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Everything posted by pablo10692

  1. I have the same issue using Stary's Effects pack...
  2. As far as I know, you will have to create two almost identical Nations in NATIONS.INI. [NationXXX] Alignment=ENEMY StartDate=1956 EndDate=1990 [NationXXY] Alignment=FRIENDLY StartDate=1991 EndDate=2050 As an example for you, here are my Soviet and Russian entries: [Nation005] Name=Soviet DisplayName=Soviet Air Force Alignment=ENEMY PilotNameList=NamesRussian.lst RankList=RanksRussian.lst CallsignList=CallsignsUS.lst Formation.Fighter=SovietFighter Formation.Attack=SovietFighter Formation.Bomber=SovietBomber Formation.Transport=SovietBomber Formation.Tank=SovietTank Formation.MobileAD=SovietAD PilotTrainingStandard=NORMAL GenderRatio=0 DebriefSuccessMusic=DebriefSuccess.wav DebriefFailMusic=DebriefFail.wav DebriefKilledMusic=DebriefKilled.wav SpeechFile=USAFSpeech.cat SpeechTextFile=USAFSpeechText.str EndDate=1990 [Nation209] Name=Russia DisplayName=Russian Air Force Alignment=ENEMY PilotNameList=NamesRussian.lst RankList=RanksRussian.lst CallsignList=CallsignsUS.lst Formation.Fighter=SovietFighter Formation.Attack=SovietFighter Formation.Bomber=SovietBomber Formation.Transport=SovietBomber Formation.Tank=SovietTank Formation.MobileAD=SovietAD PilotTrainingStandard=EXCELLENT GenderRatio=0 DebriefSuccessMusic=DebriefSuccess.wav DebriefFailMusic=DebriefFail.wav DebriefKilledMusic=DebriefKilled.wav SpeechFile=USAFSpeech.cat SpeechTextFile=USAFSpeechText.str StartDate=1991 As you can see, they are pretty much the same. Also, to use the same Nation-specific Insignia, I just had to copy the Soviet one, named "INSIGNIA005" and rename it to "INSIGNIA209".
  3. Two Fuerza Aérea Argentina A-4AR's scorting two Força Aérea Brasileira AMX's on a strike mission over... Germany???
  4. Unfortunely, all we can do is wait...
  5. So, no news or fixes on missing stock decals?
  6. Does it exist? I know that there is a "StartDefaultDate" line which, clearly, makes a skin as default from that date. But I want to make a skin only flyable after certain date, not make it the default one.
  7. Thank you, Wrench and Soulfreak, but only Dels got my question. Anyway, I agree with you, Dels. Using StartDefaultDate is much better than creating a hole new aircraft. Thanks!
  8. Thirdwire at Twitter " by popular demand, next patch is delayed about a week to add an option to turn off some features and fixes we added in the last patch. " http://twitter.com/#!/thirdwire/status/74603425203097600
  9. Yeah, I definitily need a new Stick!!! She is beautiful!
  10. I've been playing with the Nations.ini for a few hours now, but I din't manage to realize the difference between the "ActiveDate" and "StartDate" entries. Some Nations have both, some only one, others neither! I was hoping someone could help me out with these! Cheers!
  11. Messing with it, would be exactly adding new nations. Maybe I've used the wrong expression...
  12. I've found the same issue, when I tried to download it...
  13. I'd like to star at skinning aircraft, and as there is a lack of Brazilian aircrafts ans paints schemes to this mod, there is no why to not begin by them. Unfortunelly, my skills, or lack of, doesn't let me do all the painels lines and rivets. Therefore, I'd like to know if there is any chance of anyone out there to have the AMX (Ghibli, for the Italians) templates. Cheers!
  14. I already have those ones, but I'm looking for the late AMX (and the hole Brazilian Air Force) camouflage! Thank you, anyway! I was afraid of that! But anyway, I'll try to contact them both!
  15. Patience, time, the correct program, and as said above, a pretty face and a nice set of boobs. Wich, I may add, are indispensable.
  16. Perhaps if you tell us wich country(s) you need the information, we may be able to help you!
  17. An Brazilian Air Force (FAB) Airplane disappeared at the Amazon Rainforest, this Thursday (29) morning. According to the Aeronautic Social Comunication Centre (Centro de Comunicação Social da Aeronáutica), the aircraft left from Cruzeiro do Sul [Acre (a brazilian state)] heading to Tabatinga [Amazonas (another state)]. The Aeronautic Social Comunication Centre didn't informed how many people were aboard. Rescueing teams are sweeping the area after the plane. Two FAB's H-60 Blackhawk and a C-105 Amazonas (FAB designation for ours EADS CASA C-295) are being used in the operation. Read the FAB oficial note: "The Aeronautic Command reports that a aircraft FAB's C-98 Caravan dissapeared today (dia 29), by the morning, during a flight between the cities of Cruzeiro do Sul (AC) and Tabatinga (AM). The aircraft took off at 8h30am, local time, and should land at Tabatinga at 10h15am. Two FAB's H-60 Blackhawk and a C-105 Amazonas are already in the region and started to loof for the plane." Brazilian News Agency (in portuguese): http://g1.globo.com/Noticias/Brasil/0,,MUL1359878-5598,00-AVIAO+DA+FAB+DESAPARECE+NA+AMAZONIA.html PS.: Sorry for any english mistake, as I translated it myself.
  18. Looks like they've finally found the wreckage with 9 survivors. There were 11 people aboard.
  19. Cats Happen

    Derk, what the heck is that animal?! It isn't a cat, that's for sure. Maybe a cousin?
  20. Rio 2016 !

    Oh yeah! Yes, we créeeeu!!! As a carioca (those who are born in Rio), I can say, these OG will be a big party! As every other things in Rio! We'll show the world our potential, not only of Rio, but of Brasil! And as Silverbolt and CarlosemoG said,lthe biggest city problem, aren't the crimes but the corruption. If crime were a big problem, the Pan Americ Games wouldn't have been so safe as they were!
  21. I don't know why, but the J-10 is as sexiest as the F-15SE!
  22. Blackbird! This plane is getting better and better as you post new screenshots! :good: Good work on this man!

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