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Posts posted by WhiteBoySamurai

  1. Starting work on the Crotale. The launcher texture is borrowed from my Lafayette and is just temporary.


    The copy is identical to the original (at least externally), using the same Hotchkiss 4-wheel truck. I'll include a separate version for France and international users in the pack.


    Finished the Type 89 multiple rocket launcher. I hate to admit it, but this is kind of a neat vehicle. 40 rounds + 40 more in an on-board reload system.



    They can really mess up an airbase.


    • Like 5
    • Thanks 1

  2. While in Hiroshima this year, I visited the Kure Maritime Museum (呉市海事歴史科学館), also known as the "Yamato Museum." Kure was (and is) a major shipbuilding city, and the museum there is a treasure trove of history. Here are a few photos I took there.





    That's the decommissioned submarine Akishio across the street, attached to the JMSDF Kure Museum (which I also went to).



    The traffic barriers are armor piercing shells. 



    The pier just outside the museum is a 1:1 mockup of the Yamato's deck. I took this from the forward anchor position, facing where the #1 turret would be. Only a small fraction of the ship is represented, but it's still huge.



    This is a 41cm (16") gun salvaged from the battleship Mutsu.



    One of the first things you see when entering the museum is the famous 1:10 scale model of the Yamato. She is glorious.





    The museum has a lot of static displays as well.


    Type 2 torpedo. 


    Kaiten suicide torpedo.


    Kairyu midget submarine.




    Zero Model 62 fighter-bomber.



    Type 91 AP and Type 3 AAA-incendiary shells for the Yamato's 46cm main guns.




    Two more shots of the Yamato.


    There were many other exhibits, including the history of the city of Kure, naval battles of the IJN, the evolution of shipbuilding, and a multitude of smaller-scale model ships. If you happen to visit Japan and have any interest in warships or military history, I highly recommend this museum.

    • Like 8

  3. Sorry I've been away for a while. Travelling, working, new SO, etc.


    I completely rebuilt the 600gal wing tank I had been working on for the F-2. The dimensions are as accurate as I can get them based on photos and diagrams. I re-purposed a skin by ace888, since it fit so well.







    I'm currently building some modern PLA vehicles. These will get a lot of use in the Taiwan and South China Sea terrains. I started these a while ago, but was quickly overwhelmed by the sheer number of variants and sub-types of these designs. So I'm sticking to the most common/interesting ones.







    When I'm finished with this ground vehicle pack, I'll get back to working on ships.

    • Like 14

  4. I was hoping to get through the week without any more awful news, but I came home today and saw this-- Two police officials were stabbed to death in their home near Paris.



    They were not only partners, but a couple. RIP. Their son survived, fortunately.


    Like the perpetrator in Florida, this psychopath also declared allegiance to ISIS, and had connections to jihadist groups.


  5. Last Friday morning I had the day off and was just getting up when I heard F-15s and F-2s in the air near Komaki, which is only a few kilometers from where I live. That's a bit rare, since we mostly have C-130s here. I didn't know what their mission was until much later in the day when I heard the news. I just wish I could've gotten a photo; I might have been able to see it from my house.


    no offense to any of our Japanese members, but it looks like a small and cheap knockoff of the F-22..  or is it just me? :P


    Japan originally wanted the F-22, so naturally they would design an aircraft with similar layout to meet the same requirements. It's small because it's still in the "technology demonstrator" phase.


    And also, unlike her neighbors, Japan doesn't do knock-offs. They're second only to the US in original patent applications. And even for existing tech, if something can be made lighter, more streamlined, more energy efficient, and easier to use, Japan will do it. I'm expecting the X-2 to follow that trend.

    • Like 1

  6. I have an announcement to make.


    As you probably know, the biggest complaint I've been getting about my ship models is that they aren't cute enough. I know, I know. Every day, I receive hundreds of PMs urging me to make my ships more lovable and ladylike. I wasn't sure how to fix this issue until I discovered the wildly-popular Japanese media franchise "Kantai Collection."


    So, starting this April 1st, I will begin revamping all my existing ships and building the entire IJN fleet for Strike Fighters 2... as cute anime girls.



    Now that's more like it! But how does that translate into a 3D game? Well, I'll be collaborating with modellers from Sega, so here is what you can expect:


    To be honest, I'm not sure how to get that cell-shaded effect, or how to do those adorable animations in the SF2 engine. And frankly I have zero experience in modelling human figures. But I won't let that stop me. I promise that I'll give the CombatAce community what it wants!  :salute:

    • Like 6

  7. Obvious things first:


    Could it be a disk space issue? Or fragmentation? Bad sector on hard drive? Maybe run chkdsk and see if anything turns up.


    Also, make sure the path in the Options.ini file is correct. Try changing the image format or a different folder and see if that helps.


    Directory=C:\Users\***\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 Europe\ScreenShots

  8. Abukuma is being uploaded now. Here she is with the rest of the fleet.



    This class was originally planned to have a RAM launcher in the space between the superstructure and main gun. ("For but not with" is a common phrase for the USN and RN these days, isn't it?) I've been told that they are finally going to be added starting next year or the year after, so I've included the refit version of the ship as well. Actual dates are subject to change.


    I think I'll get back to work on some OPFOR ships next.

    • Like 5
    • Thanks 1

  9. Abukuma class destroyer escort

    This model represents the Abukuma class destroyer escorts (DE-229~DE-234), in service with the JMSDF from 1989 to present. They are designed as cost-effective general-purpose escorts with an emphasis on anti-sub and anti-surface warfare. "Destroyer escort" is the JMSDF's equivalent term for "frigate."


    The Abukuma class features a 76mm gun, Phalanx CIWS, two 4-canister SSM launchers, ASROC launcher, and ASW torpedoes. Installation of a RAM launcher is also planned for the near future.


    A full names list and authentic decals are included. This ship is best used in conjunction with my Kongo, Takanami, Murasame, Asagiri, Hatsuyuki, and other upcoming Japanese Maritime Self Defense Force capital ships.


    • Like 3

  10. I'm not so sure we need an entirely new pit. In my opinion, the F-15E's we have now is one of my favorite 3rd party cockpits. The dynamic MFDs are amazing. I imagine it would take an incredible amount of work just to set those up on a new scratch-built pit.


    But while we're on the subject, here's something I think is much higher priority for immersion on this aircraft. Compare the F-15C and E to the stock A:




    The canopies don't look like glass. No shininess at all. It's the only flaw in these otherwise outstanding models.


    All that's needed is to adjust the specular/glossiness/reflection of the material and re-export. I know it would be a pain in the ass for FastCargo (or whoever has access to the Max files) to do that for each .lod and then re-upload everything, but theoretically all it would take is 10 minutes and a shot of Red Bull.


  11. To make objects for this sim, the most important thing is to have a Diffuse map-- That's your texture bitmap. Bump maps and specular maps can come later as needed. Like Stary said, don't use multi/sub materials.


    I recommend watching some tutorials on UVW Unwrapping. That was the hardest thing for me to learn to do properly, and often the most time-consuming part of the modelling process. The sooner you start learning it, the better. Good luck!

  12. Republic of Korea Navy Ulsan class frigate pack

    This package contains the complete collection of Ulsan class frigates of the Republic of Korea Navy:

    • Ulsan Flight I (c.1980), armed with two 76mm guns, four twin 30mm AAA guns, and eight Harpoon missiles
    • Ulsan Flight II (c.1986), armed with two 76mm guns, three twin 40mm AAA guns, and eight Harpoon missiles
    • Ulsan Flight III (c.1988), armed with two 76mm guns, three twin 40mm AAA guns, and eight Harpoon missiles (with the aft guns on an elevated platform for better firing arcs)


    These ships are modular and share a common hull design with different weapon loadouts. They are essentially a larger cousin of the contemporary Donghae and Pohang corvettes.


    See the readme for full details and credits. If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or constructive criticisms regarding this model, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you!



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