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Everything posted by Spinners

  1. Douglas F-91B Skyshark - 36th Fighter Bomber Squadron, 8th Fighter Bomber Wing, USAF, 1953 The outbreak of the Korean War in June 1950 came just one month after the first flight of the Douglas A2D Skyshark. Even before the Fall of 1950, the USAF could see that it had aircraft to suit every combat role except for the crucial close air support role where it had nothing inbetween the shiny new jets that were short on range and the F-51D Mustangs of WW2 vintage that were short on payload. A USAF evaluation team quickly studied a minimum change version of the Douglas A-1 Skyraider that was by now the backbone of the United States Navy carrier-based attack squadrons having exceptional payload ability and a very long range - indeed, some combat sorties were up to 10-hours long. However, the USAF evaluation team expressed concern that combat reports of these long-range missions constantly referred to pilots literally being dragged out of their cockpits such was their fatigue. In conclusion, the USAF evaluation team considered the A-1 Skyraider to be a good interim machine but recommended a faster follow-on aircraft that still had the A-1's exceptional payload ability. Whilst the USAF were aware of the development problems of the turbo-prop powered Douglas A2D Skyshark they considered that it was a better prospect than any clean sheet of paper project and urged the Department of Defense for more funding to fix the A2D's problems. This re-ignited the United States Navy's interest in it's own program and the resultant joint campaigning effort resulted in more funding for an ambitious accelerated program. With the USAF having withdrawn the A (attack) designation in 1947 the USAF version was confusingly designated F-91* and the prototype YF-91 (converted from the third A2D-1) first flew on July 31st, 1951. Development and testing moved ahead smoothly during the remainder of 1951 and early 1952 with an initial production batch of 12 F-91A's entering service in August 1952 with a joint-service test and evaluation squadron based near the Douglas facility at El Sugundo in California. The main production version was the F-91B which entered service in February 1953 with the 36th Fighter Bomber Squadron temporarily detached to Itazuke Air Base in Japan before deploying to Suwon Air Base, South Korea to commence combat operations in March 1953. Operating in the night attack role the 36th Fighter Bomber Squadron primarily flew bombing and strafing missions against enemy air fields but in May 1953 the 36th succesfully attacked the Kuwonga, Namsi and Taechon Dams. * There's no need to point out that there was a real F-91 (the Republic Thunderceptor) there's not many spare designations in the 'F' era before the Century Series.
  2. I think its kg but for fuel it's virtually the same as litres (a litre of water is 1kg).
  3. BAC Broadsword GR.1 - No.13 Squadron, RAF Strike Command, 1990
  4. if no one else has offered I'll take a shot at it.
  5. All of my Third Wire Spitfires have ExportedToEnemy=FALSE I must do the same with my Vampires and Meteors.
  6. Are we overlooking the fact that it's the Chinese J-6C? [MissionData] NationName=CHINA AircraftRole=FIGHTER AircraftCapability=DAY_ONLY ServiceStartYear=1969 ServiceEndYear=1982 Availability=VERY_COMMON Exported=TRUE ExportStartYear=1978 ExportEndYear=1998 ExportAvailability=COMMON ExportedToEnemy=TRUE PrimaryRoles=CAP,STRIKE,CAS,SEAD,ARMED_RECON SecondaryRoles=SWEEP,ESCORT,INTERCEPT,ANTI_SHIP NormalMissionRadius=310 MaxMissionRadius=465 Ceiling=17900.0 MinBaseSize=SMALL
  7. The Mighty Hunter (I need a name for this!)
  8. Handley Page Haydock C.2 - No.30 Squadron, RAF Transport Command, 1963 Skin Credit: paulopanz
  9. Handley Page Haydock C.1 - No.24 Squadron, RAF Transport Command, 1961 Skin Credit: paulopanz
  10. View File B-42A Mixmaster for Strike Fighters 2 Douglas B-42A Mixmaster for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2 This is the B-42 Mixmaster by veltro2k with some fictional 'in service' operational USAAF/USAF B-424A schemes using Third Wire's date switch to give you the USAAF starbar in 1944 to 1947 and then the USAF starbar (and nation name) from 1948 onwards. You can fly the prototype in 1944 and for gameplay reasons we've placed it in service from 1945 onwards with service years allowing for use in the Korean War (check out the night scheme) and all operational schemes have new nose art decals. The unique feature of the B-42 is, of course, it's twin bubble canopies and this caused some problems when 'in cockpit' as panning to starboard cannot accurately show a real world view of the right-hand canopy, the co-pilot and his cockpit so it's a bit of a compromise which we trust you will accept. If anyone can suggest any improvements in the cockpit view then let us know. It's likely some of you will want to do your own skins for favourite squadrons or perhaps for export versions so a template is included and we'd love to see your results! The B-42A Mixmaster is brought to you by; B-42 3D Model - veltro2k B-42A Skins/Decals - Spinners B-42A FM and ini's - Wrench INSTRUCTIONS 1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the B-42A folder into your Aircraft folder. 2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the B-42A folder into your Decals folder. 3. From the WEAPONS folder drag and drop the enclosed folders into your Weapons folder. 4. From the SOUNDS folder drag and drop the enclosed sound file into your Sounds folder. That's it! CREDITS As always, thanks to Third Wire for a great little game/sim. Huge thanks to veltro2k for not only tackling this aircraft but also cranking in improvements along the way. Thanks to russouk2004 for his help with the 3D model. Thanks also to Capun for the Do-335 used as the damaged model. Thanks to Wrench for his work on the flight model and ini work. And, finally, thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community. Regards Spinners Version 1 - 21/08/2020 Submitter Spinners Submitted 08/21/2020 Category What If Hangar  
  11. Thanks. Actually all the tga's are there but we changed a mesh name quite late in the day. Mue's Viewer shows the decal but it doesn't appear in game. Try this for decals 11 & 12 [Decal011] MeshName=FwdFuselage DecalLevel=2 DecalFacing=LEFT FilenameFormat=B-42A/Prototype/NoseNum Position=7.000,-0.225 Scale=0.6 DecalMaxLOD=3 [Decal012] MeshName=FwdFuselage DecalLevel=2 DecalFacing=RIGHT FilenameFormat=B-42A/Prototype/NoseNum Position=7.000,-0.225 Scale=0.6 DecalMaxLOD=3
  12. View File [Fictional] RAF SEPECAT Jaguar FGR.3 SEPECAT Jaguar FGR.3 for STRIKE FIGHTERS 2 This is a simple mod of the excellent 'The Mirage Factory' Jaguar GR.1 to give a 'what if' Jaguar FGR.3 tactical fighter with markings for No.45 and No.58 squadrons of No.38 Group, RAF Strike Command. This revision now also includes a desert camo skin for No.112 squadron and uses a revised 3D model. BACKSTORY In 1974 a cancelled export order for 50 Jaguar Internationals left the SEPECAT consortium with a headache as many 'long lead' items had already been ordered and assembly was already underway on the first 12 airframes. At this time the RAF were keen to order more Jaguars to form a second wing of No.38 Group, RAF Strike Command and, with the delays in the Tornado production programme meaning a shortage of work at BAC's Warton factory, BAC pushed the Labour government into accepting a deal for all 50 aircraft. Some consideration was given to standardising the aircraft to match the RAF's GR.1 force but the uprated Adour engines and different avionics saw the aircraft confusingly designated as the Jaguar FGR.3. Entering service in early 1977 the Jaguar FGR.3's served with No.45 and No.58 squadrons as part of No.38 Group and also with a reformed No.112 Squadron detached to RAF Near East Air Force. The FGR.3's uprated Adour engines and early introduction of overwing missile rails made them something of an elite element within the RAF's Jaguar force and they were deployed to many hot-spots around the world until their somewhat premature retirement in 2002. INSTRUCTIONS 1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the JaguarFGR3 folder into your Aircraft folder. 2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the JaguarFGR3 folder into your Decals folder. 3. Empty the contents of the WEAPONS folder into your Weapons folder 4. Empty the contents of the PILOTS folder into your main Pilots folder. 5. From the SOUNDS folder drag and drop the Adour sound file into your Sounds folder. That's it! CREDITS As always, thanks to Third Wire for a great little game/sim. Massive thanks to everyone at 'The Mirage Factory' (RIP Oli). Special thanks to sundowner for both skins used in this revised upload and also for his permission to use his revised LOD with built-in drop tanks. And, finally, thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community. Regards Spinners Version 2 - 23/08/2020 Submitter Spinners Submitted 11/28/2009 Category What If Hangar  
  13. Ooops! Should have read the dress code...

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