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Everything posted by Spinners

  1. Thanks guys. It was a bit of a rush job as I wanted to watch Chelsea v. Man Utd last night but did anyone notice the pilot's name? (Might be a Brit thing)
  2. A Tiny ray of sunlight..in so much sadness

    Good news. As you say, in context, it is a tiny ray of sunlight but heartwarming nonetheless.
  3. I thought it was the Tomcat that had the beaver tail?
  4. McDonnell Douglas Eagle F.1 - No.79 Squadron, RAF Germany, 1983
  5. Attacker! (Does exactly what it says on the tin)
  6. Whoa! I think you're getting ndicki's advice and mine mixed up. I replied to "I do not how to modified the model LOD files..."
  7. Supermarine Attacker FB.4 - No.79 Squadron, 2nd Tactical Air Force, RAF Germany, 1951
  8. Love those long-span Earth Pigs! BTW - welcome to Combat Ace!
  9. Probably not but I couldn't resist allocating '1982' to the date on the B.3 pics!
  10. Hi ace888. I'm in work so a quick reply. Download a hex editor (google" hex editor" XV132) and this will allow you to open up a LOD. Copy the LOD and put the copy somewhere safe. Open up the LOD you want to change to .dds and find the reference to the skin texture (e.g. fuselage.bmp). Take extreme care and only change the suffix from .bmp to .dds. Please note that if a texture is called fuselage.bmp you cannot rename it to fuselage1.bmp as the number of letters has to be exactly the same or it will not work.
  11. The Northrop B-49 masquerading as the prototype De Havilland Viking B.1 As always, more photographs (B.1, B.2 and B.3) are at my thread on the 'what if' modellers website - link below. Kudos and thanks to the legend that is "Wrench, The" for passing on the Viking to which I have simply added some decals.
  12. De Havilland Viking B.2 - No.148 Squadron, RAF Bomber Command, 1961
  13. British humor

    Chortle! (Copyright: The Beano)
  14. LOL I guess the clue is in the name - XFV-12!
  15. Perhaps a move to the SF2 section might kick-start things?
  16. Not too sure about that because of the existence of the YF-12A (the Blackbird based interceptor).
  17. Looking good Ed! Keep at it mate.
  18. Sukhoi Su-3 'Flatfoot' - Berlin Sector, Frontovaya Aviatsiya, Soviet Air Forces, 1949 The Commonwealth Aircraft Corporation CA-15B masquerading as the Sukhoi Su-3 high-altitude fighter! More photo's on my 'what if' thread (link below) last page http://www.whatifmod...ic,18821.0.html
  19. CA-15B 'Kangaroo' - No.77 Squadron, RAAF, Korea, 1951
  20. Rockwell F-13A - No.805 Squadron, Royal Australian Navy, 1979 Yes, it'll be nice to show the folks over at the 'what if modelers' website - thank you.
  21. Another (dr)one bites the dust... Rockwell F-13A - VFA-22, 1977
  22. Not quite Kevin. Mine is the prop job whilst yours appears to be a jet. Lovely work though!
  23. @ heretic - quite a low-level laydown but I've got some assorted nuke effects in my folder (can't remember where from) one of which must be creating that effect that came as a surprise to me! Very well done to the person/persons concerned. Avro Antrim B.1

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