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Everything posted by gerwin

  1. @vietace1 -SF2NA is officially not compatible with windows XP, as written in red letters in the store page. -SF2NA can only be run on windows XP with a merged game, by starting another game from SF2 the series. -the SF2NA stock terrain will not render properly on Windows XP / DX9. Use the terrain mod to work around that.
  2. Correction..... MinHeight=3.0 gives problems in cockpits when on the runway. This combination of values seems better so far: [ForegroundSceneClip] FarClipDistance=12500.0 NearClipDistance=4.0 [WorldSettings] MinHeight=2.0 Edit: this has another side-effect. when zooming in on an aircraft too much, you start to see through them... not to big a deal.
  3. I updated the package slightly, hardly worth mentioning. Except that in a previous upload (no.9) NOISENORMAL.BMP was missing, so people using that one won't see detail textures close up. -> In that case be sure to update. I Kept the usual water-normalmap because in the other normalmaps the scale of the waves is to big. I added some grass objects (TOD). I changed the Tree rendering entries in the ini-file. they render a little softer. Some small tilemap adjustments.
  4. These entris in FLIGHTENGINE.INI solved it for me: [ForegroundSceneClip] FarClipDistance=14000.0 //SF2: NearClipDistance=0.45 //SF1: NearClipDistance=249.9 //5.0 stops the shimmering of TOD building roofs, but intruduces sky color at the bottom when hugging the ground with the camera //The latter issue is worked around by setting MinHeight=3.0. NearClipDistance=5.0 [WorldSettings] SectorWidth=20 SectorHeight=20 SectorMaxObject=256 Border=80000.0 //SF2: MinHeight=1.0 //SF1: MinHeight=2.0 MinHeight=3.0 MaxHeight=35000.0 Also the TOD visibility was actually reduced in SF2 vs SF1!? so I changed it back. [LowDetailOption] //HorizonDistance=30000.0 HorizonDistance=45000.0 //DetailMeshSize=tod popup distance in km //DetailMeshSize=2 DetailMeshSize=3 ... [MedDetailOption] //HorizonDistance=42000.0 HorizonDistance=50000.0 //DetailMeshSize=2 DetailMeshSize=4 ... [HighDetailOption] //HorizonDistance=50000.0 HorizonDistance=60000.0 //DetailMeshSize=3 DetailMeshSize=5 ... [unlimitedDetailOption] //HorizonDistance=62000.0 HorizonDistance=75000.0 //DetailMeshSize=4 DetailMeshSize=6
  5. a 10MB lod and NO distance lods!? combatace style...
  6. I have this with any terrain in SF2, both stock and modded. DirectX 9. At a certain distance the lower building's roofs get hidden below the terrain tile at random, it seems.
  7. I updated this package: It is now categorized. Also it is easier to play the tracks.
  8. A loadout full of MK82's combined with CCIP does the job nicely. They still bite back though.
  9. I never really used the one from NA, I will try it when I am back home. Is it this file: ICELAND_WATERNORMAL1.BMP? replacing WATERNORMAL.BMP in the data.ini file.
  10. Spend some hours tweaking the tiling and textures. new file is up.
  11. As I am working on that Iceland terrain I load the game with Iceland at Noon or in the Afternoon. As to get good light on the textures. But since April 2012 almost half the missions have sunsets and sunrises despite noon/afternoon. This gives the red glow and requires me to try another mission. Is this because Iceland is so close to the northpole? or what?
  12. My pleasure. :) I added some rock patches in the snow today. new file is up.
  13. I worked in the terrain again. One could notice square texture patterns from higher altitudes. That is a common issue with SF terrains, but I managed to reduce it quite a bit. Download link in the first post.
  14. And that is quite something. In the past I tried modding Jane's USAF: A hard coded limit of 6 cockpits!, any new cockpit had to replace an existing one. I tried to change the wrong amount of gun ammo for the Phantom in an ini file: no respons, it just ignored certain values. The user made F-14 Tomcat wing sweep would only move by pressing the flaps button. I do not miss that one bit In Strike Fighters everything is right there in the ini files, and the game adds new items to the rest automatically. It is not because software works like that, it is because TK facilitated it.
  15. I do not use 3DSmax, but I figure one has to Convert it to a bitmap image with height information first. You can do that with TW terrain editor or TFDtool.
  16. Yes I see them now, but only if I do NOT enter the mission editor. Not entirely sure yet... The editor may also be causing the 4 identical ships in the exact same place bug. If you ever feel like working on waterwold and releasing an update, maybe you can include the heightmap and tilemap I have been adjusting. Just notify me and I will send them.
  17. I have here Water-maps and ini files to get Carrier Single Missions working for: - Stock Desert - Stock VietnamSEA - Stock GermanyCE - Stock IsrealME - WaterWorld (although a little bit modified Waterworld) USN carriers are working Nicely, no escort ships though. So far only seen the Kiev appear on GermanyCE!? The other four maps somehow do not like the Kiev. Credits go to PureBlue for his VietnamSEA example Navalmap.zip
  18. OK, I will try to do some reykjavik tiles in the week ahead. And we can experiment with how to decorate them
  19. Since these water maps are Indexed color images (max 256 colors, numbering 0 to 255). Did you keep the numbering intact? Like green has to be Entry no. 2 in the color table. Actually It doesn't matter wat color the areas have, as long as they are the right number in the color table. A good method is to always start with ICELANDNA_WATER.BMP as a base.
  20. I am in doubt here. Looking at google earth, I don't even want to count the houses in Reykjavik, because it is much. No chance of actually putting that in the game with 3D models. A few custom textures would be more effective. The iceland cat includes plenty iceland houses, but it requires tedious ini placement. Actually they are already there as part of the stock Targets. It is just that they are few (to keep framerate acceptable?). ----- With this Iceland mod I just started the easy way with a few textures. As to be able to at least RUN SF2NA on windows XP. I always liked the IsraelME green textures, and is not an unnatural color for iceland. So then it was one green island, with not many visual clues about where one is. So snow had to be added. I spend much time blending the snow into the terrain. If it blends in naturally it looks good, otherwise it looks questionable. Also I added some quick filters to TFDtool to do some placements for me, example: put texture no. X only on steep slopes. Only from high altitude you can sometimes see the square patterns in the snow. From lower altidude it generally looks natural now. As a bonus I added -lakes -the "fjord airfield" detail -some barren/rocky hill textures. -scandinavian house textures for the TODs What could still be done is this - rivers (priority) - some snow glaciers (may not be practical with this tile system) - some brown/muddy/rocky areas, where vegetation is little. - City / Town / Industrial details (one can spend a lifetime on these...)
  21. Me wonder, Aren't you a convert to the new LOD terrain? Either way, Thanks for the good reception!, good to know I am not just making this mod for myself. Small update: - Houses are now more scandinavian style, for as far as possible. - Less villages on the map. - Some little tweaks here and there.
  22. UPDATE ALERT ;) - textures tilemap and heightmap have been tweaked, lakes have been added.
  23. The snow cover is now more convincing. Same download location, you can find it in the 1st post.
  24. That is mostly true, but not entirely. It will only work if you use a merged install. because the SF2NA executable requires a dll that XP lacks. Download my terrain of you want a Iceland remake that works properly in XP.
  25. I did that before, and actually I can open any CAT fully. but TK wants it locked, so when I would share, TK will just lock it even more, which is the last thing I want....

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