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Everything posted by Spinners

  1. I'd try to colour-match the existing skin to your preferred colour by adjusting the Hue, Chroma and Lightness settings in GIMP.
  2. McDonnell RF-101D Voodoo - Voodoo Reconnaissance Flight, Grupo 2, Fuerza Aérea Argentina, 1982 After President Juan Perón was ousted during the short 'Revolución Libertadora' in 1955, US-Argentine relations improved to the extent that, in 1959, President Arturo Frondizi became the first Argentine president to visit the United States. Soon after, Argentina supported the isolation of Cuba after 1960 and also supported the American Alliance for Progress and also the American invasion of the Dominican Republic in 1965. US President Lyndon Baines Johnson rewarded Argentinian President Arturo Umberto Illia with a military aid package with the main beneficiary being the Fuerza Aérea Argentina who received 20 North American F-100C Super Sabres, 15 Convair F-102A Delta Dagger interceptors and 15 McDonnell RF-101A Voodoo reconnaissance aircraft. All 50 aircraft were drawn from USAF stocks and delivered during the latter part of 1965 and early 1966. The RF-101A Voodoo's were hastily refurbished by McDonnell to emerge as RF-101D's with all classified equipment removed and entered service in May 1966. By early 1982 the Fuerza Aérea Argentina's force of RF-101D's had dwindled to just the six aircraft of the Voodoo Reconnaissance Flight attached to the Canberra equipped Grupo 2 de Bombardeo based at Río Grande on the Isla Grande de Tierra del Fuego. During the Falklands War of 1982, the RF-101D's flew several missions to locate the British fleet with a final sortie over the north-west coast of East Falkland on May 22nd to photograph the position of the British Amphibious Task Group after the landings of the previous evening. In total, the Voodoo Reconnaissance flight flew 21 'Malvinas' missions with no losses. Skin Credit: yakarov79 BTW the terrain is Gepard's Rio de la Plata Bay and not the Falklands/Malvinas.
  3. McDonnell CF-101A Voodoo - No.422 Squadron, Royal Canadian Air Force, 1964 Template Credit: sundowner
  4. McDonnell CF-101C Voodoo - No.421 Squadron, Canadian Air Force, 1977 Template Credit: sundowner Still one of the best 3D models ever made for Strike Fighters!
  5. ScreenShots Sueltos

    ^ Buenas imágenes allí! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Un vuelo vudú ficticio adjunto al Grupo 2 de Bombardeo
  6. Bump (to explain why the Strikemaster was still around in 1991).
  7. BAC Strikemaster FGA.1 - No.208 Squadron, RAF Middle East Command, 1966 In the so-called 'Aden Protectorate' (today part of Yemen) during the early 1960's various disparate anti-British guerrilla groups slowly formed into two larger organisations consisting of the Egyptian-supported National Liberation Front and the Front for the Liberation of Occupied South Yemen. Attacks against the British began at a relatively low level but suddenly escalated on December 14th, 1963 with an National Liberation Front grenade attack at Khormaksar Airport that killed two people and injured another fifty including the British High Commissioner. Later on the same day a state of emergency was declared in Aden. Attacks against British forces by the National Liberation Front and the Front for the Liberation of Occupied South Yemen continued and relied mainly on grenade attacks largely focused on killing off-duty British officers and policemen. In 1964 the British 24th Infantry Brigade arrived to conduct land operations and the RAF station at Khormaksar was quickly expanded, eventually operating nine squadrons including the Hawker Hunter fighter-bombers of No.208 Squadron who had been previously based at RAF Muharraq in Bahrain. Air strikes by fighter-bombers against the mobile guerilla forces were often ineffective and Army commanders considered that with complete air superiority then perhaps a slower aircraft with an observer assisting the pilot might be a more accurate combination in supporting British ground forces and attacking the rebels. BAC had already been proposing an armed version of the Jet Provost to the RAF for weapons training without success but tried again towards the end of 1964 and were rewarded with a production contract for 50 armed Jet Provost trainers in January 1965. With the Jet Provost T.5 still on the BAC production line and BAC already developing the private venture BAC 167 Strikemaster then the new aircraft was developed very quickly. Essentially an armed version of the Jet Provost T.5, the Strikemaster FGA.1 featured an uprated Rolls-Royce Viper turbojet engine, four underwing hardpoints, two machine guns under the intakes and new communication and navigation gear. Entering service in February 1966 with No.208 squadron at RAF Khormaksar the Strikemaster force was expanded when No.8 Squadron re-equipped with the type in April 1966. Both units flew armed reconnaissance sorties in the Radfan and Dhala areas a difficult task as the rugged terrain aided concealment and camouflage. The Hunter FR.10's of No. 1417 Flight and the Shackleton MR.3's of No.37 Squadron helped with pre-strike and post-strike photographs and during the Autumn of 1966 the rebel forces in the Radfan area increasingly used caves to store arms and ammunition. These difficult targets were successfuly attacked by both the Strikemaster ground-attack squadrons often under FAC control. However, repeated guerrilla attacks against British forces by the National Liberation Front continued (and subsequently increased after the 1967 Six-Day war) causing the British to leave Aden by the end of November 1967. Following the British departure, the National Liberation Front managed to seize power and establish the People's Republic of South Yemen. The Radfan Strikefighter wing returned to the UK to form a new Tactical Weapons Unit at RAF Brawdy operating the type until 1991. Skin Credit: allenjb42
  8. BAC Strikemaster FGA.1 - No.208 Squadron, RAF Middle East, 1991 This little plane is huge fun!
  9. I've done them at 90% opacity. The finflash has been scaled down a bit to give a gap around the finflash. It was touching the sides which won't work (well it will, but the entire mesh will be covered in colour). FINFLASH242.tga INSIGNIA242.tga -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  10. I find GIMP so easy for making decals and especially if you make your default 'canvas' a transparency. My tutorial is on here somewhere. I'll convert these for you. Give me 5 minutes.
  11. ScreenShots Sueltos

  12. BAC JetProvost T5a Skins

    Fantastic work and a huge improvement on the original 1024 x 1024 skins.
  13. 1. Avro Canada CF-100 Mk.4 - 21° Gruppo, 53° Stormo, Aeronautica Militare, 1960 2. Avro Canada CF-100 Mk.4 - 101 Squadron, Israeli Air Force, 1967 3. Avro Canada CF-100 Mk.4 - No.153 Squadron, Royal Air Force, 1957 4. Avro Canada CF-100 Mk.4 - Fliegerstaffel 16, Swiss Air Force, 1962
  14. I did look in my install and I don't have a two-seater. But I think I was on SF1 at that time so it might be in the SF1 downloads.

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