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Everything posted by Sakai

  1. WINDOWS 7 32 bit upgrade to 64 Bit ?

    Hey all, just curious and I want to make sure I have my facts straight. I am running Win7 Home Premium 64-bit, Intel Dual Core 2.2Ghz processor (x2), 3 GB RAM, and a 250 GB HD and I am running the Intel Integrated chipset for graphics. I know it will not look pretty, but can I run WOV/WOE on my system??? First series.
  2. No kill like a..... missile kill

    Yes MigBuster I believe you are correct. I have to say that it is very satisfying to get a kill with any of the early missiles, IR or SARH, they both feel good. I actually rate the AIM-9B a little higher then most, after countless Vietnam campaigns I have learned the proper way to use the early winder, and it is very effective if only used well inside its parameters. Its just like a guns dogfight, just with a missile shot at the end. I have to say that the AIM-4 is the worst tracking missile in the game. I have taken a lot of flights with the all weather Mig-19P and scored fairly well using the AA-1 as long as I don't get creative with how I think the missile should be used. Only dead astern (or in some very rare cases, head on) and from about 3 miles. I will wait until I am well latched on an enemy's tail until I launch, sometimes they will level out in a fight for no apparent reason, thats when I nail them. I also like to be able to take a pair of Atolls with me if I can, the AA-2D is an effective missile. It's just like the AIM-9B, and is used in the same manner.
  3. Dual Core or Quad Core?

    I just got a laptop with an Intel Dual Core running at 2.2Ghz, which is considerably slower then the dual core you are looking at, and I have noticed a considerable improvement in the overall smoothness of operations. I dont fly OFF tho, so I dont have any info for that sim, but X-Plane and IL2 run fine, and thats with an integrated graphics chip!
  4. Man I love that show! The girlfriend bought me the season in a box set last christmas.
  5. LMAO Dave, that is some real "ask and you shall recieve" action if i've ever seen it. Truly amazing work swam, I'll take one too!
  6. Pirates capture French warship?

    LOL, being a mainer myself, I was so caught up with the fact that the article said the Navy officer was from Portland that I totally missed the "...on condition of anonymity..." part. Thats hillarious, but do you want to know the worst part????? When I read the title of the article about the French navy losing a war ship to a bunch of pirates I WASN'T SURPRISED!!!!! Edit: Horrayy!!!! This is my 200th post! I tend to be more of a lurker then active in the forums and this is the highest post count of any account I have anywhere, even MySpace!!!!!!!!
  7. Alright, the time has finally arrived. My school says I should get my refund later today or tomorrow. My longtime friend and computer has finally kicked the bucket to the point that any real gaming is out of the question. The BIOS is all messed up and it wont read my graphics card. With only 700MB of RAM or so anyways, this is a huge loss considering my graphics card has 512MB alone (NVidia 8600GT). Now I have about $600 - 700 to spend. And I also need to keep in mind that this will be for my school work as well. I really want to get a lap top, and I have been looking at one over at the waltermart that has a 17" screen, 3GB or RAM, 2.2 Ghz processer, 320GB HD, but has integrated graphics. only $500 tho, so its a deal, anyone got some hints at what to look for in a lap top, or ideas would be great!!!
  8. I will have to try that, would be nice to have IL2 running as such. I just got the X52 today! It is tough to get used to, but I think that after a little practice I will be once again killing in the name of!!!
  9. I am running Windows 7 Home Premium, and my chip is an Intel 2.2 Ghz dual-core so I do believe I am running DX.10 On hearing that I think I may buy WoV2 this afternoon. Also, I bought X-Plane 9 yesterday and haven't tried it out yet so no stats on that yet. I did, however, get IL-2 installed and patched up to 4.09m and am downloading the UP 2.0n package. I ran the vanilla IL-2 yesterday and it ran great and looked good! My only complaint is that my monitor on the laptop is a widescreen, something like 16:9!!! Most of my apps don't use the whole screen, IL2 doesn't anyways, so there are black margins on each side. But even then I think the viewable area is just as large as with my old 15" monitor I had for the desktop. The monitor is HD so that is nice too. I ran "Combat Mission: Shock Force" (nod to my wargaming buddys, woot!) last night after getting it and the "Marines" module at Battlefront.com and with the details middle/low it ran like pure silk so I should be able to notch up the graphics a bit and still have good performance. I am so amped to be getting the X-52 tho! If it weren't for the fact you need a computer to use the HOTAS setup I would be more excited about that!
  10. LOL, sounds like a solid case to me! I do play TK sims, WoV/WoE1. I am thinking of buying WOV2, do you have 1st series or second series? If the second series, is it really such a huge jump? It seems worth it even if it is only a small improvement.
  11. Well, I did it. Considering all the moving I do in life I decided on a lap top. The sucky part is that I had to suffer with integrated graphics. On the plus side, at least its NVidia integrated graphics. I also just placed my order with Amazon (using the cash I saved on getting this laptop) for an................. X-52 HOTAS setup. I had a thread a little while ago about which HOTAS setup to buy. I was gonna cheap out with the T-Flight, but after a lot of thought, I decided on the X-52. It should be here Saturday with the uber shipping I paid on it.
  12. You all have been very helpful. I have come to the conclusion that most everyone thinks that desktops are the easiest to bring up the the specs I want with the budget im on. I have to add the like a year or so ago (when I started posting here again, lol) I was using an HP laptop, 2GB ram, all that happy stuff, pretty average. I ran both a modded IL2 and FSX with a bunch of planes with the sliders up most of the way and it ran like silk. I know that maybe that is the exception and not the rule, who knows, but it did its duty. I also have TWO wonderful children (I dont know if they are wonderful yet, hopefuly) coming into the world in August, so this is likely to be that last time I spend money guilt free on mememememe! By the end of today, should have new puter, will keep you all posted!
  13. IL-2 1946 and CFS2

    can't think of a reason, lol, only CFS i would buy is the third one to use with OFF.
  14. The reasons Terrorists don't drive VW's...

    EPIC! I am in love with this commercial! +1 for real, LMAO!
  15. An Interview with Capt Robert Ward

    Capt. Ward, thank you for your service! The shots of the 100 in flight are amazing, and seeing old school Varks is a real treat. I would really like to see that video of the napalm coming off the pylon and exploding a split second later, amazing! Most of all, welcome aboard to CombatAce!!!
  16. Play spot the plane at AMARC

    You could build yourself a respectable airforce out of what we throw away. There were like at least 70 F4 Phantoms, quite a few F-111s for the strike role, some A-7s, not to mention the F-14s. I swear I saw some legacy Hornets in there too. I would really love to just hang out there for a while, be like a kid in a candy store!!!!
  17. How did YOU end up here at combatace?

    I bought WOV in a combo pack with an FPS about special ops in Vietnam. I couldn't get it to run on my old graphics card, put it on a shelf. Got a new graphics card, tried again, and it worked!!! Then I googled the Wings over series and found CombatAce, and I swear it promised cake and punch. Well, I signed up like a year or two ago, and still no cake or punch, just lots of great mods. So I figured, "hey, if I buy WoE, maybe thats where the cake and punch is" so I went over to Amazon and picked up a copy to merge with WoV. It arrived at my house, I opened the box, and.........no cake, no punch, not even a dry punch mix like in MREs. And now here we stand, a great game with great mods, and im still hungry and thirsty, what a life this is.
  18. Flight Simmers and their books

    I am a HUGE aviation, military aviation, and military enthusiast. To go with my library of games, I also have a library of books. Here is the list: "Fire in the Sky: The Air War in the South Pacific" "World War II" - Illustrated, lots of good pics "Aircraft Anatomy of World War II" "The Encyclopedia of Aircraft of WWII" "The Encyclopedia of Modern Military Aircraft" "Modern Military Aircraft in Combat" "Military Aircraft of the Cold War" "U.S. Army Weapons Systems of 2009" "Dumb But Lucky! - Confessions of a P-51 Fighter Pilot in World War II" "Woodbine Red Leader - A P-51 Mustang Ace in the Mediterranean Theater" These are the ones I could find on short notice, and I am curious as to what other sim pilots may have in their collections.
  19. Flight Simmers and their books

    If anyone has anything in .pdf about the Su-27/30 family, NVAF in the Vietnam war, India vs. Pak wars, or the Russian and Chinese navies they can send me they would be well recieved. Or any good web sites they know of about these topics would be great.
  20. Flight Simmers and their books

    thats is awesome ghostrider, I would read all of those over and over again until memorized!!! Can't find stuff like that here. I have perused the local book stores and haven't found anything on the IAF or any of the wars India has fought. Maybe Amazon, haven't looked around there yet. If you know of anywhere I can find those titles in the US (New England in particular) would be appreciated. In particular the titles in the top pictures about the Mig-23/27/29 and Su-30.
  21. Flight Simmers and their books

    USAF, I swear you have more stuff then the military section of my local Borders.
  22. Flight Simmers and their books

    My grandfather had that book and I lost it during a move (I know, I know) I must have read it a million times tho, as you can see by my screen name:cool: That and the "Jolly Rogers", I believe it was written by Ira Kepford, not sure tho, but it was a member of VF-17 none the less. I have to suggest "Woodbine Red Leader" to anyone interested in such things, great book. Lord FC, I thought I was bad, the girlfriend thinks i'm obsessed, thanks for making me look sane, LOL. My flight sim collection makes her shudder too, goes back to "Flight of the Intruder" and "SVGA Harrier".
  23. wow, giving a whole new meaning to "two weeks" outstanding work!!!!
  24. Top Gun Korean Style

    love it, really I do, hilarious!!!
  25. I haven't flown OFF but it sounds like your describing ground effect. When I was taking lessons in cessnas I learned about this. When you get close to the ground it will suck you down, happens every time. B.T.W. That vid is hilarious!!!

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