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Everything posted by Brain32

  1. I played around with this thing a bit - it's pretty cool. It took some time to figure out and I'm still not sure if I get it completely but it's very cool. BTW I don't quite understand the IAS/TAS thingy. Is that to compensate for IAS/TAS difference at different altitudes?
  2. Actually it's effectFire.fx for the afterburner... *Runs away before Dave reads this...*
  3. Nice pics, didn't see it that close before
  4. It's not my intention to nitpick, just curious about the EF-2000 styled HUD...never seen anything like that on Russian hardware...
  5. http://www.defense-aerospace.com/article-view/release/112256/airborne-laser-shoots-down-missile-during-boost-phase.html#
  6. The file does not contain "AntBLK50IAF.lod" file anymore, I see it was updated yesterday...
  7. I question it's manouverbility as a missile. However it can be used as a terror/propaganda weapon, like "We have so many of theese we launch entire systems at you!!!"
  8. It's Russia, not Burkina Faso lol
  9. Hmm I have California, Pureto Rico, Oregon + NY and South Carolina from DS mod. Buuut, I don't have Michigan and the Hooligans, off to hunt it down in the DL section EDIT: Found it!
  10. Actually the inital rumors about RCS are 0.5m2 which is although a rumor and not a fact quite dissapointing yeah, but who knows... As for F-35...ugh I don't even want to go on about it lol
  11. Well I guess it's in the POV, to me it really does not look much like the Raptor apart from the fact that if they were too different it would be highly strange, even the jet intakes are more YF-23 style than F-22, but anyway - it's not like that's important lol Yes they are small, maybe that's where the TVC will kick in? That would pretty much be perfect use of it...
  12. Allegedly India wants 250 of theese babies, how's that for production cost reduction?
  13. Why it's not like it's JSF
  14. Actually to me it looks much, MUCH more similar to YF-23 than to F-22. I would go as far as saying it does not remind me of F-22 or Su-27 at all. If anything it's "Black Widowski"
  15. I saw a few ww2 ones, real, really ugly. Low alt bailouts and messy bailout attempts, brrr
  16. In most gun kill pilot accounts I've read, they have seen the enemy punching out actually, now getting AIM-54 strait in the nose does not leave that possibility methinks...
  17. Don't mix the bolded stuff, I re-created the same thing by accident a few months ago. I didn't wrote this once really but anyway UseAdvancedShaders=1 tries to use DX10 effects, since you are running in DX9 mode ofcourse you have issues. The extra problem is that above certain Effects setting in-game the value changes automatically to 0 or 1 respectively I tried to run the game in DX10 but set my Effects to medium in game, so I had similar problem, game wanted to run in DX10 but didn't use dx10 effects and I got the same error(also on the MiG-21 pits and some others). So generally if one wants to use DX9 with SF2:I+ versions of game make sure: 1. UseAdvancedShaders=0 AND 2. ForceDX9=TRUE ALSO Do not set the in-game effects options to high or extra as that will again activate advancedshaders and you will again get the same error. Hope this can help... EDIT: corrected a simple error lol
  18. Well ofcourse it can't go over Mach1 but even F-15 does not fly over mach1 most of it's mission or it would have to have a SR-71 capable of refueling(KS-71? ) with it lol
  19. Actually mainpanel textures of the E pit are in 1024 and mainpanel texture of the C pit iz 2048 so yeah it can work :)
  20. I mostly fly with the Luftwaffe and USAF, then VVS and USN and I'm quite often in the French Mirages, everything else is occasional. I know, I'm boooooring
  21. Been there tried that, it's awsome but control setting made me want to throw my monitor through the closed window lol Sorry for OT everyone

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