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Everything posted by Spinners

  1. No, not that specific one. But I'll send you the decals.
  2. Ah, yes. I can see the familiar Mikoyan fin. Good luck with this project mate.
  3. BAC Lightning F2 - No.19 Squadron, Royal United States Air Force, 1976
  4. BAC Lightning F.56 - 113 Esc, 11 Ala, Ejército del Aire, 1972 A question for my Spanish friends - what font is correct for codes and serials?
  5. View File [Fictional] BAC Lightning F.56 'NATO' BAC Lightning F.56 for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2 (EP2) This is a very simple mod of the stock Third Wire BAC Lightning F.53 to give a fictional 'multi-role' Lightning F.56N in service with the Ejército del Aire and Aeronautica Militare Italiana during the 1967 to 1988 timeline. Colourful markings are included for; EDA Silver - Ala 11 EDA Camo - Ala 12 AMI Silver - 51º Stormo AMI Camo - 6º Stormo INSTRUCTIONS 1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the Lightning56 folder into your Aircraft folder. 2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the Lightning56 folder into your Decals folder. 3. From the WEAPONS folder drag and drop the AS-30 folder into your Weapons folder. CREDITS As always, big thanks to Third Wire for the continuous improvement of a great little game/sim. Expansion Pack 2 rocks! And thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community. Regards Spinners Version 2 - 16/02/13 Version 1 - 03/01/11 Submitter Spinners Submitted 01/03/2011 Category What If Hangar  
  6. Revised with new Ejército del Aire markings and the previous Aeronautica Militare Italiana markings now folderised.
  7. All decals done - will release tomorrow within my Lightning F.56 'NATO'.
  8. This entry from the stock Kurnass should help... [Decal017] MeshName=fuselage_front DecalLevel=3 DecalFacing=LEFT FilenameFormat=killA Position=7.71,-0.28 Rotation=0.0 Scale=0.6 DecalMaxLOD=2
  9. BAC Lightning F56 - Ala12, Ejército del Aire, 1973 Must sort out that missing underwing roundel!
  10. Nice one Mario. What would you suggest for the Lightning in EDA service?
  11. BAC-Dassault Foudre (Lightning) - Escadron de Chasse 1/2 Cigognes, Armée de l'Air, 1967 The various Anglo-French aviation projects of the early 1960's also extended to the licence-production of the Avon engined Dassault Mirage by BAC as the RAF's Hunter replacement and also the licence-production of the BAC Lightning by Dassault as an interceptor for the Armée de l'Air. Entering service in 1967 the Foudre served as a fast-climbing interceptor with several squadrons before being retired in the mid-1980's.
  12. Perhaps they had earlier operated the Lightning F.3
  13. BAC Lightning F.51's of the Ala 11 display team
  14. Is the font like the standard USAF one (whose name escapes me) ??
  15. BAC Lightning F.56 - 154 Gruppo, 6 Stormo Aeronautica Militare, 1973
  16. BAC Lightning F.52 - Royal Saudi Air Force
  17. Yes please! BTW Do you have a Crusader template?
  18. BAC-Dassault Foudre - Escadron de chasse 3/10 'Vexin', Armée de l'air, Republic of Djibouti, 1980 Skin Credit: James Fox - cheers mate!

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