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Everything posted by gerwin

  1. OK it makes sense, I will see if such a thing can be added easily, when I next work on the program.
  2. The attached document lists all the objects in the KC-10 LOD. I marked which ones appear to be the boom. Edit: 'Line03' and 'Line04' are the bulbs on the hull, where the boom starts. kc10.txt
  3. Have you tried this?: http://combatace.com/topic/71249-sf2na-iceland-classic-tfdhfd-terrain/ In case you don't have the SF2NA stuff, use the files in the standalone folder (read the readme). If you really want the ocean plain, paint away the island in the middle ;)
  4. TFDtool v0.94 is up @krfrge I raised the movement routes limits, you can find the current limits in the help file. @Eole2 Jpeg support has been added. Of course Jpeg compression has its advantages, when used under the right circumstances, like higher res tilesets. TFDtool works with images with the file extension "JPG", but extension "JPEG" does not work. So watch the file names. Windows hides extensions by default. Another new thing is the E key, which brings up a dialog with all the export options. @Centurion-1 Normally I would have added such a feature already. But the problem is that the DEM heightmap files used for Strike Fighters are usually in a rectangular format. And that projection does not really match any geographic reference maps. Unless someone converts projections with Geographic software (like Xplanet). But AFAIK I am the only one who did that once, for Wrench's North Sea map. Without exact projection conversion, a user remains approximating the exact locations of rivers and cities anyways. ...Feel free to correct me though.
  5. Don't bother testing, I just noticed I indeed capped it at 64 somewhere. Will raise that limit in a few days.
  6. Currently most, if not all things in TFDtool have a set limit. I see that the total movement points/coordinates is 4096, regardless of the amount of movement routes. Is the program failing to draw all your movement data? (PS. I answered the question from 14 February 2014 by combatace PM)
  7. Yes; raw X, Y and Z coordinates. IEEE float format. With the far edge of the tile being 2000 meters. IIRC @10107 Glad you like it. Regarding quack74 his request, I mailed him an adjusted version of the program, with a target area limit of 1024. @101
  8. Version


    Mercenary Sand Skin for MiG-29A Fulcrum (fictional) by Gerwin 17-09-2013 DESCRIPTION: Made for the TMF MiG-29A Model. For use by the nation of Paran. This skin is part of a Skin set, all in the same style, by the same author. This is merely a color adjustment of Soulfreaks desert camo skin, to match my other paran skins. The painted on insignia were erased and replaced by decals. The intakes have been darkened. INSTALLATION: Copy the included folder with contents to the folder that contains the MiG-29A files, for example: WOI\Objects\Aircraft\MiG-29A or: My Documents\ThirdWire\Strike Fighters 2\Objects\Aircraft\MiG-29A When in the game select the skin in the loadout screen. NOTE: Be sure to download and install my Damage Textures Pack released on Combatace, which also contains detailed Damage textures for the MiG-29A. For Game performance or loading times it may be desirable to scale down this skin to 512x512 size. THANKS TO: Third Wire for the Strike Fighters Based Games. MiG-29A base model by the Mirage Factory and Olivier ANGUILLE (BPAo) MiG-29A base model Skins by Sundowner Soulfreak for the original desert scheme on which this is based. dast24 for his MiG-29 Pack 2.0 which contained Soulfreaks skin. NOTES: r,g,b target colors like MercSand F-16A: base 200,183,136 brown 162,142,101 nose 124,105,91
  9. I have never seen an updated hi-res version with the brown rock tiles.
  10. Version


    Mercenary Sand Skin for Hunter 6 (fictional) by Gerwin 12-10-2013 DESCRIPTION: Made for the Stock SF2 Hunter 6 model. For use by the nation of Paran. This skin is part of a Skin set, all in the same style, by the same author. This work is based on existing skins. INSTALLATION: Copy the included folder with contents to the folder that contains the Hunter 6 files, for example: My Documents\ThirdWire\Strike Fighters 2\Objects\Aircraft\Hunter6 When in the game select the skin in the loadout screen. THANKS TO: Third Wire for the Strike Fighters Based Games, NOTES: r,g,b target colors like MercSand F-16A: base 200,183,136 brown 162,142,101 nose 124,105,91
  11. With SF2NA in march 2012 a new LOD 3D model format was introduced (v8). DLCs after that time use this format. This is still the last LOD format up to this point in 2013. Any base install from 2011 or older cannot read this format.
  12. Both yes and no. Angle is gone in the tod file, and there is no location for a single object. Instead there are coordinates of points/vertices which belong to triangles. The computer renders textured triangles. A square building has 5 square sides, 10 triangles. 8 different points. but possibly up to 3*10 stored points. Then the texture part stary just mentioned. And maybe some additional data I forgot about. Thanks for the list, it is still useful.
  13. When I looked at the TOD files with a hex editor, I understood only half of it. Just (1) the amount of 3D objects and (2) the coordinates of their edges. Every TOD object being stored as an independant and individual bunch of polygons. This info would be enough to draw an overlay on the tiles to show where tod objects are located. But there are sections and bits of data in the tod file which I do not understand, so creating tods may be beyond my ability. One day I will try to draw the overlay I mentioned.
  14. Version


    Mercenary Sand Skin for Mirage IIIE (fictional) by Gerwin 17-09-2013 DESCRIPTION: Made for the 'DLC' Mirage IIIO(F/A) model. For use by the nation of Paran. This skin is part of a Skin set, all in the same style, by the same author. This work is based on existing skins. INSTALLATION: Copy the included folder with contents to the folder that contains the Mirage IIIO(F/A) files, for example: My Documents\ThirdWire\Strike Fighters 2 Israel\Objects\Aircraft\Mirage3OFA When in the game select the skin in the loadout screen. THANKS TO: Third Wire for the Strike Fighters Based Games, NOTES: r,g,b target colors like MercSand F-16A: base 200,183,136 brown 162,142,101 nose 124,105,91
  15. SF2 is a 32-bit program. And SF2 May 2012 is already large address aware. Based on the output of 'Dumpbin.exe /headers', which states: 'Application can handle large (>2GB) addresses. Trivia: The total 4GB address space of Windows XP 32-bit could have been much higher if microsoft and driver programmers would have put effort in. Instead Microsoft locked it to 4GB since Service Pack 2.
  16. This is the technical table regarding addressing space in Windows. http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=889654 General memory limits 32-bit OS 64-bit OS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total virtual address space 4 gigabytes (GB) 16 terabytes Virtual address space per 2 GB, 3 GB if the 2 GB, 4 GB if the application 32-bit process system is booted is compiled with the with the /3GB switch /LARGEADDRESSAWARE switch Virtual address space per Not applicable 8 terabytes 64-bit process
  17. Version


    Mercenary Sand Skin for Mirage IIIC (fictional) by Gerwin 17-09-2013 DESCRIPTION: Made for the Wings over Israel Mirage IIIC Shahak model. For use by the nation of Paran. This skin is part of a Skin set, all in the same style, by the same author. This work is based on existing skins. INSTALLATION: Copy the included folder with contents to the folder that contains the Mirage IIIC files, for example: WOI\Objects\Aircraft\Shahak or: My Documents\ThirdWire\Strike Fighters 2 Israel\Objects\Aircraft\Mirage3C When in the game select the skin in the loadout screen. THANKS TO: Third Wire for the Strike Fighters Based Games, NOTES: r,g,b target colors like MercSand F-16A: base 200,183,136 brown 162,142,101 nose 124,105,91
  18. Old post, I know. This is the same issue I once had with an airfield. It was caused by having wrong 'tag' values for tiles below the airfield, 'tag' must be zero IIRC.
  19. Is the SF2 game that works on the same patch level as the merged one? if so, try to copy over the game settings (options.ini)
  20. Centurion-1: Looks much better now! I wish weathering was as simple as blurring panel lines, but I am afraid it is not. It appears like pointless shadows. Some things that worked nicely for the Silver F-5E was to make some panels differ in hue/saturation/brightness. (Though this trick is rather silver specific.) Then overlay a 'dust texture' layer. Add some smearing of a more rusty/oily color in the direction of movement (motion blur). Paint chipping may be nice too but should not be overdone. Etc.... When I find some nice weathering effect in an existing skin I often try to transfer it over by using 'color-range selection'. Then try out with which filter it blends the best on the new skin: Normal/Multiply/Color burn/Screen. The 3DS source? cool, so the shadow line, that comes from the cockpit when flying upside-down, can still be fixed.
  21. IMHO Skin-modders should consider disabling that 'panel line blur' layer enterily, or use it very sparingly and locally. Try to mimic the pro's instead:
  22. The Heightmap copy paste is fixed now. It was bad when I wrote it last week, I don't know why it even worked for me then. I also noticed the TFD_info2 detection had a typo, which triggered it everytime. This is also fixed. The TFDtool package is now updated to v0.93.
  23. You are right, the heightmap copy function obviously got messed up with the last overhaul. It will be fixed soon.
  24. IMHO the F-5 would look better if you did not overspray most panel lines with a dark color.
  25. I don't mean misalignement really. more like the line starts shimmering when the camera moves. There is a bit in the LOD format, right before each texture name which means 'alpha blending yes/no' I guess. I changed that one too to get better results.

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