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Posts posted by ONETINSOLDIER

  1. Ive seen articles like this many times, and for the most part these men have chosen to join our armed forces just for the fact that they value our ideals as we do. America doesnt activly recruit anyone from other nations, it is their own decision, and it is sad that they have died brfore they got the chance to enjoy freedom to the fullest.

    Lately Ive taken a lot of crap in various chatrooms for being an american, and I hate to use any mans death as validation of my nationality or my country, but to all those who may talk crap about us, this man was willing to die for us,


  2. I went to a taping of the Bozo show for television in the mid 60's while my dad was stationed at oakland army base. And as sparky said,"I hate clowns, but bozo was alright"

    Yes he was, the only clown that didnt creep me out,,





    Later, bozo,,,,,

  3. yeah, but why aren't they answering?? :biggrin: i've been crunching numbers like crazy in SETI@home but that wow signal is nowhere to be heard again.

    and with arecibo scheduled to shut down for seti in 2011, time is not on our side.



    Arecibo Observatory, the world's largest radio telescope and the source for

    the SETI@home data that your computer analyzes, faces massive budget cuts that

    will END its ability to continue the search for life beyond Earth. The decision

    to ensure full funding currently rests upon votes in Congress on Senate Bill S.

    2862 and House Resolution H.R. 3737. These bills desperately need more support.


    Please take a moment to help us SAVE ARECIBO.


    Clicking the link below will direct you to a web page that allows you print

    out letters prepared for your Senators and Congressional Representative urging

    them to support Arecibo. Printing and mailing the letters is really easy, too!

    You will also have the chance to add a few personal thoughts, if you wish, to

    let your Senators and Representative know why this funding is important to you!

    And if you're really feeling passionate about saving Arecibo, please use these

    letters as the basis for letters you write yourself, urging your congressmen

    and women to vote to save Arecibo.


    Because our representatives in Congress rarely give much attention to all the

    email they receive, printing out and MAILING these letters via standard U.S.

    Postal mail remains our best option for contacting them and our best hope for

    saving Arecibo (The second best option is to call your representatives). Your

    42 cent stamps on these letters could help us get the millions of dollars

    needed to save Arecibo.


    Our search cannot continue without the necessary support. Your work, as

    SETI@home participants, represents an indispensable resource for conducting the

    search. Now, we need your help to ensure that our other most valuable resource

    - our eyes and ears to the cosmos - can continue to probe the universe as we

    seek to answer the question: Is there anybody out there?




    Thank you for your help,


    The SETI@home Team

  4. oh to live somewhere like Arizona\Nevada. You guys there are sooo lucky!


    Apparently you've never been to Nevada, or you wouldnt say that! LOL

    (just jokin) I guess it was ok, 30 bazillion ground squirrels cant be wrong,

  5. Ladies and gentlemen, please stand as we sing our national anthem,,,




    Oh say can you see

    by the dawns early light

    what so proudly we hailed

    at the twilites last gleaming

    whos broad stripes and bright stars

    through the perilous fight

    ore the ramparts we watched

    were so galantly streaming

    and the rockets red glare!

    the bombs bursting in air!

    gave proof through the night


    oh, say,does that star spangled banner yet wave

    for the land of the free

    and the home of the brave.....

  6. The clock strikes twelve and moondrops burst out at you from they're hiding place,




    Oh, the science, not the song, :P



  7. Sorry, but I beg to differ with the excuse of "lack of training"


    #2- " " " " " " " " " .

    #3- " " " " " " " " " .


    I dont care how "poorly" you are trained, I learned this rule at about age 6.


    (I am equating loaded with the use of blank rounds)

  8. The first time I saw an F-4 and it has been love ever since! :good::clapping:


    EEGADS! I know what you meen about the F-4, they got a certain howl to them thats unique, my all time favorite,

    and Dave,totally cool that the kids loved the "flyover" plus that museum, thats a great place.

    Isnt that where the aliens are kept in the freezer? :haha:

  9. Ever since I was a child, Ive been fascinated by miniatures of any type, albeit they were static (as in non moving)

    These RC jets are just awesome, the whine as they spool up, the jet blast, etc.


    I think I have to go touch myself now,,lol

  10. Very nice, this is the kind of thing I like.


    Whenever I can, but it's usually around poppy-day


    Not tryin to toot my horn,I used to live down the street from the cemetary in Santa Rosa, Ca , and every year, the crew there did a sloppy job of placing the flags at the headstones on memorial day.(proper placement is one bootlength from marker) I sectioned off a piece of my back yard, naming it flanders field and grew poppys for the ww1 headstones. I would sneak down there before sunrise and straighten all the flags and distribute the poppys. It was the LEAST I could do for them. Your comment on poppy day brought that back,

    And thank you, Dave.



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