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Everything posted by gerwin

  1. it's 'Gerwin'. I will look at the issue. The terrain was tested with the WOI expansion pack 2010 core game. Also I made SF1 compatible houses and containers before, but they may not have been added to the package yet. What changes did you make to IcelandNA.ini?
  2. I did it the other way around back then: use the WOV/WOE/SFP1 and Some SF2 resources for a merged install with the WOI expansion exe+dlls. The WOI expansion has some nice features: aircraft wrecks and skinnable droptanks and can read some SF2 formats. Though it cannot read the latest models from 2011+. WOI expansion also fixes the WOV campaign handling, which got broken at the 2008 level. I
  3. 1) yes, see terrain mod in mods forum 2) for the editor, for placing land vs water objects
  4. There is no real reason to convert to unicode text, unless you want chinese characters in the game or something. The game reads both, and ASCII is smaller. As to the other aspects of conversion, there should be something in the knowledge base?
  5. v0.90 is uploaded, it has the following changes: - As already mentioned: all export functions fixed, including the watermap. - F12 associates TFD files to TFDtool in windows, so one can open a TFD file by clicking on it in explorer. - Works when drag and dropping a TFD file on the program file icon - 1,2,3 keys now reload the current texture, targets and movement files respectively. - Comes with seperate BMP-2-HFD heightmap converter tool. - Window close button behaviour fixed.
  6. I suppose WOV_En_Up.zip is the upgrade package, which still requires the Deuces_WOV_terrain.zip or something.
  7. DEM files are supplied in rectangular format/projection, which is a purely for storage and easy data access. But about the worst globe representation. A nice globe map projection is still crappy in some areas, or in some way. The only proper representation of the world map is a 3D sphere. If you pick just one area of the globe to map flat, one uses a projection of choice fitting for that area. Either way, when flat it remains a compromise. Nice map BTW, that navigational chart. I don't know exactly what you were trying to do with the Aircraft icons on the planning map. Do you want to translate actual longitude/latitude locations to a TW game map? Will gladly supply a TFD of an area of choice in something better then rectangular format. As shown in my previous post. Though I am still trying to improve on the quality.
  8. Fortuntately the TFD format is open, so any program can take over the functionalities to generate a proper TFD heightmap. Example -download GTOPO30 W020N90 1km heightmap of europe area. -Open as RAW with photoshop, adjust levels, convert to 8-bit per channel. save as png. -Use Xplanet to make a custom earth view with this png. (Xplanet=not easy to use at all) The result is 3000x3000 pixels, countries are about the same scale as stock germanyCE, the map is 1.5 times larger then a stock map. -making a HFD from this is not a problem. I will put back that functionality in TFDtool. I agree, the TFD/HFD system is not well suited for pronounced coastlines and rivers.
  9. The wall of course, I must admit I forgot about it. Regarding the DEM distortion. I will dig out my old mapping project files and see how I can do in 1km precision, what I can already do in 4km precision: Generate any area in any desired projection. Then use TFDtool code to convert it to HFD. That is all I can do, besides making annoying remarks ;)
  10. I meant that belgium is present, just labelled as france currrently. The area of choice makes sense. Only wonder if including ireland is interesting in this regard. But the faroe Islands are on that edge too. DEM Distortion is pretty extreme, If you compensate with photoshop it will probably result in showing much more of scandinavia: I tried it with google earth (not google maps), which shows the earth as the sphere that it is.
  11. Since you are just starting with this, maybe you can consider adjusting (distort, scale horizontally etc) the heightmap you are using for this. Europe has a high longitude which causes the raw DEM data to look distorted, everything looks 'wider' then it is. Regarding your question, I do miss Belgium, below the Netherlands. (And luxembourgh, but that one is pretty small)
  12. Kind of ironic, For land targets the AI works best with dumb free fall bombs. But for the naval strikes in SF2NA; cruise missiles and walleye's are the only things that work for the AI. Maybe rockets too. Having the AI equipped with dumb bombs is no show stopper, but they will always miss the ships, as the AI does not calculate lead for moving targets. How to deal with this? This weekend I was adding some "strikenaval" loadouts for the AI, with at least one weapon with a chance to hit: AGM-65s, Rockets, Walleye's, Karens. Also need to add the Exocet as a french Harpoon variant. Or is it a better idea to make the ships move slower?
  13. That is a good idea as well, The default [DiveBombAI] entry is in AIRCRAFTAIDATA.INI btw. The values below seem to improve things. Though it still requires ships to go slower: A MaxRoadSpeed/MaxOffRoadSpeed of 10 gives a reasonable chance for a medium sized warship to get hit by divebombing. [DiveBombAI] RollInRange=6000.0 RollInAlt=2300.0 //PullOutRange=600.0 PullOutRange=400.0 //PullOutAlt=300.0 PullOutAlt=250.0 //ReleaseAlt=1000.0 ReleaseAlt=600.0 SecondPassRange=5000.0 SecondPassAlt=1600.0 ReleaseCount=4 ReleaseInterval=0.14 AimPitchOffset=1.0
  14. In your "terrains" folder you will need to have an "IcelandNA" folder, which contains all the actual files, such as IcelandNA.ini etc.
  15. File Name: Mercenary Sand Skin for Hunter 6 (fictional) File Submitter: gerwin File Submitted: 12 October 2013 File Category: Hunter Mercenary Sand Skin for Hunter 6 (fictional) by Gerwin 12-10-2013 DESCRIPTION: Made for the Stock SF2 Hunter 6 model. For use by the nation of Paran. This skin is part of a Skin set, all in the same style, by the same author. This work is based on existing skins. INSTALLATION: Copy the included folder with contents to the folder that contains the Hunter 6 files, for example: My Documents\ThirdWire\Strike Fighters 2\Objects\Aircraft\Hunter6 When in the game select the skin in the loadout screen. THANKS TO: Third Wire for the Strike Fighters Based Games, NOTES: r,g,b target colors like MercSand F-16A: base 200,183,136 brown 162,142,101 nose 124,105,91 Click here to download this file
  16. The YAP facebook page has several preview images. I really like the included F-5E. I wonder if it has a cockpit in the same quality and if it is complete with distance lods etc. Yesterday I noticed the TMF SFP1 F-5E has a shadow bug if you fly up side down. Edit. I made a similar skin for the TMF F-5E, based on the colors of the F-21 DLC. Did not put much time in the decals though.
  17. This package right? Did you try to redownload it. http://members.quicknet.nl/lm.broers/download/IcelandNA.zip I also tried it with standalone SF2NA Juli 2012, which also works fine. Unfortunately I have no system with windows 7 to test with the Actual North Atlantic executable. Cannot think of much else...
  18. View File Mercenary Sand Skin for C-130A Hercules (fictional) Mercenary Sand Skin for C-130A Hercules (fictional) version 1.0 by Gerwin 20-1-2013 DESCRIPTION: Made for the SFP1 C-130A model. For use by the nation of Paran. This skin is part of a Skin set, all in the same style, by the same author. Unfortunately the stock C-130 model is no longer included in SF2. INSTALLATION: Copy the included folder with contents to the folder that contains the C-130 files, for example: SFP1\Objects\Aircraft\C-130A THANKS TO: Third Wire for the Strike Fighters Based Games. Used the bottom of the USAFsea skin, as found in Eburger68's Vietnam Expansion. Submitter gerwin Submitted 10/01/2013 Category Multi Engined Bomber, Transport, Light Attack and Trainer Skins  
  19. Still cannot see the posted image. I did try the IcelandNA package from my website with an unmodded merged and updated install: works fine. (Windows XP) Did you combine this terrain with other mods? If so it is worth a try to temporarily move these mod folders somewhere else, to disable them.
  20. I am a bit confused, CheckGear I cannot see either one of the images in your post, which keeps me from understanding the problem. Wrench, it seems you are talking about an ini-file specific for side-by-side operation of the TFD and LOD based terrain. This configuration differs from the package on my website.
  21. First of, I found the stock game at my current settings still allows one fly though stock frigates/destroyers unharmed. But I do notice gunfire being able to hit things like the superstructure. I think that functionality is pretty essential for harpoon missile impact. And indeed I do have inconsistent harpoon results when targeting a 3rd party ship. I exported a large box as a lod. Internally named 'hull' as the parent mesh of the main lod, then used this as a collision mesh. But the gunfire still only impacts near the waterline. If you adjust a stock ships main ini to show the collision lod you can see how they are shaped. It is usually the hull and superstructure with some boxes representing turrets and radars. Some look very usable as an additional distance lod: OHperry, Knox, Krivak. others are very poorly mapped. (I suppose this LOD is supposed to be low poly and using a primary lod will probably lead to infinitely more collision calculations (=bad). ). I read whiteboysamurai had problems with this to, did anyone ever solve this? PS: Stock Knox Class has an oddity in the data.ini disabling its weapons: [XX3] where it should read [003].
  22. I rechecked te Slava, with the small 24kb LOD as a collision mesh it works quite well with gun and rocket impacts. My confusion with it is that when the 1st harpoon hits it (while not entirely destroying it) I see no impact effect. I only see the small fire that remains. Making me think there was no collision. When a second harpoon finishes the job, it does show a proper explosion. Either way it works sufficiently! :) EDIT: the above lack of an impact explosion was because of a weapondata.dat saved with an older version of the weapon editor. The old Spruance model (MikeWHL) has gaps like his Kynda model of course. Attached the stock knox collision lod. This is one of the few with proper texturing, It even shows decals.
  23. You say it like taking the normal lod of the Ship will work, but in the cases which I tested the most: Slava (YeYeYe) and Spruance (MikeWHL) this procedure did not work for me so far. So maybe it work sometimes, but I have not seen it. The simple box experiment has only one origin and one pivot, so I it is no too hard to place. You can make it visible and verify alignment. (I succesfully made a distance lod for a few 3rd party items in a similar fashion.). Maybe the Collision lod requires at least all meshes listed in the Datafile? That would complicate matters alot. Regarding the Knox, I put 'Hull' as the Modelnodename, and 'Deck' on the next blank one. IIRC.
  24. I was trying out the Kitty Hawk's strenght the other time. An A-6 Intruder load of 500 lb Mk 82 bombs could not sink her, but IIRC two 2000 lb bombs did the trick.
  25. I have an oddly modded SF2NA based install, with these Soviet Warship types: BattleShip, Destroyer, Frigate. NO Aircraft_Carrier or Transport. Surprisingly the single mission strike objectives have a pleasant variation: Most strikes are on land targets, no soviet 'surface action group' at sea. Yet often the generated missions do produce a soviet 'surface action group', which is the subject of a Blue naval strike. To give the soviet navy some survivability it needs a though capital ship, the Slava for example. Otherwise the SEAD flight will finish off the capital ship before you get there. Calling the capital ship a Battleship seems to gives bigger 'surface action groups' then ones based around a Cruiser. Adding Amphibious transports will again prevent all land strikes Now I wonder, one could make EnemyNation1 to create 'surface action group's at random, while keeping Carrier+Amphibious stuff in EnemyNation2.... A bit complicated though.

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