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Everything posted by Brain32

  1. The problem with more in-depth sims is that they lack the very thing arcade games have... First, wider audience can't really get into the somewhat sterile world of flightsims, I mean basically they hold as much appeal as Call of Duty singleplayer without the storyline especially if there's no multiplayer which is another attraction. I tried AceCombat for PC and it's pretty much not even a sim-game but rather plane-game, but I'll tell 'ya, it kept me in the chair to the very end and old hand AceCombat players even say that we got the worst one! So to cut to the mighty two(from our perspective): LockOn saga: It's ok, pretty scalable in difficulty options although maybe not fully up to my taste, has multiplayer which is a big plus, however singleplayer is just as sterile as usual for those games and with the limited amount of scenarios, terrains and flyable aircrafts I get bored with it really easy. Big minus - no mods(in SF sense) from the start, can one imagine what would be available now if mods for LockOn were possible from the start? Another huge minus for LockOn series is unreasonable performance demand topped with poorly scalable graphics options which often lead to the what I call LockOn paradox a 3d game phenomenon which occurs when the game is so demanding that even when you cut it down to the point it looks VERY poorly as in worse than competition poorly it still runs like crap. TW series, - small development house can't follow modern trends - continuation from the first point, same as LockOn and other sim-games, has sterile gameplay - no multiplayer On a good thing, high modability gives it nearly endless possibilities, you can buzz around in a Fokker Dr.1 over France in 1917 at one point, push the attack on Hanoi in F-105 in another and finish your playtime pushing amraams from your Raptor over Taiwan, no game could give us that, ever... - however devs for some reason are pushing the mods out more aggressively than ever which makes that huge uber-plus of tw games a big-fat minus. Do we dare to hope for a super game? I think we should and basically if such game ever shows up it will have to concentrate on allowing a smooth mod support and let the people as enthusiasts build it together with the devs, I see DCS is trying that but they are waaaay too complicated for that to explode and conquer like SF series mods(just look at the insane amount of stuff we built over the years!!!) because with the amount of time it takes to make something at DCS level mods that do come out and actually get finished can pretty much be payware only and even then considering the time it will take they will most likely be obsolete...
  2. Umm when you spend way more computer time in max and photoshop than in the actual game?
  3. Good luck buddy, I know pretty well what you are talking about, I'm digging out right now, so hopefully you will too
  4. Set Phasers to kill Captain...

    Release the laser cats!
  5. The "Iron Lady" is gone...

    Liked her resolve, her decisions and politics(economics) not at all...
  6. Looks great guys, I'm looking forward to both sets I'm still playing with specular maps, the pic can't show it properly but in game clean and dirty areas light up differently and it really gives a nice effect...
  7. img00031

    From the album Brain32 Album

  8. NK in state of war with the South?

    Yeah lol I've read the news on earthquake on several sites, not one was without HAARP comment
  9. NK in state of war with the South?

    They just had a nice little earthquake I can see conspiracy servers overloading right now :)))
  10. Incredible what one can do with a little bump and spec. Picture really can't fully express what can be done with it...
  11. Mig21F bump&spec

    From the album Brain32 Album

  12. F-22 - Worth It?

    This is so not true it's actually sad.(it goes with paranoia I mentioned before) You guys seem to have some sort of complex on the level of national mentality, to us you are like that friend will all have that simply can not take critique and even less so a joke on his own account. Any kind of USA-Europe quarrel is completely pointless because we are you and you are we And just so I don't have to explain what I wrote above here's a fun fact, 75% of total USA population is of European decent. Added trivia related to me: Almost as much Croats lives in USA as in the Croatia. So yeah we sooo hate us, I mean you... Chill out guys and don't let politicians named O'Riley, McBain, Pagliucci, Johansson, Vladek, or whatever ultra-european named politicians you have tell you there's anti-USA sentiment in Europe because that's as stupid as teddy bears in frozen hell...
  13. F-22 - Worth It?

    LOL, btw. did you see cuts of their news? That angry lady that is shouting out news? I laughed so hard I almost cried :)))))))
  14. F-22 - Worth It?

    No he is not but some of you guys get paranoid ideas so easily it can be funny sometimes... Think about this, you will understand why this argument is extremely silly. I agree with this one completely.
  15. The Sale of the Century

    I'll try to watch it with open mind though I don't think it can be comparable with the money pit that is F-35 program...
  16. F-22 - Worth It?

    Exactly! And this is one of the high-points of the Raptor, Spirit and all the high tech stuff, it's a deterrent, it says - "We mean business". Pretty similar to nukes, they are expensive, maintenance intensive and are newer used, even are not wanted to be used with huge fear surrounding not only potential targets but users too, but they make a point a really chilling wake-up call kind of point...
  17. F-22 - Worth It?

    Iraq in early 1990 was far more powerfull than NK today, in numbers, aircraft types, air defense, everything. So unless F-15/16/18 somehow lost a lot of combat effectiveness from early 1990's up to today I would disagree with that statement.
  18. Fits well in the mercenary scenarios(perfect actually) or regular but fictional scenarios on desert terrain, I don't do aggressor stuff either...
  19. F-22 - Worth It?

    How about reading all the pages
  20. F-22 - Worth It?

    True, especially considering the fact that people seem to forget there's something called ROKAF in the South and even more so just how brutal and well equipped that ROKAF thing is
  21. I couldn't live without mission editor anymore, so much better now...

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