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Everything posted by Spinners

  1. ScreenShots Sueltos

    Gloster Meteor F.Mk.4
  2. Gloster Meteor F.4

    Outstanding! The whole download is a bit bloated though with 55 skins all with 4096 x 4096 bitmaps and even 4096 x 4096 specular maps (even when all black) but it's a lovely 3D model and skinned with love!
  3. The Gloster Meteor is one of my all-time favourite aircraft, mainly because as an aviation mad teenager the only two books in our library were about the Meteor! It's also an important aircraft in aviation history as it was the first British operational jet fighter and the only Allied jet aircraft to reach operational status during World War II. So a big thank you to Yakarov and Paulopanz for bringing us this wonderful early version.
  4. BAC Thunderstrike GR.4 - 'Operation Granby', Royal Air Force, 1991 Skin Credit: Sundowner
  5. North American Shark FGA.2 - No.54 Squadron, No.38 Group, RAF Air Support Command, 1968
  6. Italian F-100D over the Adriatic Sea, 1970
  7. Meteors Over Korea. SF2.

    As a fan of the Gloster Meteor I love both of these! Thank you.
  8. The Cat, the Mice, the Devil and the Scarecrow... One of Federico Fellini's finest films
  9. (All together now) Let it go. Let it go-oh.
  10. Volker - in another life you would be making hand-made Swiss watches! Awesome work - thank you!
  11. Yes, the F/A-18 immediately springs to mind.
  12. Da iawn Russ! Did you lose your Hawker P1121?
  13. Operazione Locusta (It's just not cricket)

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