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Everything posted by Spinners

  1. North Cape Terrain

    Looks good to me! Thank you!
  2. Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-23MLX 'Flogger-K' - HävLLv31, Ilmavoimat, 1989 Whilst generally considered to be the ultimate fighter variant of the MiG-23 the MiG-23MLD "Flogger-K" was mainly a conversion programme of existing Soviet 'ML' and 'MLA' aircraft to 'MLD' standard for the VVS. However, an export version using new-build aircraft was produced with 16 aircraft for Bulgaria, 50 aircraft for Syria and finally an order for 60 'MLX' aircraft for the Finnish Air Force. Featuring the improved Sapfir-23MLA-II look-down/shoot-down radar and powered by an uprated Tumansky R-35 turbojet rated at 30,000lbs of thrust these were the final single-seat MiG-23's to produced with the last examples rolling off the production line in May 1985 and entering Ilmavoimat service with Fighter Squadron 31 in 1986. I think this new skin by bazillius really suits Finnish markings.
  3. MiG-23-98.7z

    An excellent skin. Thank you!
  4. Boeing F/A-18F - VF-1 Falcões, Aviação Naval Brasileira
  5. Boeing Stratofortress B.1 - No.9 Squadron, Royal Air Force, South East Asia Command, 1966
  6. Version 1.0.0


    Boeing B-52K Stratofortress B.1 for STRIKE FIGHTERS 1 This is a 'what if' B-52K in service with Royal Air Force South East Asia Command with markings for No.9 Squadron. I've already done this for SF2 so thought I'd make it available for SF1 with a little change of decals. INSTRUCTIONS 1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the B-52K folder into your Aircraft folder. 2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the B-52K into your Decals folder. As this is a non-flyable I've included a makeshift cockpit which works best with cockpit toggle off as it leaves you with a fairly decent bombsight. CREDITS Thanks to TK for a great little game/sim. And thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community. Regards Spinners Version 1 - 10/03/18
  7. Sukhoi Su-27i Espada - Esc113, Ala 12, Ejército del Aire, 1992
  8. Yes, no backstory from me but I'm thinking more along the lines of the Soviets going for foreign currency in that 'Fall of the Wall' era and it does have US missiles as well. Perhaps Sukhoi teamed up with Boeing to market it?
  9. Grumman F-14A Tomcat - Ala 12, Ejército del Aire, 1982 By the late 1970's the Phantom F-4C's of 12 Ala (12th Wing) were becoming increasingly long in the tooth and the Ejercito del Aire urgently sought a replacement. McDonnell Douglas appeared to have the upper hand with no less than three products on offer; The F-4E Phantom (still in low-rate production). The F-15C Eagle. The F/A-18A Hornet. However, during 1978 the situation in Iran was becoming increasingly unstable and by January 1979 the Shah of Iran had fled in exile. An immediate arms embargo to Iran soon followed and Grumman were left with a considerable number of undelivered and now undeliverable Iranian F-14A Tomcats. A formal approach to Spain was made by Grumman and agreement was soon reached for the supply of 30 F-14A's to replace the Phantom F-4C's of No.121 and No.122 Escuadrons with a small follow-on batch of 10 F-14R's to supplement and eventually replace the RF-4C's of No.123 Escuadron. The F-14A Tomcat gave good service to the Ejercito del Aire before being phased out during 2007 and 2008 and replaced by Boeing Hornet F/A-18F's.
  10. Republic Aviation FGA.1 - No.20 Squadron, Royal Air Force Middle East Command, 1956 The delay in both the Hawker Hunter and Supermarine Swift programmes saw an ailing RAF adopt the swept-wing F-84F Thunderstreak in several versions starting with the Sapphire powered Thunderstreak FGA.1 which served in Middle East Command from 1955, although with marginal thrust it was not really suited to the hot and dry conditions and were tied to runways of at least 7,000 foot length. Equipped with the ASSa.6 version of the Sapphire (rated at 8,300lbs thrust) the Thunderstreak also featured uprated outer wing weapon stations to carry standard 1,000lb bombs. Featuring a lovely Desert Camo skin by 'whiteknight06604'.
  11. Version 1


    Republic Aviation F-84I 'Sharav' for Wings Over Israel c/w Add-On The Armee de l'Air received its first F-84F Thunderstreaks in 1955 and it was in French service that the Thunderstreak saw its only actual combat during the Suez Crisis of October 1956. French Thunderstreaks from the 3rd Escadre moved to RAF Akrotiri on Cyprus whilst the 1st Escadre were deployed to the Israeli base at Lyddia where they supported the Israeli forces that invaded Sinai on October 29th. Despite seeing intensive action only one F-84F was lost and the tough and rugged aircraft so impressed the Israeli Air Force that they ordered 50 F-84F-70-RE aircraft before the end of 1956. The F-84F-70-RE featured the more powerful J65-W-7 rated at 7,800lbs thrust which helped with the initial climb rate and the combat ceiling and these were among the last Thunderstreak's to roll off the Farmingdale production line in the Summer of 1957. In 1962 the entire Israeli F-84F fleet was grounded due to the same corrosion of control rods that had affected the F-84F worldwide but they were soon restored to full operational capacity, eventually serving with distinction during the 1967 Six Day War and surviving in Israeli service until 1973 when stress corrosion eventually forced the retirement of the Israeli F-84F fleet. Ignoring by own backstory I've given the 'Sharav' Suez stripes and a 1956 start date! I've previously released this in SF2 but thought it would be nice to release it in SF1 but please note that it does require both Wings Over Israel and the Add-On Expansion Pack. INSTRUCTIONS 1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the F-84I folder into your Aircraft folder. 2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the F-84I folder into your Decals folder. CREDITS Thanks to TK and Third Wire for a great little game/sim. And thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community. Regards Spinners Version 1 - 03/03/18
  12. View File F-84I 'Sharav' for STRIKE FIGHTERS 1 (WOI c/w Add-On) Republic Aviation F-84I 'Sharav' for Wings Over Israel c/w Add-On The Armee de l'Air received its first F-84F Thunderstreaks in 1955 and it was in French service that the Thunderstreak saw its only actual combat during the Suez Crisis of October 1956. French Thunderstreaks from the 3rd Escadre moved to RAF Akrotiri on Cyprus whilst the 1st Escadre were deployed to the Israeli base at Lyddia where they supported the Israeli forces that invaded Sinai on October 29th. Despite seeing intensive action only one F-84F was lost and the tough and rugged aircraft so impressed the Israeli Air Force that they ordered 50 F-84F-70-RE aircraft before the end of 1956. The F-84F-70-RE featured the more powerful J65-W-7 rated at 7,800lbs thrust which helped with the initial climb rate and the combat ceiling and these were among the last Thunderstreak's to roll off the Farmingdale production line in the Summer of 1957. In 1962 the entire Israeli F-84F fleet was grounded due to the same corrosion of control rods that had affected the F-84F worldwide but they were soon restored to full operational capacity, eventually serving with distinction during the 1967 Six Day War and surviving in Israeli service until 1973 when stress corrosion eventually forced the retirement of the Israeli F-84F fleet. Ignoring by own backstory I've given the 'Sharav' Suez stripes and a 1956 start date! I've previously released this in SF2 but thought it would be nice to release it in SF1 but please note that it does require both Wings Over Israel and the Add-On Expansion Pack. INSTRUCTIONS 1. From the AIRCRAFT folder drag and drop the F-84I folder into your Aircraft folder. 2. From the DECALS folder drag and drop the F-84I folder into your Decals folder. CREDITS Thanks to TK and Third Wire for a great little game/sim. And thanks to everyone in the wider Third Wire community. Regards Spinners Version 1 - 03/03/18 Submitter Spinners Submitted 03/03/2018 Category Fictional Aircraft, Experimental and UAV's  
  13. F-84I - Second Suez War of 1958
  14. McDonnell Douglas Hornet FGR.3 - No.4 Squadron, RAF
  15. Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-27 "Flogger-D" - Mongolian Air Force, 1979
  16. Same decals on Gerwin's excellent Parani/Mercenary skin. There's gold in them thar SF1 downloads!
  17. BAC Lightning F.56 - Grupo de Aviación No.7, Fuerza Aérea de Chile, 1986 When the Falkland Islands were invaded by Argentina in 1982 Chile was officially neutral during the conflict but is known to have provided the United Kingdom with intelligence information and operational support during the conflict. Whilst the alliance between the UK and Chile remained secret the Thatcher government quietly rewarded the Pinochet government with a cut price arms deal which included ex-RAF Canberra, Hunter and Lightning aircraft. A total of 15 Lightning F.6 aircraft were transferred without refurbishment to Grupo de Aviación No.7 of the Fuerza Aérea de Chile in the Autumn of 1982 thus preventing the planned expansion of the RAF's Lightning force from two squadrons to three and forcing the RAF to acquire ex-USN Phantom F-4J's. Later given the designation Lightning F.56 the aircraft had a short service life and were retired in 1990. Russo's F.6 - one of my favourite add-on aircarft for SF1.
  18. McDonnell Douglas F-110E Phantom - 555th TFS, United States Air Force, 1975 The resounding success of the US Navy's F-4B in the competitive fly-off against the F-106 during ‘Operation Highspeed’ led to a more comprehensive evaluation of two loaned Navy F-4B’s (designated as the F-110A) but McDonnell had already been planning a purpose-built tactical fighter version of the F-4 for the USAF with manual terrain-following radar and TF30 turbofan engines. Designated F-110B this aircraft promised to be an excellent partner to the F-111A (TFX) and quickly gained the support of Defense Secretary Robert McNamara who authorised production of the type in February 1962. The pre-production prototype first flew in November 1963 and the F-110B entered service during the following year before production switched to the improved F-110C for TAC and the F-110D interceptor for ADC. In 1969 the definitive F-110E started to roll off the St. Louis production line which matched the AN/APG-59 pulse doppler radar coupled with the AN/AWG-10 Fire Control System for look-down shoot-down capability. The F-110E also featured the substantially more powerful TF30-P-100 turbofan rated at 25,000 lbs thrust each and was far less prone to compressor stalls at high angles of attack than previous versions of the TF30. Initial production aircraft were delivered to USAFE in 1970 but soon began to replace F-105D's and F-110B's in Vietnam from 1971 onwards.
  19. McDonnell Douglas F-110E Phantom - 555th Tactical Fighter Squadron, Udorn RTAFB, Thailand, 1975

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