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Everything posted by Gepard

  1. Missions Warscheinlichkeit in Camapagne

    Die Summe der Wahrscheinlichkeiten soll 100 ergeben, wenn ich mich recht erinnere. Du hast eine Summe von 360. Vielleicht mag das das Programm nicht.
  2. Its a bias, that women cant play football (okay, i know in the USA this game is called soccer, but for the rest of the world it is football). In this day, we have here in Germany the World Championship and i must say, that i have seen a lot of good matches. Today won Japan against Mexico 4:0 and it was a brilliant match. I have seldom seen such a good match. France vs Canada was yesterday 4:0 too and it was also a very good game. It is worth to see it on TV. In Europe you can see it free at Eurosport TV channel.
  3. MiG-21MF Tarnfarben

    Ne. Das war die erste Lieferung. Bei den MiG-21bis kam die letzte Lieferung in hellblau. Die war eigentlich für Vietnam vorgesehen gewesen, wurde aber in die DDR geliefert. Angeblich kam eine dieser Maschine sogar mit vietnamesischen Hoheitszeichen an. Bei den MF gab es auch eine Nachlieferung, die eigentlich nach Kuba gehen sollte. Da muss ich aber erst mal nachgraben wie die ausgesehen haben. Trotzdem blieb jedes Flugzeug ein Unikat. Es gab kein Tarnschema zweimal. Wenn ich mich recht erinnere gab es das bei der M. Irgendwo habe ich in einem Buch daas Foto davon gesehen. Mal sehen ob ich es finden kann. EDIT: Mein Fehler: die Kuba Variante war bei der MiG-21bis, nicht bei der MF. Kam 1977, war Untertyp MiG-21bisSAU. Die SAU wurden sowohl in hellblau, als auch flecktarn geliefert. 1975 wurden 14 MiG-21bisLASUR geliefert, alle in hellblau. Doppelte taktische Nummern die zur selben Zeit genutzt wurden waren: 542 (1xM 1xSPS-K) Foto im Buch "Flugzeuge der DDR III" S.38 435 (1x MiG-17F 1x 21M) 513 777 886 882 955
  4. Of course the quality of pilot training is very important. An unexperienced pilot in the most modern plane can be shot down by an excellent pilot in an outdated bird. Had happend often enough in history. The fact that i not mentioned the F-14 was, that they were not really part of the european flying circus. The USN played their own games as far as i know, they never played at Decci.
  5. Women Football World Championship

    Yes, Japan was the big surprise of the championship. They played an excellent football. I think it was the best team indeed. Of course the lacked the fighting power of the american or german girls. But they never gave up and never lost their nerves. And finally they won. Congratulations, Japan!
  6. In Decci (Decciomomannu located in Italy at Sardinia island) is situated the european air combat training centre of the NATO. Here all types of fighter planes which are used in Europe are flying. So it was too in the 90th when the MiG-29 appeared. Here the german MiG's fought against spanish F-18, french Mirages of all fighter types, british Tornados, european and american F-16, US F-15, and of course the good old Phantom. By using it phemomenal agility of the plane, the Shlem helmet targeting device and the outstanding R-73 missile the MiG-29 proofed superior to all foes at short distances. When talking to german MiG-29 drivers, they told me that the F-18 was the western plane which was the hardest opponent in close combat. One sentencece i will never forget: "The americans win their dogfights in the debriefings with their mouth, we win in the air." MiGBuster, you mention the actual combat, which is dominated by BVR combat. The german MiG-29 were late 80th models. This was the time before AMRAAM and its russian counterpart R-77 (AA-12 Adder). Of course is a plane armed with a active radar guided missile superior to a plane with only SAHM missiles. So a F-16C is superior to a MiG-29A in BVR. And only such engagements were made in the last decade. If you have to face a MiG-29S with a F-16C you will have no BVR superiority. Then all depends on the ability of the groundcontrolers or AWACS.
  7. MiG-21MF Tarnfarben

    Die Tarnbemalung der NVA Flugzeuge ist der Traum (oder auch Albtraum) aller Flugifans und Modellbauer. Jedes Flugzeug hatte sein eigenes Tarnschema. Man kann also 250 MiG's bauen und jede sieht anders aus. Das Tarnschema wurde "frei Schnauze" erfunden. Die Anweisung hieß nur "Tarnbemalung". Das galt auch für die Hersteller. Schaut euch mal die Tarnschemas der L-410 an, die die Tschechen fabriziert haben. Jedes wurde den Flecken eines Tiers nachempfunden. Unsere Leute haben zunächst ordentlich geschluckt als sie das Ergebnis sahen und sich später königlich darüber amüsiert. Zurück zur 21. Bei den MiG-21 gab es zunächst nur silbergraue Maschinen. Ab der Version MF gab es dann Tarnbemalung. Aber die erste (oder waren es doch zwei?) Lieferung war noch silbergrau. Danach gab es eine sowjetische Lieferbemalung. In der Anfangszeit war die braun und grün. Bei den Wartungen in der Flugzeugwerft Dresden wurde dann ein anderes Farbschema verwendet. Zwei Töne grün und einmal braun. Dann gab es noch die Variante mit den zwei Grüntönen. Ein Flugzeug konnte in seiner Dienstzeit also die verschiedensten Tarnmuster haben. Übrigens: Es gab auch Fälle in denen zwei Flugzeuge die gleiche taktische Nummer hatten. Die MiG-21bis wurden in einigen Fällen in einer hellblauen lowvis Bemalung geliefert und dann in der DDR bei der ersten Durchsicht auf grün-grün umgestellt. Mitunter ging das so vor sich, das der Techniker (im Range eines Uffz), der die Maschine betreute auf einem Blatt Papier aufmalte wie sie aussehen sollte und dann wurde das mit der Spritzpistole ganz einfach so gemacht. (Bei den MiG-23 gab es eine Maschine, sie eckige Tarnflecken hatte. Gab auch keinen Aufstand der Buckels, obwohl eckige Tarnmuster eher der LW zugeordnet wurden). Tja, war manchmal ganz schön unbürokratisch in der überbürokratisierten DDR.
  8. Sorry. Dont know were you got this "news". But forget this. There was no "victory" of the Phantom over the MiG-29. In 1991, in preparation for Desert Storm, there were mock combats between american F-16 and MiG-29. The result was the "destruction" of the Viper at 50km+. (later the F-16 won a mock combat with half full tanks and removed pylons, while the miG had a full fuel loading and a centerline tank ) The MiG-29 were the most welcome sparrings partner at Decci airbase (NATO fighter town). And in all close combat scenarios it proofed superior to all western planes. The only "weakpoint" of the east german pilots was that they had to retrain to NATO combat and communication procedures. But that does not mean, that they were bad pilots. In contrary. They had had training which west german pilots not had. Which west german pilot had ever trained to intercept low and slow flying objects (helis and cruise misiles)? Interception at all night and into the clouds was also no Luftwaffe training objective, but was common in LSK. and and and. The east german pilots had a different training schedule than the west germans, but they were not bad. Up today they are officers in the Luftwaffe. If you want third side info: Then ask danish pilots, who played catch me if you can with LSK MiG-23 over the Baltic, how the east german pilots were. You will get the answer: skilled, motivated and tactical good. This is the entry in a german forum about one of the baltic games: "Muss so 1987 gewesen sein, wir machten gerade östlich von Rügen ein bissel Abfangen in den Wolken mit Schnitt- und Gegenkursen, da meldet die Leitstelle "zwei Schnelle in 10.000 mit Kurs 150 Entfernung 90 km". Frag ich doch mal nach, wo die Bäckerburschen herkommen - offenbar aus Aalboorg (Dänemark). Da gabs ja nur F-16 und mit denen hatte ich das "Vergnügen" bis dahin nicht gehabt. Als ich mich so in 3000 m nach oben aus den Wolken mache, sehe ich Sie dann auch Dank Ihrer vorzüglichen "Tarnung" mit Kondensstreifen. Hinter mir kamen sie dann zügig runter (war im Periskop prima zu sehen) und hingen je Einer rechts und links neben mir. Da das F-16 Teil bekantermaßen in deren Version kein richtiges Radar hatte wussten Sie aber offenbar nichts von meinem Kameraden Wolfgang der ca. 15 km hinter mir noch in den Wolken steckte. Ich frag ihn also ob er die auch "sieht" was er natürlich bestätigt und bitte Ihn mir die Vögel doch mal zu verscheuchen. Nach dem Aufschalten der Zielbeleuchtung flog dem einen wahrscheinlich sein Warngerät um die Ohren und ich habe nie wieder einen Flieger so in Panik flüchten gesehen.... Wir haben uns noch tagelang drüber amüsiert."
  9. Carrier CAP

    Dont forget, that carriers acts in groups (CBG) with more than one carrier. Two or three carriers means the double or tripple of interceptors, so that the CBG could withstand a massive air strike. A CBG is very mobile, so that the enemy would have big problems to locate and track this group. The defence power of the ships with Aegis systems was outstanding. One fact would be interessting to know for me. If the carriers would launch their Prowlers to jam the recon and bomber radars and incomming ASM missiles, does they jam the own airdefence too? In central europe both german armies had had powerfull jamming devices on Marder or MTLB. The problem with this jammers was, that they blocked not only the enemy com lines, but also the own. How was it with the Prowlers and the Carrier groups?
  10. As closer you are to the equator you can bring larger payloads into the orbit. The Soyuz carrier can lift 7 tons from Baikonour, but when they will start it from Kourou (european Ariana launch base in french Guyana) the can bring more then 8 tons into the sky.
  11. Women Football World Championship

    Only 3 hours left, then the finals starts. USA vs Japan. The US girls looks much better. But the japanese team was the big surprise in this championship. Im very curious to see which team will win.
  12. Carrier CAP

    "Red Storm Rising", wasnt this the talesbook where the F-19 was acting, the NATO had the newest and best equippment and the Soviets came with T-55 and wire guided ATGM of the first and second generation? Forget Clancy.
  13. Frage zur Ölbohrinsel

    dam dam dam, dam dadam, dam dadam
  14. The AI can see at night as good as on day.
  15. This problem is game immanent. Had been already in the first generation. SF is, as TK said, rather a game than a simulation. LOMAC is much more realistic, but SF is much more fun. The target designator outside the HUD you can solve. You must go to options screena and set "HUD display" and "visual targeting" from normal to hard
  16. Yes the specific weapon station code is the reason of the problem. If you delete the F14, you must do it via weapons editor. Only editing the weapondata.ini with notepad editor is not enough. You must do it with WE. Or as second way, you add the line SpecificStationCode=F14 to all Phoenix stations as MigBuster had descriped already.
  17. Space shuttle

    Buran way to expensive. Thatswhy it was cancelled. Its in museum now. You can see it at Sinsheim in Germany. This museum had had hoped to get one of the Shuttles too, but the NASA wont bring her birds outside the USA. For a future spacecraft i would like to see a modern version of the Dynasoar project from the 60th or the european Hermes from the 80th or the russian Kliper from the 90th. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boeing_X-20_Dyna-Soar http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hermes_%28spacecraft%29 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kliper
  18. Lift off for Space Shuttle Atlantis. Good luck and good landing.
  19. The discussion how to use the AIM-9B successfully we had a lot of times here in the forum. Major rules: 1. Be in 5 - 7 o clock position to the target 2. minimum range 800 meters maximum range 2000 meters 3. not moving during firing procedure 4. hope and pray
  20. Hey this old Italieri modell kit i had had a long time ago too.
  21. After installing the Phoenix do you has opend file weapondata.ini with Weaponseditor? Dou you has clicked on button "save" before closing Weaponseditor? If not do it. To your question: Phoenix is set AHM look for and check this lines in the F-14A_Data.ini [PhoenixStation1] SystemType=WEAPON_STATION StationID=5 StationGroupID=1 StationType=EXTERNAL AttachmentPosition=-0.45,0.9,-0.6 AttachmentAngles=0.0,2.0,0.0 EjectVelocity=0.0,-2.0,0.0 LoadLimit=2280 AllowedWeaponClass=AHM <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< THIS AttachmentType=USN,USAF,NATO ModelNodeName=suppphoenix01 PylonMass=55 PylonDragArea=0.02 if this is okay, then check following lines in your weaponsdata.ini [WeaponData036] <<<<< Make sure that you use your correct sequence number TypeName=AIM-54A FullName=AIM-54A Phoenix ModelName=aim_54a Mass=453.000000 Diameter=0.381000 Length=4.010000 SubsonicDragCoeff=0.120000 SupersonicDragCoeff=0.222000 AttachmentType=USN SpecificStationCode= NationName=USN StartYear=1974 EndYear=1984 Availability=2 BaseQuantity=4 Exported=TRUE ExportStartYear=1977 ExportEndYear=1984 ExportAvailability=0 WeaponDataType=1 RailLaunched=FALSE RocketPod=FALSE Retarded=FALSE FinStabilized=TRUE SpinStabilized=FALSE HasGrowl=FALSE EffectClassName=LargeMissileEffects ReleaseDelay=1.000000 WarheadType=0 Explosives=60.000000 FusingDistance=3.000000 ClusterBomblets=0 ClusterDispersion=0.000000 GuidanceType=13 Accuracy=80 MaxTurnRate=15.000000 MaxLaunchG=3.000000 LockonChance=75 LaunchReliability=80 ArmingTime=2.000000 SeekerFOV=6.000000 SeekerGimbleLimit=40.000000 SeekerTrackRate=16.000000 SeekerRange=130000.000000 MinLaunchRange=3700.000000 MaxLaunchRange=130000.000000 Duration=300.000000 CounterCountermeasure=25.000000 NoiseRejection=40.000000 CapabilityFlags=0x1000000b LoftAngle=0.000000 DescentAngle=0.000000 MaxLoftAltitude=0.000000 CLmax=14.000000 MinFreq=0.000000 MaxFreq=0.000000 BoosterStart=0.500000 BoosterDuration=6.000000 BoosterAccel=16.250000 BoosterEffectName=MissileFireEffect BoosterSoundName=Missile BoosterNodeName= BoosterPosition=0.000000,-1.835150,0.000000 SustainerDuration=240.000000 SustainerAccel=18.250000 SustainerEffectName=MissileFireEffect SustainerSoundName=Missile SustainerPosition=0.000000,-1.835150,0.000000 InFlightEffectName=MissileInFlightEffect InFlightSoundName= ReleaseAnimationID=-1 EODisplayFlags=0 CEP=0.000000
  22. Frage zur Ölbohrinsel

    Also das mit dem Landen eines Hubis auf der Plattform klappt nicht. Aber ich denke gerade darüber nach die Bohrinsel als Groundobject in der Klasse Warship zu definieren. Dann könnte ich sie wie ne Fregatte mit nem Flugdeck ausstatten und den Pott zudem noch mit nem Fla-Raketen-Starter ausrüsten. Sagen wir mal so 10 Stingers mit Abschussintervall ewa 10 Sekunden ....
  23. In some advertisements i have seen a MMO called Battle Star Galactica Online. Has someone played it already? Is it good? Has it the feeling of the TV show?
  24. Battle Star Galactica Online

    I tested it now too. Okay, its no sim. Cant use a joystick. A little bit buggy. No great game, but its fun.

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