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Everything posted by Spinners

  1. Ah, yes! I must get that one back into my latest install because it's a cracker.
  2. Yes, it's a decal from a F-104 mod found in the SF1 section but I can't remember which one.
  3. It's based on the new DLC and I will not 'gift' the superb F-104C skin to those who might not have bought it.
  4. Blurry Razbam? Sounds like a 1970's West Coast guitarist.
  5. Lockheed F-104C Starfighter - No.3 Squadron, Royal Australian Air Force, 1967 The RAAF's search for a Sabre replacement led to a joint evaluation team from the Departments of Air and Supply visiting Europe and North America during 1960 with the Lockheed F-104C Starfighter eventually edging out the Dassault Mirage and Saab J35 Draken in a closely fought contest.
  6. Is this something we can fix ourselves?
  7. Avia S-199 - No.1 Fighter Squadron, Irish Air Corps, 1949 My first dip into the excellent Third Wire A.I. plane Pack.
  8. Well, some existing AI textures are 5122 but the jets included here are all 10242 and the F-104C LOD's have some nice little details. IMHO it represents excellent value for money.
  9. Grumman Tomcat FRS.1 - 803 Naval Air Squadron
  10. For me, the star of the show is the F-104C!
  11. The jets have 10242 skins and the Avia's 5122 I'm too damn eager!!
  12. Apart from the little (but welcome) fixes it looks like this was released to facilitate the installation of the new AI plane pack.
  13. Patch applied... and the world is still turning!
  14. It wasn't meant to be. We're problem solving here.
  15. They are for the Third Wire Kitty and I'll try and release them over the next few weeks. This is what you get when you cross J-Lo with an F-16...
  16. View File [Fictional] Supermarine Sora FG.1 Supermarine Sora FG.1 for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2 This is the Supermarine Type 576 (a proposed supersonic development of the Scimitar) as it might of appeared in service as the Sora FG.1 with fictional markings for the following squadrons of the Royal Navy Fleet Air Arm; 736 Naval Air Squadron - attached to HMS Eagle. 767 Naval Air Squadron - shore based at Yeovilton. 803 Naval Air Squadron - attached to HMS Eagle. 807 Naval Air Squadron - attached to HMS Eagle. This mod uses the Sora 3D model by Cocas who asked me to test it and then package it up and release it so as to allow him to move onto other projects. INSTRUCTIONS 1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the SoraFG1 folder into your Aircraft folder. 2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the SoraFG1 folder into your main Decals folder. 3. From the PILOTS folder drag and drop the PILOT_RN folder into you main Pilots folder. 4. From the SOUNDS folder drag and drop the AVON_DRY and AVON_WET files into your main Sounds folder. 5. From the WEAPONS folder drag and drop all three folders into your main Weapons folder. CREDITS Thanks to Third Wire for the continuous improvement of a great little game/sim. Massive thanks to Cocas for creating the Sora 3D model and skin. Thanks to Ravenclaw_007 for the AGM-12C Bullpup missile. And thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community. Regards Spinners Version 1 - 27/05/13 Submitter Spinners Submitted 05/27/2013 Category What If Hangar  
  17. The uppermost link above predates SF2 (Dec 2008) so the mapping will probably be way off.
  18. Isn't it part of the 3D model?

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