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Everything posted by Spinners

  1. No problem Daniel - it was a pleasure!
  2. Supermarine Sora FG.1 - 767 Naval Air Squadron, Royal Navy Fleet Air Arm, 1965 Thanks to Cocas for letting me have a play with his latest 3D creation!
  3. Version Version 1a


    Supermarine Sora FG.1 for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2 This is the Supermarine Type 576 (a proposed supersonic development of the Scimitar) as it might of appeared in service as the Sora FG.1 with fictional markings for the following squadrons of the Royal Navy Fleet Air Arm; 736 Naval Air Squadron - attached to HMS Eagle. 767 Naval Air Squadron - shore based at Yeovilton. 803 Naval Air Squadron - attached to HMS Eagle. 807 Naval Air Squadron - attached to HMS Eagle. This mod uses the Sora 3D model by Cocas who asked me to test it and then package it up and release it so as to allow him to move onto other projects. INSTRUCTIONS 1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the SoraFG1 folder into your Aircraft folder. 2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the SoraFG1 folder into your main Decals folder. 3. From the PILOTS folder drag and drop the PILOT_RN folder into you main Pilots folder. 4. From the SOUNDS folder drag and drop the AVON_DRY and AVON_WET files into your main Sounds folder. 5. From the WEAPONS folder drag and drop all three folders into your main Weapons folder. CREDITS Thanks to Third Wire for the continuous improvement of a great little game/sim. Massive thanks to Cocas for creating the Sora 3D model and skin. Thanks to Ravenclaw_007 for the AGM-12C Bullpup missile. And thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community. Regards Spinners Version 1 - 27/05/13
  4. Grumman Tomcat FRS.1's - 893 Naval Air Squadron
  5. I'd be tempted to use the F-16A_Netz pit and if people haven't got SF2I then ask them why not ; )
  6. No mate. Left was previously OK but Reverse=TRUE on the Right VTail
  7. Reverse your eagles Daniel!
  8. Supermarine Sora FG.1 - 807 Naval Air Squadron, Royal Navy Fleet Air Arm, 1966 Egress to Eagle!
  9. Version 2


    It's May 1977 and Israeli Forces are flying in support of Dhimar. You are commanding CRAB flight, a two-ship element tasked with destroying Parani airfield P11 but beware! A two-ship flight of Parani MiG-21PFM's from P12 are already in the air and a four-ship flight of Parani Mig-21bis are desperately trying to scramble from the very same P11 airfield whose runway you are trying to bomb! It's a race against time. Will you get there before the MiG's get airborne? Simply add this game generated mission to your Missions folder. A quad-merged install is required. [MissionHeader] AircraftType=KfirC2 MissionMap=DESERT MissionType=STRIKE StartTime=12:19:44 StartDate=05/14/1977 The game generated this mission and I just love those missions when MiG's are trying to get off the ground just as you get there so I saved it. i hope it works for you.
  10. Noah had the first one but this was the best one...
  11. Supermarine Sora FG.1's - 767 Squadron, Royal Navy Fleet Air Arm, 1962
  12. Dassault Mirage FGA.2 - No.1 Squadron, Royal Air Force Strike Command, 1970
  13. Not at the moment as it uses a DLC skin and I just haven't got the time to convert something else.
  14. BAe Brigand FRS.1 - 801 Naval Air Squadron, Royal Navy Fleet Air Arm, 1985
  15. With the exception of the Attacker, Supermarine did use alliteration so how about Selene (Greek Goddess of the Moon) or Sora (a water bird but this is rarely seen in Britain).

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