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Status Replies posted by Brain32

  1. just finished MW3 , well look BF3 is better by gun sound and effects and and the f-18 mission and the reality of the battles , MW3 is better by missions story and CPT.price and thats all so i chose BF3

  2. impatiently waiting for Skyrim... will it be as immersive and addictive as Oblivion was almost 6 years ago? Hope so.

  3. Did anybody ever made a CATM-9M for any SF game? I don't have it and can't seem to find it...

  4. hi i just started my acc here bt why cant i join the chat reply on the forum or dowload??

  5. is in love with a Jewish girl. Flightsims lost the priority, sorry

  6. Darn those F-4 vs mig21 fights in SF can be really fun :)

  7. "most guys would rather be on the surface of Mercury getting zapped by cosmic rays than being exiled to Just-friend-istan" sooo true...

    1. Brain32


      Oh damn I hate those situations, I for one was a (kind of) prick and told her I don't want to be her friend...

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  8. To patch or not to patch. I'm kinda scared

  9. grrr! Due to own incompetence and absence of mind, lost several key ini files for one update. Damn it!

  10. 5 days to turn officially old. think i'll got a gun

  11. System back alive, so-so. Oh, and thinking about cancelling preorder for Cliffs Of Dover...

  12. System back alive, so-so. Oh, and thinking about cancelling preorder for Cliffs Of Dover...

  13. In final stages of preparing a Criminal law exam, so no updates on anything for a while...

  14. messing with ini files

  15. General Elections in Brazil, does it makes difference to vote in a left or right wing candidate with the current political system?

  16. WTF? portnoy leaves DT!


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