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Everything posted by Spinners

  1. Site Navigation

  2. Site Navigation

    No problem Chris. Click on your own name and then (roughly in the centre of your screen) you'll see a tab with 'posts' on it. Update! That would normally work but I've just tried it and it hasn't. Another Update - Your opening post was posted in the pub and you joined on 12/03/11 so that should narrow things down for mate.
  3. The Arado Ar-234B masquerading as the Boulton-Paul Orion PR.2...
  4. Freelancing...

    Judging by the number of times that I've been shot down by a 'Beagle' I thought that they were fighters!
  5. Arado Ar-234B 'Blitz' - No.1 Bomber Regiment, Parani Peoples Republic Air Force, 1947
  6. Hiya Mate. Obvious things first; Look at the decals.ini What decals are being asked for? Do you actually have those decals in the decals folder?
  7. Freelancing...

    A-1H's are especially good against MiG-17's :yes:
  8. Panelli CR.42 'Falcon' - Parani Peoples Republic Air Force, 1940 Hinchinbrooke's fictional Italian Fighter - a bit tricky in SF2 but it provides some opposition for 1939 - 1944 .
  9. Bf109g-10 JG300

    A superb variation on Monty_CZ's masterpiece! Well done.
  10. Yes, I'm sure it'll be quite soon - about two weeks. BTW Please don't reply with pictures!
  11. I'm not too hot on the modern 'glass cockpit' era so was unaware of the 'Fullback' name but I can, of course, claim it as my Yak-45 is a contemporary of the Fulcrum! The lighting is simply the aircraft lights being on (at dawn IIRC) and whatever DX10 does in SF2.
  12. BAe/Convair Corona FG.2 - No.800 Naval Air squadron, Royal Navy Fleet Air Arm, 1986
  13. Version 2


    McDonnell Douglas Hornet FGR.3 for STRIKE FIGHTERS 1 This is a 'what if' RAF Hornet FGR.3 with markings for No.4 squadron of the Royal Air Force. Erwin_hans was good enough to release a blank skin so it was a easy to knock-up an RAF Superbug. This is a fine add-on aircraft for 'Strike Fighters 1' and 101tfs and Erwin_hans have created a true masterpiece - one of the very best add-ons available and I'd like to thank them for their hard work in bringing this aeroplane to us. Please note that in this revision I've simplified the effects and sounds to use stock files and you'll want to change the loadout.ini to suit the weapons you've got as, again, I've left it to stock. INSTRUCTIONS 1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the HORNETFGR3 folder into your Aircraft folder. 2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the HORNETFGR3 into your Decals folder. P.S. Remember to set your Single Mission EndYear=2010,2020,2040 or whatever in your Options.Ini! CREDITS Thanks to TK for a great little game/sim. Thanks to 101tfs and Erwin_hans for creating the first F/A-18F. And thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community. Regards Spinners Version 2 - 03/03/18 Version 1 - 25/08/11 P.S. Remember to set your Single Mission EndYear=2010,2020,2040 or whatever in your Options.Ini!
  14. Nice work on the Mirage PH. Love the 'Avon' stencilling!
  15. Gepard's Fantail tackles Veltro2K's Bell F-109A!!
  16. Yak-45 'Fullback' - Paran Peoples Republic Air Force. 1991
  17. Get one a month to spread out the cost, the anticipation and the enjoyment.
  18. SAIA 90

    @ AleDucat. Un diseño brillante - gracias!

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