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Everything posted by Brain32

  1. Learn Geography... ))))))))

    For us Europeans a good (and fair) test would be to fill out the map of the USA (no cheating) not for me though because I would still kick behinds on it (shameless geography self boasting ) but in general... Oh and one thing, Borat is from Kazakhstan a huge country so back East it freakin borders China, yes the where all the s**** these days is coming from China, that China...so when somebody punches out a map of Europe, just kick Borat out of your head as Kazakhstan is very likely not to even be on it...
  2. Yup like this, mind you it's super-quick work so it's just for example:
  3. RaptorA

    quick bump work
  4. OMFG I've been experimenting with it for years lol
  5. Ohh this is nice, btw is it possible to put Rijeka Airport on the island of Krk? That's where it is IRL but I don't know if it can be fitted there due to hfd and game limitations...
  6. I hate to do this to you guys...

    Darn I wish we had something like that here, or even just plain "shooting range clubs", they don't even have to let me take the firearm home, just to let me shoot...I'd pay for it for God's sake... :(
  7. Baltika do you have a somewhat operational version of that terrain? I'd like to see if I can mold my work into that and see how much stuff is needed for it to be finished...
  8. The Mighty Eighth - Trailer

    I gave up on realistic presentation of ww2 aerial combat with RedTails. I guess they are not making those movies for us, they have to appeal to the broader public thus RedTails had to do Cobra maneuvers and other funky stuff not to mention other stuff... With that said... This looks as if it will be pretty darn epic so I'll just try to turn of my "aviation enthusiast chip" and enjoy the spectacle this could be...
  9. Geeez these look great, they are not even low poly, for a phone game, models are spectacular
  10. I have tiles for Croatia, Bosnia, Serbia, Italy, and Greece with some transition, very high res at 2048x2048 and in nice PSD's As soon as I find some time I'll upload the whole thing in our modder depository ;)
  11. Unfortunately I don't think it's doable. It can't be done by texture it would have to be a function in the game but there is none :(
  12. I have a pretty developed but not complete high res satellite based tiles and templates for Balkans terrain that I never finished. Will gladly pass it over...
  13. Fulcrums seem to be doing some useful work on terrorists behinds
  14. Actually It might not get so bad, you can always make lods with less polygons, when I was experimenting with new terrain creation I aimed at regular HFD based terrain polycount, even like that advantages of lod based terrain would be a huge improvement, not to mention what would be the possibilities with lower lod system...
  15. Try 512 version that should work on a calculator...
  16. Anyone Else Furloughed Today?

    Sounds like a good solution, although I think dissolving the Congress should be automatic after a certain period (deadline) if they don't make a budget...
  17. Anyone Else Furloughed Today?

    I still didn't manage to figure out how long can this last theoretically. For example in Croatia if the budget is not passed by the Parliament in 120 days, all hell will get loose, Parliament will be dismissed and new elections will follow on. Is there such possibility by the US constitution or this can in theory last forever? EDIT: Nvm, I found my answer after some digging, well it seems no outside power can stop them or force them to do anything about it...a bit, I don't know lacking may be the best word, there should be some mechanism that would force them to stop keeping the entire country in the grid lock, just my 2c...
  18. Anyone Else Furloughed Today?

    I'm still surfing trying to figure out what this means, what are the possible consequences short and long term and what is it based on...well at least I'll polish up my legal english terms and skills :D
  19. I always keep the flight model option on hard setting
  20. Don't know, mine is pretty much untouchable, I mean in a gunfight it can get tough but normal tough... Herem try my INI its attached. *NOTE for those that will try the attached file, backup your's first, I don't know if mine is original or from some beta or something all I know is that it works ok for me* F-22A_DATA.7z
  21. Anybody has a clue why carriers aren't lit up for night landing?
  22. Just archived my old set and using this one now, excellent work Stary
  23. Actually I just don't see that as feasible fact, I think it's more of a politics/budget problem...

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