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Everything posted by shredward

  1. A question about Roundals

    Yes, I've noticed that :wink2:
  2. changing Squadron roll

    We are working on that for P4 right now. You will see squadron roles and mission types change and evolve as the war progresses, just as they did historically. Cheers, shredward
  3. IT I have the Windsock Datafile, which has the drawings - the starting point for any model, plus lots of other stuff. I won't be home until late next week, but I could scan it and send it on then. Cheers, shredward
  4. Hallo Olham, As I'm sure you know, this topic has been the source of many discussions at the Aerodrome, not all of them pleasant. If this thread gets ugly, I won't hesitate to shut it down; that being said, it is certainly worthy and of interest to our community. Marvelous graph! In answer to your question, I would point to the criteria for reporting losses. If a pilot came home shot up, but did not get invalided out, they generally were not recorded as a loss. A/C losses generally were often not recorded as losses unless they were unrecoverable. Cheers, the shredder
  5. Weather Report Needed

    I'll take a look at our current weather file when I get home (be a few days). Cheers, the Shredder
  6. Roland DVI

    My Apologies I screwed up Accidentally zapped the thread. If you guys could, as far as possible, retrace your steps I'll still feel a fool, but I'll feel a little better. the shredder
  7. What did you do in the War Dad?

    My Dad was a paratrooper - with 1 Canadian Parachute Battalion. He jumped across the Rhine, and then they made their way across Germany to meet up with the Russians, or hold them at bay, depending on your point of view. He stayed in the Army after the war - in fact, was still serving when he died, just after returning from the Suez. As he died relatively young, age 50, he like many of his brothers in arms, had not yet got sufficient distance to be able to talk about the war. The only thing he ever told me about was a couple of escapades while still in Blighty, one of them being hitching a ride as a gunner in a B-17 over Germany after getting tanked up with the Yanks in a pub one night. Ennyhoots, he was and is my hero. Cheers, shredward
  8. Hallo Olham, I apologise - they aren't in your skins folder - one of the ones that didn't make it into the last release I guess. Hopefully, we will all see Böning flying the checkerboard Tros, then passing it on to Hopf, in the next release. Cheers, shredward
  9. Or, just check your OFF skins folder for confirmation. Both are in there, and have been for quite some time. Cheers, shredward
  10. I rarely poke my nose outside of this particular forum, but apparently he had made himself persona non grata due to extremely offensive postings on other fora within Combat Ace. He had been warned many times, and finally the moderators on those other fora had had enough. Uncle Al is no more. We will remember him. shredward
  11. Sopwith Aircraft

    http://www.byrdaviationbooks.com/seriesWindsock_pg3.htm Cheers, shredward
  12. War Horse

    Cheers, shredward
  13. Very cool photos of the G.A.S.

    Off the top of my head, started out life as the Fliegertruppe. All the air arms (not home, so can't look up the names), but Flak, Luftschiffer, Intelligence, Meteorological service and the Fliegertruppe were amalgamated and reorganised as the Luftstreitkräfte on or about October 11 1916 Cheers, shredward
  14. Si, and Creaghorn! I salute you both. I just hope that you will find the P4 campaign worthy of noble spirits like yours. All the best, the shredder
  15. HitEB on eBay

    Hi Guys, HitEB is up for bid on eBay: http://cgi.ebay.com/High-Empty-Blue-56-Sqn-RCF-RAF-1916-19-Book-/350469676151?_trksid=p3286.m7&_trkparms=algo%3DLVI%26itu%3DUCI%26otn%3D2%26po%3DLVI%26ps%3D63%26clkid%3D603259654011199703&clk_rvr_id=239957580935 Cheers, the shredder
  16. New Member

    Trackpad, Perhaps, by way of introduction, you could show the group some of the models you've built over the years... Cheers, shredward
  17. http://www.coventrytelegraph.net/news/coventry-news/2011/05/11/first-world-war-plane-in-coventry-set-to-fly-again-92746-28673017/?sms_ss=email&at_xt=4dcaa432bd8ea0f9%2C0 Cheers, shredward
  18. Fokker E14/15

    We only have an ersatz E.IV, ie an E.III masquerading as an E.IV Cheers, shredward
  19. Your fantasy vs. the OFF reality?

    I did not think we could be any more vague than we already have been. :rofl:
  20. So that is not completely one-sided, I will point out that there is scholarly research supporting Bishop's career. One can make a very strong case that his claim records are no more nor less optimistic than those of almost any other ace. It has become a fashionable parlour game to bash Bishop, and to a neutral observer, looks very much like 'piling on'. I am not going to go further, as I am too busy working on OFF to get into it further, but if you are curious, seek out all the Bishop literature, not just that which supports the fashionable side of the argument. Cheers, shredward

    The Aviatik will be coming to a screen near you. Not soon, but it will be coming. Cheers, shredward
  22. A couple of questions...

    I wondered that myself. Esc 26 is an Escadrille de Chasse, and never even had two-seaters, let alone a Strutter. The fact that the skin you saw was an RNAS 4 machine points to some ghosts hanging about from your previous campaign. Unfortunately, I'm a technoidiot, so I wouldn't have the slightest idea of where to look for the problem. Cheers, shredward

    Not so very daredevil You'll be so high and fast prolly noone will ever catch you. Just like the Roadrunner Cheers, shredward

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