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Everything posted by Spinners

  1. McDonnell Douglas F-4J(FN) - Flotille 12F, Aéronavale, 1979
  2. Black nose version with USN style jet intake markings removed
  3. McDonnell Douglas F-4J(FN) - Flotille 17F, Aéronavale, 1988 @ Cliff7600 - I know you mean the earlier scheme but I thought I'd try a later scheme using the DLC F-4J skin.
  4. Thankfully, we can put that right.
  5. And a bloomin' good aircraft it was! However, I wonder if the Spey F-4K Phantom with all it's little tricks would have worked?
  6. De Havilland Vixen F.6 - No.74 Squadron, RAF Far East Command, Tengah, 1970 A tweaked version of sundowner's excellent No.1 Sqd skin. As it references stock Third Wire decals I've added it as an attachment. RAF74.7z
  7. Not for me but just do what I did and simply derive one from sundowner's skins (in this case, the USN skin where I think you'll only need to modify the 'Booms' jpg).
  8. Fairchild A-10M Thunderbolt II - Royal Moroccan Air Force
  9. F-4C(67) Phantom II skin-soundMOD

    This mod has given my F-4 flying a welcome boost.
  10. Republic Thunderceptor F.1A - No.111 'Treble One' Squadron, RAF Fighter Command, 1956
  11. Target destroyed.... and we have a new Pope.
  12. Sea Vixen FGA4

    Awesome work - thank you!
  13. De Havilland Vixen F.2A - No.19 Squadron, RAF Germany, 1972
  14. Republic-Canadair CF-103A Thunderbird - 425th Fighter Squadron, "Alouette", Royal Canadian Air Force, 1965
  15. De Havilland Vixen F.2A - No.92 'Cobra' Squadron, RAF Germany, 1973 I thought I'd also give the Vixen to No.19's sister squadron at Gütersloh!
  16. I missed this when first released but it's superb! I love the sounds and the 'war weary' skin!
  17. Well I've just started to use Shrikehawk's Cloud1.tga with a tweaked version of Stary's most recent SARCASM but it's also got a further tweak 'post-process' as well.
  18. Lockheed F-104C Starfighter - 1 Jachtvlieg Afdeling, Royal Netherlands Air Force, 1965
  19. lol - the recently released Dutch WW2 aircraft has inspired me to do this scheme. Odd colours but distinctive and attractive.

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