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Everything posted by Spinners

  1. Breda Ba.65 of the Parani Air Force attacks the Dhimari front-line, August 1944
  2. Republic Thunderstreak FB.4 - No.263 Squadron, RAF Fighter Command, 1957
  3. Arabian nights... The superb Breda Ba.65 from WoA but with Parani markings.
  4. From memory, select normal brush then ' colour from gradient'. Experiment... you won't break anything!
  5. It's a normally done by using a light grey and then using very high specular and reflection settings in the textureset.ini but engine nozzles (or similar parts) can be given more of a burnished effect by using the gradient brush with a little bit of what you fancy (purple, gold, silver) using 1-5% opacity on top of your base colour and building up a suitable distressed effect.
  6. Before this update there were about 10,000 'skin' decals now there are 15,600 decals! Someone's been busy...
  7. It's stuffed full of decals. Object Data002 is the new Hangar 51 as it doesn't open
  8. At last! The Holy Grail that is ObjectData005 is revealed...
  9. My understanding of steelflankers post is that they are stock decals.
  10. My install had become (like me) a bit bloated so I went 'scorched earth' and found it a doddle to install and patch. First impressions are good and I can't believe we get this for free! BTW My first two flights were in the Mustang and Meteor and I can see quite a few new skins!
  11. lindr's re-vamp of Pasko's Yak-28B.
  12. Thanks mate! Really good stuff.
  13. First-class! Well done and thank you!
  14. Weather Girls

    None of them can hold a candle to Poula Fisch http://video.google....450265411265667#
  15. Great work. Flies really nice too!
  16. Summer Movie Time

    The Dambusters - wonderful stuff! Must watch it to commemorate the 68th anniversary this month. Après moi le Deluge.
  17. Macchi M.C.250 'Athena' - 6º Stormo, Aeronautica Militare, 1949
  18. The Martin-Baker MB.5 masquerading as the Macchi M.C.250 'Athena'...
  19. Thanks mate. I've always liked this scheme.

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