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Everything posted by Spinners

  1. BAC Thunderstrike Mk.56 - No.1 Squadron, Belgian Air Force, 1974 (Stock Third Wire Mirage Serial Numbers are used).
  2. Trial and error. You'll get quicker with experience.
  3. When I saw the title I thought you'd joined DCS... and how lonely must that be?
  4. Valmet Aviation VLH-1 'Taifuuna' - Ilmavoimat, 1949 In the immediate aftermath of World War 2 the Finnish Ministry of Defence (Puolustusministeri) embarked upon a bold programme to build two indigenous fighter aircraft for service with the Ilmavoimat with Hävittäjä-A being planned to be an interim piston-engined fighter aircraft to enter service in 1948 whilst the more ambitious Hävittäjä-B was planned to be a jet propelled fighter aircraft to enter service in 1950. To facilitate the indigenous production of these fighter aircraft the Parliament of Finland quickly created the state-owned Valtion Lentokonetehdas aircraft company as part of their new Valtion Metallitehtaat conglomerate. By early 1946 the Hävittäjä-A project had become the VLH-1 (with a design heavily influenced by the North American P-51 Mustang but powered by a Rolls-Royce Griffon 73 engine rated at 2,250hp with fuel injection) whilst the more advanced Hävittäjä-B (VLH-2) project resembled the contemporary Saab 29. However, the VLH-2 was cancelled in October 1946 due to strong Soviet objections voiced during the Paris Peace Conference which had a major impact on the future size and shape of the Ilmavoimat. With all resources now focused on just one project development moved smoothly during 1947 with the VLH-1 prototype taking to the air on August 15th, 1947 from the small Valtion Lentokonetehdas company airfield alongside the Tampere production line. Entering service as the 'Taifuuna' (Typhoon) in 1948 a total of 60 VLH-1's were produced serving with three Ilmavoimat squadrons until they were replaced by Supermarine Swifts during the mid-1950's.
  5. Runs smoothly for me and without stuttering.
  6. Supermarine Spitfire F.22's - No.2 Leinster Squadron, Irish Air Corps, 1948 aka 'The Battle of Three Rock Mountain, Dublin Bay'
  7. Up at 04.00hrs to visit our head office and about 400 miles under my wheels so coming home to this is sheer bliss!!! Downloading now - see you in a Spitfire 22 sometime - smoke me a kipper I'll be back for breakfast - tally ho!
  8. Wings Over Europe (Catchy title that)
  9. Mirage IIIE Armée de l'Air

    Chapeau! I love this sex plane!
  10. North American F-100D 'Firangi' - No.26 Squadron (The Warriors), Indian Air Force, 1966 India's relationship with the USA in the immediate post-independence period was cold at best but things improved following Eisenhower's historic visit to India in 1959 (the first by a US president) who gave Prime Minister Nehru a solid guarantee that the US would help India to meet further Chinese Communist aggression. To this end, the US Government offered a gift to India of 77 North American F-100D's straight off the Columbus assembly line. These were the very last new-build F-100's produced and this small order proved to be a useful boost to North American who had suffered the cancellation of the F-107 and F-108 programmes. Entering service with No.26 Squadron in 1961 the F-100D was known as the 'Firangi' (an Indian sword) in Indian Air Force service and the type served in the tactical attack role with four front-line IAF squadrons acquitting itself very well in both the 1965 and 1971 conflicts with Pakistan.
  11. Kittyhawk Mk1A

    Cheers mate - this is delightful!!
  12. Yes, it's a good one and works OK in SF2 too!
  13. Bravo Mario! A magnificent anthology of 'what if' Mirages.
  14. I think you mean income versus costs with profits (or margin) being the result.
  15. Lockheed Starfighter FGA.1 - No.41 Squadron, RAF South East Asia Command, 1968

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