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Everything posted by Spinners

  1. My daughter has pinched by external HD for her college work so I've treated myself to a new desktop external HD. Tonight is back up night....
  2. Me too. Especially the Dhimari Buccaneer!
  3. Great work! That cockpit sound loop is very immersive.
  4. Is the correct answer.
  5. I'm convinced it will happen after the next flurry of activity (SFTuna and F-1). The Thunderstreak, Meteor and Mustang were a massive lurch in that direction and I can see us all sticking chewing gum on the inside of the windscreen...
  6. Not all of them mate. I like the Third Wire era as it is and would only wish to go back to 1950 (or 1945) than go forward from 1982. The glass cockpit era leaves me cold...
  7. If the whole aircraft is black (or any other single colour) the skin bitmap names are not matching what the LOD's are calling out for. This has nothing to do with decals. Find a skin that works with the F-15 model (i.e. the skin that came with it) and then compare the bitmap names with what you are trying to add. The only other reason that a whole aircraft would be black would be the unlikely event that all skin bitmaps still have a transparency layer present.
  8. McDonnell Douglas Phantom FR.3 - 899 Naval Air Squadron, Royal Navy, 1982 The adoption of the Rolls-Royce Spey for the British Phantoms led McDonnell Douglas to offer a range of Phantoms powered by the British turbofan including the F-4L for the US Navy and the swing-wing F-4S but the only extra variants to see production were the RF-4K (Phantom FR.3) for the Royal Navy and the similar RF-4M (Phantom FR.5) for the RAF. The total production of the two new variants was a meagre 50 aircraft and which also saw a small reduction in the RAF's F-4M order to 100 aircraft. TMF's 'what if' RF-4K with an overall EDSG scheme and 'B' type roundels and steaming south in 1982 (and swinging by Vietnam en route - navigator's aren't what they used to be)!
  9. Indeed, JSF_Aggies Desert terrain is superb and gives a hint of SF2I to good ol' SF2.
  10. Thanks mate. You haven't got an F-4E nosed F-4M there by any chance? LOL That was the Holy Grail for me when I was 'Airfix' mad in the 1970's and I grafted an Hasegawa F-4E nose onto a Frog F-4K! Wish I'd taken pictures of it...
  11. Fist of the Fleet... McDonnell Douglas Phantom FR.4 - 899 Naval Air Squadron, Royal Navy, 1982 TMF's very inventive 'what if' RF-4K (and you thought they only did real life - lol) with a new overall EDSG skin created by using sundowner's exceptional F-4S templates.
  12. Perhaps it stay dumb and austere but in Korea.
  13. Luckily for us, he's also notorious for putting it right, giving outstanding customer support and moving the series forward.
  14. Flew it a lot when it was released. No problems here...
  15. Mitsubishi-Valmet F-2X - Fighter Squadron 31, Ilmavoimat, 2012
  16. Great work Kevin. Flying around in a new terrain as good as this is a real joy!
  17. [Fictional] MiG-23MLDK Flogger-K (Kurdistan)

    You obviously haven't got the MiG-23MLD LOD's...
  18. Version Version 1


    MiG-23MLDK Flogger-K for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2 This is a very simple mod of the stock MiG-23MLD to give a fictional MiG-23MLDK in Kurdistan service from 1991 onwards. INSTRUCTIONS 1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the MiG-23MLDK folder into your Aircraft folder. 2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the MiG-23MLDK folder into your Decals folder. That's it! CREDITS As always, big thanks to Third Wire for a great little game/sim. And thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community. Regards Spinners Version 1 - 20/11/11
  19. McDonnell Douglas F-4K - No.69 Squadron, 'The Hammers', Hey'l Ha'avir, 1970
  20. Sorry mate but I won't be releasing it as it was just as a request to someone on another site and has no panel lines, etc. on the new upper surface paint. In other words, it's a bit R.A.F. (rough as f*@#)

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