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Everything posted by Gepard

  1. As far as i know the soviet MiG-21F-13 were all metallic in the frontline units. For air show displays some planes got red markings on upper wings and fuselage. It may be possible, that some MiG-21F-13 were used long enough in training units to get the air superior "blue grey" skin, which came in the early 1970th or late 1960th. But i have not seen photos of a camouflaged soviet MiG-21F-13.
  2. Cuban MiG's with strange camo

    I found an other photo of an cuban MiG-23 with the funny camo.
  3. Colorful camo, but it looks strange
  4. A MiG-21 version which we still need is the MiG-21-93 alias MiG-21BISON. New cockpit canopy and windshield, chaff flare dispensers over the wingroots, deceptive jammer in the tailfin, Kopyo radar with capability of detecting a MiG-21 size fighter at 57 km and engaging two targets at the same time.
  5. East german MiG-23ML over RSBN navigation station. RSBN was a soviet short range navigation system, comparable with american TACAN system. Pilots, which had flown in the LSK and Bundesluftwaffe said, that the soviet RSBN was more accurate than TACAN.
  6. I made an experiment. For this i used Mue's powerfull TOD editor . Thanks for this tool Mue! First i set a line of 10 tod buildings (solid objects, stock ones). Then i copied this line and pasted it 9 times below the first line. So i got a block of 100 tod buildings. This block i copied and pasted it 9 times. So i got 10 blocks, each with 100 buildings = 1.000 tod objects. In game it looked so: In result the game engine showed the first 5 blocks completly and of the sixt block 47 buildings. The other 4 blocks completely disappear. If i have calculated correct, it are 547 tod buildings (solid objects). Then i tried to do the same with tod trees (alpha objects) Again i set 10 blocks, each with 100 trees. The result was different: I got all 10 blocks visible in game, but in each block some trees were missing. It seems to be, that there is no scheme, which trees are not to see. The missing trees seems to be missing by random. As result i would say, that the maximum of solid objects (tod buildings) is 547. For alpha objects the number is still unknown. You may place 1.000 trees, but some would not appear in game. Further tests are neccessary.
  7. Wrench, If you look to the second screenshot you can see 547 solid (buildings) and approx. 800 alpha (tree) objects visible at the same time. Perhaps the limit has something to do with the settings in the terrains data.ini?
  8. Today Germany is playing vs Scottland in European Football Championship. And scottish fans made some mistakes. In one case it was a heavy car exident, with some heavy casulties. Thaswhy: A few tips for Brits travelling to Germany for the European Championships First: In Germany we are driving on the right side, like the rest of civilized world. If you drive like in Great Britain you'll end up in hospital. Second: Our beer is stronger than what you are used to in the UK. If you drink like you do in Great Britain, you'll quickly find yourself under the table. Third: Funny meant phrases like "Sieg Heil" or other Nazi related phrases are in Germany no joke, but a crime. You can go to jail for this. Have fun and enjoy your time!
  9. Humpday Heavies

    An-12 at an airfield on crimean peninsula, end 1980th. EDIT: Ups, posted one day to early. Sorry.
  10. "Skorpion". The polish idea of a light ground support aircraft of end 1980th, early 1990th.
  11. Slow progress. Placing hundreds of trees and buildings is boring!
  12. Phantom F.3 alias F-4J(UK) is going vertical over Guernsey
  13. My next book released

    Written by me. Released by Motorbuchverlag Stuttgart in german language "MiG-23". ISBN 978-3-613-04632-0 Hope you enjoy it.
  14. Funny facts to the east german CLA-87 pods. There were 3 different versions of this pod. One of this pods was to equippe with a videocamera. Small problem: in East Germany was no videocamera available. The own industrie was unable to build one and soviet video technic was crap. So the GDR found a nice solution. They bought some thousand Akai video recorders in Japan, which were sold in TV shops in the GDR. But this was only a coverstory. The real interesse was on a fistfull videocameras from Panasonic. This cameras wer not sold, but installed in the CLA-87 recon pods.
  15. I found the designation of the polish recon pod. It's "Saturn-2". It was developed in mid 1980th and was tested in 1986/87. Wheter it entered the serial production, i dont know. An other interesting fact about the soviet standard recon pod for MiG-21 is, that it had included two flare dispenser ASO-2 with 32 flares each. I dont know, wheter it is possible to bring this feature in SF2.
  16. I made some remarks to show which recon pod belongs to East Germans and which to the Polish. It could be, that the polish pods based on UB-32 pod, while the east german pods were modified UB-16.
  17. The small fin sensors on the pitot tube are AoA sensors of the aiming device for the gun. Since the MiG-21RF had had no gun, so they were useless, thatswhy the "clean" pitot tube. The small wing pods, you mention, are a good argument. But the wings are interchangable between MiG-21 versions. In the LSK (East German Air Force) we had exactly one MiG-21UM with the wings of the MiG-21MF (2 hardpoints each wing), while all other Sparkas had 1 hardpoint per wing. What me makes thinking, that teh egyptian MiG-21RF are modified MiG-21MF is the engine. They had R-13F-300 engines. The guy, who made the upper photo said, that he was able, during his visit in the ukrainian repar facility in Odessa, to have a look in the engine tube and he realized, that it was a R-13, not an R-11. IIRC, i have heared, that it was nearly impossible to fit a R-13 in the fuselage of a MiG-21 of the first and second generation, because parts of the engine were located at other positions. And the MiG-21R was a plane of the second MiG-21 generation. On the other hand the egyptians were tricky guys. Perhaps they have found a way to make the impossible possible. It's confusing.
  18. I'm not sure wheter the egyptian RF were modified R. It could be, that it are modified MF. The camera pack is installed at the place, which originally was used by the GSha-23 gun and the ammo storage of the gun. EDIT: I have searched a german forum about the MiG-21RF. There i found, that only 12 planes were built. The camera pack was not installed at the place of the GScha-23 gun, but at the place of the akku (battery) package. The akkus were relocated to somewhere in cockpit area. The engine was definitly the R-13F-300. Here a photo of an RF, which i found in the net, at an ukrainian aircraft factory in 1990th (i think it was in that timeframe). It was there for overhaul and repair.

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