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Everything posted by Spinners

  1. This add-on is awesome! I haven't got the cockpit yet but the handling at low-level is superb. I flew one mission without touching the AB's and clobbered the target and two 'red' runways on the way back home but, best of all, with the time compression at X2 or X4 you really do get the impression of hurtling through the landscape. Thankfully, only a couple of Fresco's were about and this baby showed them a clean pair of heels! Mine is a 'what if' with the FB-111A airframe and the engines of the F-111F (25,000lb's of thrust each). Many thanks to everyone who has helped deliver this superb add-on.
  2. Thanks guys! Here is my new RAF Switchblade S.1 (US designation FB-111K). Nurse! I need my medication. Quick!
  3. Is that what it was? I thought it was just some stratospheric effect.
  4. Is there a long-span version available? Either an Aussie C or a SAC FB would be great!
  5. Now that just ain't right! Stock F-4K on the way back down after going through 35,000m at which point it all went haywire and I lost the F6 view. Yes, the Spey-enginned Phantoms had more thrust (20,500lbs x 2) but they were fatter, heavier and draggier.
  6. Still trying to replicate the 1962 Project 'High Jump' records set by production F-4B's. This time I went for 1000km/h at 13,500m before pulling up. Result was 25,135m - still 5,000m short. I think the problem is that we can't get the same speeds on the level that the 'Top Flight' and 'High Jump' guys did. The time to 30,000m set in 1962 was actually 371 seconds and not the 230 seconds I mentioned earlier. (230 seconds was the time taken to pass the 25,000m mark set by soon to be astronaunt John Young).
  7. I discovered SFG in a £10 'pack of four' games back in January 2008... yes, last month! I've never been one for computer games but I've been a military aviation enthusiast for about 35 years with the F-4 Phantom II being one of my favourite aircraft of all time. I was looking at some software in PC World when the F-4E on the cover of SFG (and the low price) caught my eye and I couldn't resist buying it. We'd got my daughter a new laptop for Christmas to replace her four-year old PC which was sitting there doing nothing so I thought I'd try SFG on that. Apart from a delete and install of XP I spent £60 on upgrading the graphics card and adding some memory (112 to 756, still quite modest) and that, I believe, is one of the strengths of the series - your machine spec can be quite modest and it runs! Unlike LOMAC. I've now got all three but run WoE with Desert and Germany terrains and all three aircraft packs. I've started modding but just playing around with skins and decals which is great for an RAF buff like myself as I can now have the RAF flying F-4E's with Red Top missiles! It's a great series and TK can be justly proud. P.S. In the game the Red Top is a great IR missile... but don't tell everyone!
  8. It was a delight to find the Hunter and Spey-engined Phantoms in WoE so a Buccaneer would be the cherry on the top of the cake for me.
  9. Still can't shift the pylons! So let me try 25% fuel and just the pilot! RESULT It did just creep over the 25,000m mark (my picture shows just after the apogee). Great fun. Any thoughts on the optimum speed/altitude at which to haul back on the stick?
  10. I couldn't get rid of the pylons but here's my stock F-4B on the level just before the zoom part (I didn't have time to snap the apogee shot).
  11. Modern Combat Aircraft No. 1 by Bill Gunston has a short but brilliant chapter on these record breaking flights including High Jump, Sageburner, Skyburner and Top Flight. Project Top Flight in 1959 saw a pre-production prototype F4H-1 (F-4A) attain 30,041m (98,560ft) but during Project High Jump a production F4H-1 (F-4B) not only reached the time to height target of 30,000m (98,425ft) in a new record of 230 seconds but soared past the 100,000ft mark too! As I'm typing my stripped down F-4B (no weapons, 50% fuel but with wing pylons) is having a crack at replicating this! RESULT Only 24,600m from doing 1000km/h at 12,700m and zooming up. A cracking bit of fun!
  12. The F-4A's and F-4B's broke many speed, climb and altitude records. I'm trying to replicate them using a stock untweaked F-4B but I would like to shed the pylons. Is this possible?
  13. Not a big problem but I hope that you can help me. I've copied the stock F-4E file from WoE to create an RAF F-4X (just a tweaked F-4E really) and it's showing up on the menu screen and is playable just fine. But now I haven't got the that small 'head-on' load-out piccie that you get when choosing your ordanance.. Can you help?
  14. F-4X - I've changed it back to F-4E and it works! Thanks for the quick response!
  15. WoE for me. Apart from liking the game, the add-ons and the modding community - quite simply it works! Whereas LOMAC just won't run smooth on my PC at all.
  16. Great thread this. Inspirational! I've copied the guns from the Lightning F.Mk6 and stuck them in the A-5B.
  17. It's the Thud for me! Followed by the Sexy Six.
  18. Not so! The North American F-108 never flew and was only ever built as a mock up.
  19. Re. IL-2 1946, I picked up mine in 'Game' today for £10. They were doing 2 games for £15 but I couldn't see another game I liked! I gave the Tempest a quick spin lunchtime and just about managed to shoot down a Storch... tricky little blighters.
  20. I've stuck armourdave's F-105's into SFG and really had a blast last night! On reflection, they're all good!
  21. I only downloaded WOV last night and flew two missions (Thunderchief and Corsair 2) but thought it was excellent. I'd still put WOE ahead of it though as it has the Hunter FGA.9 in tactical camo and markings . After a modest upgrade of my PC I'm really enjoying these little gems and can't wait for WOI - a real interest of mine.
  22. looking for wings over europe

    I had mine off ebay for about 6 euros. WoV is quite rare on ebay so I'm downloading it as we speak (type).
  23. Buccaneer - mega underrated and should still be in production! Canberra - it might have been a modest performer but it was just so graceful. Concorde - simply stunning. A visual tour de force. Hurricane - it and it's pilot's were the real heroes of Britain's finest hour. F-111 - but must be long-span C's or FB's! Foxbat - all angular and jagged but with added 'Warp 9'! F-4 Phantom - my first love. The bg-assed RAF versions are cool but I love the F-4E too! Spitfires - especially those with symetrical radiators and without bubble hoods (PR19 in particular). Tempest - especially the Mk.V with invasion stripes. TSR.2 - it just wasn't to be though. Vigilante - whould have been an interceptor in my 'what-if' world. Vulcan - iconic in it's home country.* * and it must have impressed some USAF fighter jocks looking up at it when it sailed into the USA during a NORAD exercise

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