighter Group, United States Army Air Force, October 1942 Following the Dieppe Raid in August 1942 there was excitement amongst the RAF's three 'Eagle' squadrons following a strong rumour that they would soon all re-equip with the new Spitfire IX but this excitement turned to disappointment when Hawker Typhoons began to arrive in early September. Initially equipping No.121 squadron, Typhoons had soon replaced the Spitfire Vb's of No.71 and No.133 squadrons just in time for all three squadrons to be officially handed-over to the fledgling Eighth Air Force of the United States Army Air Forces becoming the 4th Fighter Group. In the hands of the 4th Fighter Group the Typhoons gained a fearsome reputation for aggression when used offensively on fighter sweeps but by the Spring of 1943 there was a more pressing need to fly escort missions for which the P-47 Thunderbolt was deemed better suited and the Typhoons were soon phased out of service.
  2. Sorry mate. I've no template and no desire to do that scheme.
  3. Hawker Typhoon 1B - Irish Air Corps, 1947
  4. Myasishchev M-4/3M 'Bison-B' - Soviet detachment to Paran, 1961 'Paran Crisis'
  5. I'm up for that and it's not even 11.00am here in dear old Blighty.
  6. What a sheltered life you've led. They're maple leaves.
  7. Hawker Siddeley Grebe F.7 - No.5 Squadron, RAF Strike Command, 1982 (The outer wing pylons could just be a bit deeper).
  8. Gloster Grebe FAW.2 - No.19 Squadron, RAF Germany, 1972
  9. When Summer's in the meadow...
  10. So why not use the term 'less realistic'. You chose to use 'unrealistic'. Totally different meaning.
  11. Westland Whirlwind Mk.1 - Escadrille 2/I/2 "Le Chardon", Belgian Air Force, May 1940
  12. To be fair, Amariani's first post did not mention comparison with Cocas' Spitfire. It was only when challenged that he used the words "MM's Mks I & V look more realistic" in the context of comparison. Nowhere does he state that Cocas' Spitfire was 'unrealistic'.
  13. The decals folder should be inside the objects folder.
  14. Looking forward to downloading this after work tonight. Thanks MB.
  15. Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast.
  16. What does the numbers list say? And what does the textureset.ini say? In SF2 there are some useful statements stating the decal batch size. Perhaps they need to be added. I'm away from my desktop now but compare and contrast with a stock aircraft or a recent add-on aircraft.
  17. Very impressive - love that camo scheme, that was my era!

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