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Everything posted by Brain32

  1. Spring in Germany

    Ouch that looks painful...
  2. NK in state of war with the South?

    Mmm I doubt that, according to all publicly available info and analysis their nuclear weapons are not deliverable...
  3. I had to reinstall mine and I'm pretty sure I didn't mess with it yet so this should do it... Default.7z
  4. NK in state of war with the South?

    Well something is most certainly behind this "show" but what? It's hard to say. I'd like to think it's a game by Un to get full support from the military which is a class that controls the whole country BUT, wouldn't this be overdoing it, dangerously overdoing it? P.S. aside from stealth precision attacks I don't see US being involved too much if the poop hits the fan, it simply does not have to, ROK military is brutally powerful and equipped...
  5. NK in state of war with the South?

    Seems legit: http://www.cnn.com/2013/03/29/world/asia/north-korea-us-threats/index.html?hpt=hp_t1 But after all the mambo-jumbo I have no idea what that actually means in this case...
  6. Unfair Work Conditions!

    Well buddy surfing over proxy basically means you can surf a page by using another, different site. You fool your router by connecting for example to my computer and then from my computer you connect to combatace(or any other site) while the router in your workplace still sees you connected to my computer, not the site you are actually browsing. You can do it by modifying your proxy by typing it in your browser, here's the proxy list I often use(for another reason): http://www.xroxy.com/proxylist.htm It can take a few tries until you find the one that works so don't give up if the first one you try fails... Also I've seen simpler proxy methods like this: http://www.justproxy.co.uk/ Here you just type in the address of the site you want to visit. Mind you I'm not sure it will work as I don't know how do you have it set up in your workplace but such stuff mostly works from my experience...good luck
  7. Unfair Work Conditions!

    Proxy surfing? That of course will be slower but still manageable
  8. Full Ocean graphix! wow

    Not just nice too look at, expensive to look out too, check the prices of TITAN and ofcourse you ain't gonna slap it on 486DX2, you will need a good INTEL cpu and tons of DDR3 memory...
  9. Post random things thread

  10. F-22 - Worth It?

    I think that's it's main problem, it an A-10 with the P-47 load capatibility, stealthy but nowhere near as stealthy for air superiority, can't turn, can't run but you can play Battlefield 3 on it better than on your average PC... I'm not sure about that, BVR with very limited missile load perhaps, but VVR according to the specs and pilot comments so far it could have a problem with 40 years old "pure blood" fighters. Constant problems, delays and limitations are not reassuring either. IMHO they(USA) should had built the F-23(also for the Navy) set it as "master exploder", the Emperor of the skies with all the electronics and systems, build some F-22 as ANG interceptors and ease off on the F-35 to really make it the "new F-16", upgrade legacy fighters and perhaps introduce special variants of B-1 or even B-2 for long range stand off SEAD missions Sounds expensive? Maybe but USA defense budget covers 41% of total world defense budget so I think they can manage...not to mention that last year total F-35 program cost rose to 1,5 trillion $
  11. F-22 - Worth It?

    F-22 is worth it, thought I think F-23 was miles better, F-35 on the other hand is in my eyes just a corporate welfare...
  12. Soooo I found a way to turn cockpit mirrors on and off on a keypress. Sounds great doesn't it, since mirrors are nice eye candy but give completely unreasonable FPS hit I suspect many of you with not so hot hardware would love to have that option I mean I can play with mirrors but I often wonder if up to 37fps lost with them is really worth that eye candy. Now you probably wonder why I wrote it's totally worthless? Good point. It's because I tested it on a pre-saved mission to have same conditions which makes for a good testbed and the results were: 1. Mirrors off - 77fps 2. Mirrors on - 40fps 3. Mirrors on but turned off with my mod - still 40fps It seems that even if you kill the mirror mesh completely the game still demands it to be rendered, for whatever purpose I have no clue as that makes as much sense as my neighbor playing Battlefield 3 causing me having bad performance while playing SF2 because my gfx card is somehow rendering his game too...atleast I could beat the living cr*p out of him, here I just can't help it. Anyway here is the attached ini for the stock F-15A if anybody wants to fool around with it, honestly I lost the motivation... EDIT: Oh I forgot, you can switch the mirrors on/off via bomb ripple keys. F-15A_COCKPIT.7z
  13. Don't think this is about the cash but now I'm being an analyst
  14. I'm loving it If you want to try a real scheme I have some profiles and also very much researched RGB values for colours
  15. Spring in Germany

    Said what? Sorry can't hear anything from the sound of shoveling... The pictures are nice though
  16. Post random things thread

    Hehe crazy Canadian, watched all his vids, talented comedy...
  17. Hehe I will definitely continue making stuff what will it be I don't know right now :)
  18. Anyone else feeling nostalgic?

    Isn't it interesting? While todays junk just drops dead 3 minutes after warranty expiration these oldies but goldies work even after 15-20 years. I just had a bad case of stuff dying in my PC, graphics card died for no reason, CD/DVD burner died and my main hard drive started allocating sectors(replacing bad sectors). It was like wham, triple damage, also tried connecting my old AMD AXP based configuration, and ofcourse, everything works...talk about quality of todays hardware... Sorry if I went OT.
  19. File Name: TILESET ONLY - Korea File Submitter: Brain32 File Submitted: 10 February 2013 File Category: SF2 Series Add On Terrains ****************************************** *****KOREA - TILESET ONLY****** ******************************************* 1. This is a tileset only, meaning a full set of 512x512 resolution textures based on satellite imagery with custom trees and object made by Stary all that made a long time ago even before CA KAW project started in todays form. Over the time this tileset showed it's age and was abandoned and never released. Since I think this is still a good tileset and can be used for other stuff I decided to release it but originally in an attempt to find a modder who would accept it and do something from it I failed so now I decided to let it fly to wider audience. FULL DESCRIPTION: Tileset decipts Korea in autumn with dominant brown/light brown colours, samples were taken from areas of South Korea, city is Pusan IIRC and some from Japan, few were custom made and can really be used to feature land in the general area wherever it may be. Like I said tileset comes with full tree and object work by Stary which means top quality guys. Basically all you have to do is make a terrain for it or apply it to the existing one, everything else is sorted for you. TERMS OF USE(freeware use only, otherwise contact both me and Stary via PM): Simply put me and Stary in credits like this(you can even copy paste lol): *********************************** Terrain textures by Brain32 Trees and objects by Stary *********************************** In the end I hope somebody might find some use for it. SPECIAL NOTE: Tileset uses specific naming convention AND WILL NOT WORK WITH EXISTING TERRAINS out of the box. Click here to download this file
  20. Habemus papam

    Still no name... Just noticed...this should be in the "Pub" subforum not here....
  21. Well it certainly shouldn't be especially since E/F are working, although I can't check now as my gfx card died on me so no 3D of any kind until next week for me...
  22. Not mine that's for sure, since 2008 onwards all I get is (much) less pay for more work and responsibility that's if I'm lucky enough to get some job. I don't know how things are in the gaming industry but I've been gettin' this sh** stuffed in my face all the time and I'm not the only one either, not to mention unemployment rates that are soaring for several years. So yeah sorry if I don't believe labor is getting more expensive though it might be "my fault" by being born in Eastern Europe, people here work for peanuts and Chinese are still A LOT cheaper so we can't even get that...it's a freakin mess... You should be very happy if TK is your boss, he obviously values other people's work unlike most employers.
  23. I think he simply got tired of it and that's it...fine with me, he does not owe me anything...

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