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Everything posted by Spinners

  1. That's a cracking IDF skin Spectre_USA and very inventive to make a Lavi out of the J-10. We'll probably never know for sure but there's constant references to the J-10 being an evolution of the Lavi. http://archive.newsmax.com/archives/articl.../7/161236.shtml
  2. Kestrel FG.1's (Chengdu J-10A) of No.45 and No.58 squadrons. The J-10A is one of the sweetest flying add-ons ever!
  3. Hi Craig, Just trying to rule out something pretty basic but if you have a pale white tail (i.e. raw LOD lol) then in the 'saving as' process is the file name the same as the old file name? I use The Gimp myself and love it to bits but when working in layers and then going back to a bmp you need to check the 'flatten the image' circle and click on export and then save (this is from memory).
  4. Great news! For me, it means that SFG will see the light of day again as once I got used to having the 'check six' rear view at the flick of a switch I've been unable to play without it. I think I'll use the fictional SFG for introducing new downloads and testing my mods and keep the WOX games for the authentic and semi-authentic (what-if) stuff. Yes, it can be a pain starting from scratch but 'scorched earth' can be good and it's been ages since I've had a CTD. Well done TK and thank you!
  5. Vulture F(AW).1 of No.85 squadron firing a de Havilland Firestreak missile during trials. UK viewers might spot the famous cartoon character from 'The Beano' on the nose. Nurse, my medicene please!
  6. Suggested further reading... http://www.geocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Launchpad/1467/
  7. Chapeau Veltro2K! (or may I call you Veltro?) It flies ever so sweet and just thunders along at tree-top height! BTW it worked straight out of the box in WOE but to get it to work in WOI I had to make reference to the Shahak cockpit and avionics. Not a problem but I thought I'd mention it just in case others try it in WOI.
  8. Folland Tiger FGA.2's of No.222 squadron, October 1975.
  9. Looking forward to this - it's a beautifully shaped machine.
  10. Russ, I am amazed at the 'spectrum' of your work. SIG!!
  11. August 1951 - P-66A Vampire of the 44th AFS (Aggressor Fighter Squadron) closes in on a P-80 Shooting Star.
  12. May 1969 - No.1 squadron trade in their Folland Tiger FGA.2's for the new Hawker Harrier GR.1 suhsjake's superb Grumman F11F-F 'Super Tiger' (already a 'what-if') masquerading as an RAF fighter-bomber. It's a sweet ride! http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=5076
  13. Delta over the Delta. I've been enjoying TMF's lovely Mirage IIIE over the past few days (don't roll it too hard at low-level boys and girls!) and this is a simple 'what-if' using the stock French skin with some SEAC roundels and No.20 squadron decals.
  14. Are you building something bent like a banana?
  15. There are two possible reasons why I was so quick; 1. I used the time travel method. 2. I used the old A-5A template .
  16. The 'In' Crowd Skyray F.1's of 899 NAS intercept USAF Voodoo's during Exercise Cold Sunset, March 1961.
  17. Nice! Lose the IR seeker, add a nose probe and we'll have 'SKYBURNER'. http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=htt...GIH_en%26sa%3DN
  18. Avro-Douglas Skyray F.4 of No.5 squadron, Royal Air Force.

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