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Everything posted by gambit168

  1. Taube with rifleman

    it's uploaded
  2. Taube with rifleman

    Hi Ya Stephen great to see you still making planes for FE I don't have the game anymore so i cant test them in game , but I couldn't resist making some wings for your wonderful creation ! keep up the good work i hope they can be of some use
  3. hi all my hard drives got corrupted then wiped then while booting after recovering them , the one with all my FS2 / FE2 stuff got the CLICK of DEATH trying to chkdsk for the thousandth time! so i was whining on the phone to my brother & he said have you tried WAR THUNDER so I did & it's GREAT in SIM mode it is amazing ! & they just brought out a 64bit CDK pack to get into the game engine ! that lets the community users add 3D PLANES !! So I thought of All the HARD work that has already been finished here so many great 3D models are already made so maybe if you have something you would like to share with flight simmers in WAR THUNDER you could port them over also they are up to Korea already but only a few like mig15 Sabre meteor f8 but there is so much that can be done WW1 is not touched yet and 60's there are always about 40,000 online at any 1 time so your contributions would make a lot of flight simmers very happy bunnies ! although i must say I spend most of my time in the TANKS part of the game but that because there is no WW1 yet but IT IS TRULY AMAZING! & totally free !!?? http://forum.warthunder.com/index.php?/forum/686-aircraft-ground-equipment/
  4. Hi guys my hard drives got corrupted then wiped then while booting after recovering them , the one with all my FS2 / FE2 stuff got the CLICK of DEATH trying to chkdsk for the thousandth time! so i was whining on the phone to my brother & he said have you tried WAR THUNDER so I did & it's GREAT in SIM mode it is amazing ! & they just brought out a 64bit CDK pack to get into the game engine ! that lets the community users add 3D PLANES !! So I thought of All the HARD work that has already been finished by you guys so many great 3D models are already made so maybe if you have something you would like to share with flight simmers in WAR THUNDER you could port them over WW1 is not touched yet 30's biplanes on & the ITALY tech tree is not finished there are always about 40,000 online at any 1 time so your contributions would make a lot of flight simmers very happy bunnies ! although i must say I spend most of my time in the TANKS part of the game but that because there is no WW1 yet but IT IS TRULY AMAZING! & totally free to play ! http://forum.warthunder.com/index.php?/forum/686-aircraft-ground-equipment/
  5. Hi guys was using my laptop the other night and it locked up no keyboard commands could shake it ctl ,alt ,delete could do anything so i rebooted & it said NO O/S So i rebooted same shit rebooted into the bios HARD DRIVE 0= NONE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????????????? so i put the recovery disk in the cd rom & rebooted so it goes through the motions blar blar says need to format the hard disk , I'm thinking wow it sees the drive! maybe it is just scrambled & not fried ! so its tries but fails to put vista back onto the hard drive soI put it to one side & go dig out my old desktop that was relegated to the back room on account of all the fans being to noisy !!? for the delicate ears of others from the back so fired it up & got it all up to speed with drivers & updates , I forgot I used Glary's DEFRAG in the past , & after a couple of boots windows said I need to run CHKDSK i thought nothing of it until it started to flag up a load of entries put $ in front of a bunch of files & said they are orphaned files !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!????????? So I'm thinking HOLY CRAP Not again after the crap i just had the alarm bells were ringing bigtime !! booted into window looked in my computer ALL drives other than C said no data need to be formatted before being able to use them !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!??????????????????? checked the NET & it's not uncommon from CHKDSK to ruin your day !? everyone said EaseUS is best recovery tool to use so I dl'd it & it saw the raw data straight away BUT it only allows 10 files to be retrieved using the free trial & searching the drives is painfully slow ! anyway while all that is going on I thought well at least all my PSD's for FE2 & my other working on stuff is safe because there on the external drive so there is not way anything has buggered them up WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????????????????? It was plugged into the bloody Laptops usb & the DRIVE the recovery disk found was IT & not the bloody DEAD internal drive I thought it was FORMATTING !! SO when it said format to begin installation of vista IT FORMATTED MY BLOODY BACKUPS!!?? So now I have to RECOVER THAT BLOODY 300gb's of data also AT A SNAILS PACE!
  6. wow !!! Deutschmark !! you got some lovely 3d models & great skins too
  7. Halberstadt D5

    looks wicked M8 i know MVR hated flying it but i think I will luv it
  8. great that it came out on remembrance day also http://www.mirror.co.uk/3am/celebrity-news/sainburys-christmas-advert-better-john-4618410?ICID=FB_mirror_main
  9. BE2e and BE12 - WIP

    tripe & pup would be super cool
  10. BE2e and BE12 - WIP

    wow very cool Stephen look forward to firing them up in photoshop
  11. New Ground Objects

    wow!! great stuff you got goin on Geezer
  12. Moska MB bis

    wicked thx Stephen looks great
  13. AEG C.IV

    great Stephen thank mate
  14. Caudron G.4

    Wow lovely Thx I've always had a soft spot for the G4 first time i've looked in here in a long time , great to see you are still active Stephen
  15. More FE Ground Objects

    Hi ya Geezer they look fantastic we would love to have them in Il2 Dbw 1916 aswell hint hint
  16. More FE Ground Objects

    Hi Geezer , Wow Luv yer stuff man! , it' s smokin hot , It's great to see new units for FE, what a great shot in the arm these will be It would be Fantastic to see them as an addition to IL2's Dark Blue Skies 1916 Also, there are plenty of guys over at the http://www.sas1946.com/ website that spend all of there spare time getting IL2 users 3dmax models & stuff into IL2 & working for them I asked Stephen a while back if he would be interested in having his models ported into IL2, as they are great and would be a great addition to the WW1 IL2 community
  17. Hi all, I was looking for photoshop plugins , & came across a great 3Dmax plugin called Greeble , that can make low poly cities,I did a search on here to see if it had been disgust before i thought it would be good for modern maps with large tall cities to render for In this tutorial we will learn how to create a low poly city with an excellent free plugin called Greeble. Author also talks about the mapping techniques used for this project. We will use 3ds Max, Photoshop and the Greeble plugin. http://1-ps.googleusercontent.com/h/www.designzzz.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/628x467xCreating-a-Low-Poly-City.jpg.pagespeed.ic.LV2fro-0_R.jpg here's a great TUT on how to make one http://www.3dtotal.com/index_tutorial_detailed.php?roPos=1&catDisplay=1&id=1555#.Uy7ThKhdUxF here's where to get the plugin http://max.klanky.com/plugins.htm
  18. BE 2c - in progress

    looks GGGGGGGGRReat Stephen look forward to skinning this crate 4 sure
  19. Hi Stephan have you heard of or tried dark blue world1916 mod for IL2 yet? I Dl'd it the other day & , its got a lot going for it , but it only has a few proper ww1 aircraft models so far, most of the modders are working on ww2 & later planes I thought as i was skinning the se5a for it ,how amazing it would be to fly your models in the IL2 world. is there any chance you might think about porting your models into il2 so we have them in both ? if indeed they could be ported thx for reply in advance steve gambit168
  20. http://combatace.com/files/file/13078-sopwith-7f1-snipe-early/ 101fts ported his either over to IL2 , or from IL2 over to FE2 so it is possible he also put the N28 & the D8 in IL2, he made a couple of other for FE2 that are at the A-Team site , not sure why he didn't add them to the IL2 stable yet http://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/topic,30208.0.html
  21. hi Stephan , IL2 is the best ww2 flight sim ever , it IL2 1946 was released in jan 2007 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IL-2_Sturmovik_(video_game) the modding comunity has been working to inprove on the platform for years now, the last time i heard about ww1 planes for IL2 , they were ww2 biplanes with ww1 skins, & just for online fun really, got it has taken off since then, & my IL2 install was buggered up by a mod i added , so i deleted the game & that was that, but there was 33LIMA's post about the ww1 mod DBW1916 the other day here on CA that caught my eye so i went over to the SAS mods for IL2 website to check the progress out for myself. all the info on 3d mods & how to port them is on there forums. http://www.sas1946.com/main/index.php/board,135.0.html this is the ww1 planes page take a look , the sas team members will help anyone get there 3d party planes/ships/tanks anything everything , into the game
  22. IL-2 WW1, Part 3 - air-to-air at last!

    Im running a 2007 laptop with vista & a 4200 card & i got the new HD mod working for DBW1916 so the skins can be true color not crapy 8bit indexed im using the all in 1 pack 408.m to Dbw1916 + HD mod for DBW1916 work great no frame hits at all.
  23. A Nieuport 28 campaign - sim by sim

    THX 33LIMA It was you that put me onto this little gem I remembered it as i15s with ww1 paint jobs but now it is a different beast altogether finding its feet as a proper ww1 flight sim contender Im getting into DBW1916 I DL'd it the other day & i must say i love it & found some of the planes missing from the plane slots ,although they had all there folders in the #DBW1916 root folder I totally forgot that you need to add them in the Air .ini & planes .ini & weapons .ini for them to show in game not having fired up IL2 since an install of an ultrapack buggered it up a looooooooooooong time ago!!!!!!!!!!! I skinned the Se5a after a frustrating 5 reinstalls of the all in one pack!!!! from stock IL2 1946 408.m to DBW1916 because it & other planes didn't show up in game so i looked in the se5a folder & seeing the readme It said Put the folders -Se5A_Se5- in the "DBW1916" folders and add the entries in Air.ini/ plane_ru.properties/ weapons_ru.properties. but didn't say where they were , i assumed that as it was a full pack , these entries would have been in those .ini's already !!! IL-2 Sturmovik 1946\#DBW_1916\STD\com\maddox\il2\objects\AIR.ini Air.ini: SE5 air.SE5 NOINFO gb01 SUMMER SE5A air.SE5A NOINFO gb01 SUMMER IL-2 Sturmovik 1946\#DBW_1916\STD\i18n\PLANE_ru.proprties plane_ru.properties SE5 RAF S.E.5, 1917 SE5A RAF S.E.5A, 1918 IL-2 Sturmovik 1946\#DBW_1916\STD\i18n\weapons_ru.properties weapons_ru.properties #################################################################### # SE5 ##################################################################### SE5.default Default SE5.4x20lbsBombs 4x20lbs Cooper Bombs SE5.none Empty #################################################################### # SE5A ##################################################################### SE5A.default Default SE5A.4x20lbsBombs 4x20lbs Cooper Bombs SE5A.none Empty & did the same for the other planes that had not shown up in the game but had folders I.e. the N17, N23 I skinned the se5a & saved it as an indexed 8bit bmp , & in looked like roadkill!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So i looked around on the SAS SITE & found there is a NEW HD mod TRUE COLOR TEXTURES FOR DBW1916 that allows the skins to be saved as 24 bit bmps at 2048 i fired the se5 up as a 2048 24bit bmp and it looks great ;-) no frame rate hits , on my 2007 laptop !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the dogfights are great i put a camel v a drI on ace setting & watched them fight it out it was just like waldo pepper both pulling loops off the top the dr1 with its massive wing area gaining more height each loop camel slower in a left hand turn & slightly climbing , & faster & slightly diving to the right i can see a bright future for this IL2 ww1 mod it sorely needs Stephen & his great 3d models onboard , i hope everone from the FE2 forums gives DBW1916 a whirl I think its got great potential
  24. BE 2c - in progress

    Looks Great Stephen I don't seem to have any spare time right now for skinning, but i will want to skin these a lot
  25. Hanriot HD.2

    looks great thanks Stephen

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