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Everything posted by WhiteBoySamurai

  1. The original photos were fairly decent resolution (mostly around 1200 x something, best I could find), but in the process of using the scaling and perspective tools, plus trying to get the brightness/contrast/color balance even over the ship, the apparent quality went down. Ideally, you're right, hand-painted textures look the best in this game, but as I said I'm not skilled in that area at all. I'll see what I can do to improve the textures, though. As for a Kotlin, I'll definitely consider that. At some point I'm thinking of doing a Krivak or Neustrashimy too. More cold war era targets would be good, after all. I've got some other stuff in the works before that, though, so please be patient.
  2. Yeah, from what I understand, regardless of where the guns are on a ship, the AI "aims" from the center of the model. And unfortunately wherever we put the muzzle flash is where the rounds come out. I thought at first that "ViewportPosition" for each gunner would make a difference, so I've tried placing them near the center of the ship, and I've also tried placing them right near the gun barrel, but I haven't noticed any measurable difference in gun performance either way. Also, I hate to admit it, but I don't know exactly what the "RangeFinder=" and "BallisticComputer=" values do or what units they are. All I know is lowering them makes the guns miss even worse. >_> Anyway, I can see why that bug would affect general accuracy, but I don't know why the rounds always seem to fall so short. Recently I tried a "shore bombardment" mission where I lined up a flotilla of USN ships and had them sail along the desert coast shooting at stationary targets. They couldn't hit jack squat at any reasonable ranges. Even the Iowa had all its rounds fall short until I moved it to just a couple miles from the targets. If anyone has any ideas I'd love to hear them.
  3. LCS-1 is underway and will be uploaded shortly. It took me just under 20 days from start to finish. I decided to add the .50 cals after all. And here's the RIM-116 RAM being launched. I temporarily changed "ShowMissile=TRUE" so you can see that each missile is in its correct spot in the launcher. Here's a render of the missile. I hope you guys enjoy it. I'm going to get right back to work on yet another project.
  4. LCS-1 Freedom class Littoral Combat Ship

    Version 2.3


    This model represents the first Littoral Combat Ship, USS Freedom, in commission with the US Navy since 2008. These vessels are designed to be fast, stealthy, and highly modular. This package includes decal sets for all current and future ships of the class, plus all necessary sounds, guns, and weapons such as the exclusive RIM-116 Rolling Airframe Missile. The ship can support two helicopters. See the readme file for full details. A SRBOC countermeasures system has been installed to help defend against anti-ship missiles. This system is still in the beta stages, but if well-received, will be added to my other models as appropriate. The weapon systems, collision mesh, and decals have been updated for compatibility with SF2: North Atlantic and the March 2012 patch. If you have not installed/do not plan to install either, this model will not work properly. When setting up a task force, using the USNgrey texture will allow hull decals based on the ship number. This is bugged in single missions (as the ship number apparently defaults to 90 and can't be changed), so select a specific texture set with the hull number you want. If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or constructive criticisms regarding this model, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you!
  5. RAMrender

    From the album WBS's stuff

    RIM-116 RAM close-up
  6. LCS 1 WIP07

    From the album WBS's stuff

    USS Freedom launching RIM-116B missile [showMissile=TRUE for testing purposes]
  7. The skin is 90% done, and she's helo capable now, so here are some preview pics: Because I suck at painting, I decided to try something different and use cut and edited photographs wherever practical. As promised, this ship can readily handle two medium helicopters. (Chinooks and Ospreys might be a bit too big to fit more than one on deck though.) Did you know that you can make aircraft launch aft instead of forward? In order to facilitate the AI wingman being able to take off and land, the deck has fake catapults and arresting wires. The number two position is staggered back a bit so the AI has a better takeoff run. Seahawks work perfectly so far. I still need to do the decals (easy) and the RIM-116 missile. I considered just using a stock Sidewinder model, but you guys deserve better than that, right? Also, I'm considering adding the four .50 cal machine guns, which will take a little while longer, so I'm not sure if it's worth it from a tactical or immersion point of view. Let me know what you think.
  8. I'd love to, and in fact an Arleigh Burke was going to be my second project after the Tico, but I had read that post a while back saying that Fubar was doing one.
  9. LCS 1 WIP06

    From the album WBS's stuff

    USS Freedom helo integration
  10. LCS 1 WIP05

    From the album WBS's stuff

    USS Freedom helo integration
  11. LCS 1 WIP04

    From the album WBS's stuff

    USS Freedom sea trials
  12. Pinnacle landing and mid-air refueling? What manner of sorcery is this?? Seriously, nice mod!
  13. clocmack: Check your inbox. JB5: Don't give up on the MH-53! But honestly I'd be happy to see any helo you can give us. KJakker: Great minds think alike. I already put in the 57mm gun, using the data from the same website you linked, and my numbers are pretty much identical to yours. Speaking of which, here's a pic from the initial weapons testing (sans paint): The 30mm bushmaster guns are also new, using data from that navy weapons site. I found out that they use basically the same turret as the (cancelled? delayed?) USMC Expeditionary Fighting Vehicle. And apparently the mountings are completely modular and able to be swapped out for different weapons easily.
  14. Finally, a German ship for GermanyCE! Wonderful model, and again JB5 did an awesome job with the skin. I hate to nitpick, though, but the ship's detection is rather overmodelled. 480km track and visual search, 450 strength? My upcoming LCS-1 uses an upgraded version of the same basic radar (TRS-3D), so I did my homework on it. 180km max range, can pick up fighter-sized targets at 110km under ideal conditions. Volume search time should be 6 seconds (10rpm). Also, I believe it's C-band (between 3.7 and 4GHz), but that shouldn't affect gameplay too much. Just my $0.02, anyway.
  15. I'm glad this thread was bumped; I wasn't aware this was in the works. Looks great! Considering the polygon count of this ship, I might need to finally invest in a new computer.
  16. LCS 1 WIP03

    From the album WBS's stuff

    USS Freedom preliminary weapons testing
  17. As someone who wants to make a lot of warships for the series, this has always been my biggest complaint. I'm not sure why TK doesn't just include the "warship" type along with "cargo_ship" for anti-ship missions. The code would probably consist of a comma and a single word, amirite? Anyway, I wonder if there's a workaround for campaigns, like defining ships as ground forces or something?
  18. Somehow I got sick and fell behind schedule this week, but the mesh is nearly done. To save time and polygons, I've simplified the detail under the waterline, unlike with my Tico where I did the screws and everything. Ships don't capsize very often in the game anyway, so hopefully no one will complain. I think she's looking pretty nice so far. Anyway, I'm just about ready to do the most fun and least fun parts: weapons testing and UVW unwrapping. >_> Personally, I'm looking forward to seeing JB5's MH-53 on the deck...
  19. LCS 1 WIP02

    From the album WBS's stuff

    LCS-1 USS Freedom render; mesh almost done
  20. File Name: CG-59 Ticonderoga class Aegis cruiser File Submitter: WhiteBoySamurai File Submitted: 05 June 2011 File Category: Cruisers This model represents the Baseline 3 and 4 Ticonderoga class cruisers (CG-59~CG-73), in service from 1988 to present (upgrades and refits notwithstanding). This baseline of the ship is equipped with a number of upgrades, including an improved SPY-1B radar, SARTIS sensors, and missile systems. With over 120 long-range highly accurate missiles, this vessel is by far the single most dangerous GroundObject ever released for the ThirdWire games. Both air defense and land attack versions of the ship are included, as well as name and hull number decals for each ship of the class, plus the necessary sounds, guns, and weapons. Note: The weapon systems, collision mesh, and decals have been updated for compatibility with SF2: North Atlantic and the March 2012 patch. If you have not installed/do not plan to install either, this model will not work properly. See the readme file for full details. If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or constructive criticisms regarding this model, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you! Click here to download this file
  21. I'm really looking forward to this. We absolutely NEED a fully working & flyable F-16C in this game. Your model looks really tight, too! I can't wait to see it in action.
  22. LCS-1 WIP01

    From the album WBS's stuff

    LCS-1 USS Freedom early work-in-progress render
  23. Glad it's working well for you now! I just released the next baseline (CG-59), and updated the CG-52 and CG-47 models as well. Among other things, I used the old exporter version to make alternate LODs compatible with the SF1 series. Eventually I intend to release two more versions of the Tico, the Baseline 4 series and the "Cruiser Conversion Program" refits. But for now, I think I'll take a break and work on a new model ship, so you guys don't assume I'm a one-trick pony milking the same ship to death.
  24. CG-59 Ticonderoga class Aegis cruiser

    Version 3.5


    This model represents the Baseline 3 and 4 Ticonderoga class cruisers (CG-59~CG-73), in service from 1988 to present (upgrades and refits notwithstanding). This baseline of the ship is equipped with a number of upgrades, including an improved SPY-1B radar, SARTIS sensors, and missile systems. With over 120 long-range highly accurate missiles, this vessel is by far the single most dangerous GroundObject ever released for the ThirdWire games. Both air defense and land attack versions of the ship are included, as well as name and hull number decals for each ship of the class, plus the necessary sounds, guns, and weapons. Note: The weapon systems, collision mesh, and decals have been updated for compatibility with SF2: North Atlantic and the March 2012 patch. If you have not installed/do not plan to install either, this model will not work properly. See the readme file for full details. If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or constructive criticisms regarding this model, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you!
  25. TicoGame16

    From the album WBS's stuff

    The last thing this Flanker pilot ever saw...

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