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Everything posted by Spinners

  1. Sukhoi Su-9 'Fishpot-A' - 104th Fighter Brigade, Egyptian Air Force, 1967
  2. Yes I do. Even when considering that it's an 'AI' type it's such a pity that Third Wire have done such a quick and dirty version of it though : (
  3. @ Enoch - I'm loving those fonts especially the plain white Polish. Required Screenie The Crossing
  4. For tidiness, can these be stored in the individual aircraft folder or do they have to be in the main aircraft folder?
  5. Outstanding! One of the very best!
  6. As it's based on the DAT Henschel Hs P75 that's probably not going to happen...
  7. The Henschel Hs P.75 masquerading as the Petlyakov Pe-11 'Fastfin' Lilya Litvak's Pe-11
  8. Sukhoi Su-9 Fishpot - F13, Flygvapnet, 1977
  9. If that's true (I'm not overly techie) that's a good tip!
  10. Curtiss P-40N Warhawk - No.101 Squadron, Israeli Air Force, 1948 Following the Israeli Declaration of Independence on May 14th, 1948 David Ben-Gurion declared the establishment of a Jewish state to be known as the State of Israel. Within two weeks the Israeli Air Force was formed mainly using foreign volunteer pilots (including many World War II veterans) flying a variety of obsolete and war surplus aircraft sourced by various means. Among these were 30 P-40N Warhawk fighter aircraft delivered in crates from the United States and alongside the Avia S-199's and Supermarine Spitfire LF Mk IX's they formed the backbone of the early Israeli Air Force. Whilst the Warhawks were not ready to help in attempting to halt the Egyptian advance from the South during early June 1948 they were soon in operation in the close support role and also bolstered the air defences around Tel Aviv and were successful in shooting down several Egyptian Air Force DC-3's and Spitfires. The Warhawks were also tasked with escorting the handful of Israeli B-17 bombers but were mainly committed to the support of IDF ground forces. By December 1948 IDF ground forces were ready to commence Operation Assaf to take control of the Western Negev and the Warhawks helped in stopping an Egyptian counterattack and helped prevent another counterattack when a Warhawk flying an aerial reconnaissance sortie revealed Egyptian preparations and the IDF was able to launch a pre-emptive strike. Following the ceasefire the remaining Warhawks were gathered together to re-equip No.101 who operated the type until the end of 1956 playing a minor role in Operation Kadesh by escorting Israeli Air Force DC-3s dropping Israeli paratroopers behind Egyptian lines at the Mitla Pass and Et-Tur. (I've loved doing this one!)
  11. Make them 200 x 200 (from memory use a font size no larger than 48) and then scale them in the decals.ini For RAF aircraft Scale=1.2 for the fuselage is a good start with at least double that for the underwing serials. RN aircraft usually have much smaller fuselage serials.
  12. What size are the tga's? 200 x 200 seems to work for RAF/RN serials. Thinking about it, can't you just make them in GIMP?
  13. MiG-21PFM - Mongolian Air Force, 1981
  14. Mikoyan I-104 - Frontovaya Aviatsiya, 1976 (By Spillone104 and in the SF2 downloads section)

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