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Everything posted by Spinners

  1. Messerschmitt Bf-109E-4 (Trop) - 1st Fighter Regiment, Parani Army Air Force, 1942 When Jagdgeschwader 27 began to replace it's Bf-109E's with the far superior Bf-109F model in late 1941 approximately 20 of their war-weary Bf-10E's were freely supplied to the Parani Army Air Force where they re-equiped the 'Desert Eagles' of the 1st Fighter Regiment commanded by General Ahmed Wajai. With their Luftwaffe markings hastily overpainted with the insignia of the Parani Army Air Force, the Parani Bf-109E's were soon in action over the Valley of Kerman shooting down several Dhimari P-40's and P-66's during January 1942. Skin Credit: PappyChksix
  2. Wide cockpit view gives a much better sensation of speed at low-level.
  3. Gloster Celeste FB.2 - No.134 Squadron, RAF South East Asia Command, 1950
  4. Scottish Aviation Prestwick C.1 - No.152 Squadron
  5. The Kokusai Ki-59 masquerading as the Scottish Aviation Prestwick C.1...
  6. Mitsubishi Ki-30P - Parani Army Air Force, 1940
  7. Mitsubishi Ki-30P 'Ann' - 4th Attack Regiment, Parani Army Air Force, 1941 Skin Credit: Charles
  8. Boeing Blackcap Mk.I - Night Fighter Flight, No.79 Squadron, RAF Fighter Command, Munich Crisis, 1938 Skin Credit: Charles
  9. Boeing Blackcap Mk.I - No.73 Squadron, RAF Fighter Command, 1937 Skin Credit: Charles
  10. Handley Page Hatfield B.1 - No.216 Squadron, RAF Middle East, 1940
  11. Handley Page Hatfield B.1 - No.7 Squadron, RAF Bomber Command, 1936
  12. Nab him, jab him, tab him, grab him - stop that pigeon now
  13. Douglas B-24B Mixmaster - 1 Grupo de Bombardeo, Fuerza Aérea Argentina, 1955 At the end of the Korean war the United States Air Force declared the B-42 Mixmaster to be obsolete and surplus to requirements. Despite the tense relations between the USA and Argentina during WW2 and throughout the Perón years the US Department of Defence authorised the sale of 30 B-42B's to Argentina which were delivered in two batches during early 1954 where they replaced the Fuerza Aérea Argentina's remaining Avro Lancasters and supplemented the Avro Lincoln in Fuerza Aérea Argentina service. On June 16th, 1955 two B-42B aircraft from 1 Grupo de Bombardeo operated alongside a mixed force of aircraft from the Comando de la Aviación Naval Argentina in the tragic bombing of the Plaza de Mayo in Buenos Aires where approximately 400 civilians were killed in the largest ever aerial bombing on the Argentine mainland. The type was subsequently used by both the government and rebel forces during the 'Revolución Libertadora' coup which eventually saw Juan Perón being deposed. As late as June 1966, the B-42B's remained in operational use with a force of ten B-42B's taking part in a flypast during the official inauguration of Juan Carlos Onganía as President of Argentina following the 'Revolución Argentina' coup d'état.
  14. I never thought I'd see those two words in the same sentence
  15. Curtiss P-36G Hawk - 126th IAP, Soviet Air Force, Winter 1941-1942
  16. Curtiss P-36G Hawk - 126th IAP, Soviet Air Force, 1941 Skin Credit: Charles
  17. Generally I agree but I disagree about the Vampire. Bill Gunston (RIP) considers that of 'the big three' the UK came away with the least amount of intel but at least two of the three V-Bombers were influenced by German studies.

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