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Everything posted by Spinners

  1. Just a polite reminder to everyone that, in the UK, the term 'Paki' is a not socially acceptable - and virtually used only in a derogatory fashion. I fully understand that people from other countries will probably be unaware of this but I'd just like to point it out in (hopefully) a civil manner. Thank You.
  2. Yes, but we know that some people just won't make the effort to have a go themselves (or even visit the Knowledge Base).
  3. That's the option to take!
  4. Version Version 8


    Another update of my RAF/RN Decals for you to use on absolutely whatever you want - be it factual, fictional, historical or hysterical. As a keen 'what-iffer' I 'd especially like to see them appear where they shouldn't! So break out the Century Series, Mirages, MiGs and Sukhois and get 'whiffing' and remember to post your screenshots! I'd love to see them! Regards Spinners Version 8 - 24/03/18
  5. Oi Wrench! It's all your fault! I downloaded your Martlet two days ago and I've enjoyed props so much since then that I've done a 'Middle East Mod' (using froggy's multiple install tip). Even if props fly a bit quirky in SF2 (not that 'Ace Pilots' like me notice) I've had more fun than I ever did in IL-2!
  6. Great work! My G's are a bit quiet so I've used the same lines as found on the 'Arnies' EngineSoundName=JetEngine AfterburnerSoundName=JetBurner
  7. Diamond quality! Thanks a million! BTW it was a great idea to name the folders in the same style as SF2, i.e. F-4E_79, etc.
  8. When SF2 came out in December 2008 I did the 'scorched earth' thing and started afresh adding SF2V and SF2E when they came out. The funny thing is (and I've no reason why) that loading times were superfast with just SF2 but then slowed right up with a merged install of SF2+SF2V before becoming superfast again with the triple merged install of SF2+SF2V+SF2E. The expanded planeset is brilliant
  9. P-47N Thunderbolt of the Finnish Air Force (Ilmavoimat) circa 1949. Russo's delightful P-47N comes with this cool skin and I've just added some simple decals.
  10. Ancient & Modern (Would have worked better with an F-35 but there you go)
  11. I'm a bit late to the prop party but I've had a blast in this! Thanks! Thanks for releasing the awesome 2048x2048 template as well Russo!
  12. Hunter FGA.9 of No.43 squadron in an experimental SEAC scheme.
  13. Early Parani Air Power - Breda Ba.65. Left behind by the Regia Aeronautica the Breda Ba.65's were used by the Parani Air Force against Dhimar.
  14. Oh yes! All dressed up as a Parani interceptor-fighter.
  15. Timmy's Focke-Wulf 'Projeckt Two' (an unbuilt German design by the legendary Kurt Tank) has been used to make a 'what if' Lavochkin La-13 'Fireball' in the same style as the MiG-9 'Fargo' and Yak-15 'Feather'.
  16. June 1942 - The prototype Blackburn Baron fighter aircraft gets airborne at Brough. [Pasko and Starfighter's IAR.80]
  17. Lavochkin La-13 of the VVS, 1949. This is Timmy's Focke-Wulf 'Project Two' masquerading as an early post-war Soviet jet fighter and they did have a few with this configuration.
  18. It flies nice in SF2 - now to get some Parani WW2 opposition!
  19. Fouga - that shot is 'Top Gun' ("the best of the best") Chapeau!
  20. Great work Wrench but I'm sure that you mean British bases!
  21. Be careful Ivan. Harrison Ford might be on board...

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