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Everything posted by Gepard

  1. I only adjusted the fuselage. I tested it in clean mode, also flying without weapons and tanks. And i think the performance of the clean bird could be relative okay. For a more correct performance of a missile armed plane, i think it would be neccessary to edit the drag performed by the pylons and the weapons. Of course, only a guy who had flown the MiG-29 can tell us, how exact the here used flight model is. I found an article of an interview with a german MiG-29 pilot who was asked what he thought about computer flight sims: Q:Flanker 2.5 now simulates also the Mig-29 K, almost exactly the plane you are flying (Nb. The sim models the navalized version, which is capable of carrier landings and air to air refueling. The Mig-29 G in Laage is the land based version.). What's your impression ? A:It seems to be a very realistic simulation. The flight characteristics and the cockpit are caught very well. Also all the HUD, IRST and radar modes are very realistic including their presentations. The only thing that is not so realistic is the performance of the radar. In real world it has much more trouble in finding targets and is a lot less stable in tracking those. But on the other hand is the simulation imitating the more modern MiG-29K with a better radar. Q:Are the general flight characteristics well caught ? How does the sim flight model perform on the border of the safe Mig flight envelope ? A:The flight characteristics are caught very well. The energy bleed rate also seems to be right. The only thing I would like to criticise is the tendency to go out of control to easily and then to be to hard to recover. The real MiG hardly goes out of control and then is very easy and quickly to recover. Also does it seem to be a little bit to unstable in normal flight. Q:How does the simulation perform regarding the Fulcrum high performance region, do things like turn rate and sustained corner speed feel right ? A:Yes, turnrate and corner speed feel very right. So i guess if we would compare the flight model of the MiG-29 for SFP1 family and the MiG-29 of Flanker 2.51 we could get a feeling how acurate our MiG is.
  2. I know, it is a long time ago, that i made Vogesen terrain as a Beta, but know i'm working on it again.
  3. Some data taken from website www.mig-21online.de unfortunatly only in german language Taktisch-Technische Daten infrarotgelenkte Raketen R-3S R-13M R-60M NATO-Code AA-2b "Atoll" AA-8 a/c APHID Länge 2838 mm 2870 mm 2095 mm Durchmesser 127 mm 127 mm 120 mm Spannweite 528 mm 632 mm 390 mm Masse 73,3 kg 90 kg 43,5 kg Masse Gefechtskopf 19,2 kg 27 kg 3 kg Art Gefechtskopf Splitter (1000) Stabmantel (Ringbildung Durchmesser 15 m) Zünder optisch, Aufschlag optisch, Aufschlag Funk, Aufschlag Öffnungswinkel Erfassungskopf 3,5° 3° 5° Auslenkwinkel Erfassungskopf +/- 28° +/- 40° +/- 45° Lenkflugdauer 21" 60" 23" minimale Geschwindigkeitsdifferenz am Ziel 150 m/s 150 m/s 150 m/s Vernichtungsradius 9 m 7 m 5 m Maximale Abschußentfernung große Höhe 7,6 km 13 km 8 km Maximale Abschußentfernung geringe Höhe 2,5 km 3 km 1,8 km Minimale Abschußentfernung große Höhe 1,5 km 1 km 300 m Minimale Abschußentfernung geringe Höhe 900 m 750 m 300 m Startbedingunen H<5 km M>=0,6 H<10 km M>=0,8 Vmin 450 km/h H>5 km V>=550 km/h, H>10 km V>750 km/h Mmax=1,95 Maximales Lastvielfaches beim Abschuß H<12 km = 2g 3,7g 7g H>12 km = 1,6g Zielhöhe maximal 20.000 m 24.000 m 20.000 m Zielhöhe minimal 50 m 50 m 30 m funkmessgelenkte Raketen RS-2US R-3R interne Bezeichnung NVA Gerät IS Gerät 320 NATO-Code AA-1b "ALKALI" AA-2c "ATOLL" Länge 2.500 mm 3417 mm Durchmesser 200 mm 127 mm Spannweite 654 mm 528 mm Masse 83,2 kg 83,5 kg Masse Gefechtskopf 13,0kg 19,2 kg Art Gefechtskpof Splitter Stabmantel (Ringbildung Durchmesser 16 m) Lenksystem Leitstrahl passiv Radar halbaktiv Lenkzeit 12,5 sec. 21sec. Zünder Funk Funk, Aufschlag Abschussentfernung 2,5 - 20 km max. 17 km I'm to stupid to format it correctly here. For correct formated dada sheet look at www.mig-21online.de
  4. Was a little bit time consuming while developing, but i think this petite Chateau was worth the effort.
  5. Le Chateau Vogesen Terrain

    One of the sight seeing objects in the Vogesen terrain.
  6. I think next weekend i should be ready for release of the new version of Vogesen terrain.
  7. I solved the problem. I had forgotten to include the line FlatObject=TRUE in the types.ini. In combination with ZBufferSetting=6 it runs very satisfying. I think the new version of Vogesen terrain could be released next weekend.
  8. Aggie, the ZBuffer thing = 5 worked, but not in the wished way. The flickering is gone, but now i cant see the object texture anymore, its only the terraintile texture visible. I've also tried to set -5, but the flickering is still to see. I will try the idea of Bandy.
  9. The designation MiG-21SPS or SPS-K was given by the LSK/LV (east german air force), because they internally had given MiG-21PF, which were modified in the GDR, the designation MiG-21PFM. When the soviets delivered the original MiG-21PFM to the GDR, the LSK had a problem of course. So the decision was made to call all "original" PFM in LSK service SPS. When the gunpod GP-9 was available, all GP-9 capable "original" PFM got the german designation SPS-K. K stands for Kanone, gun. The MiG-21PFM of SFP1 would be, following the LSK designation rules, a MiG-21SPS-K. I hope my statement was not to confusing.
  10. It's more a guess, but it brings relative realistic speeds. I tested it with a F-15A as Wingman. The MiG accellerates better, but at high altitudes the F-15 has a higher final speed.
  11. If you want to have a Mach 2 capable MiG-29 then do following steps: 1. open file MiG-29_Data.ini 2. look for [fuselage] 3. in section [fuselage] look for entries CD0MachTableNumData=5 CD0MachTableDeltaX=0.40 CD0MachTableStartX=0.00 CD0MachTableData=1.275,1.000,0.991,46.549,48.253 4. replace it with CD0MachTableNumData=8 CD0MachTableDeltaX=0.40 CD0MachTableStartX=0.00 CD0MachTableData=1.113,1.000,0.993,1.181,0.998,0.890,0.795,0.729 5. safe file 6. start game an enjoy a very fast Fulcrum
  12. In the last days i set the river Rhine completly on the map. Thatswhy i was forced to make the Mittelrheintal, the famous avalley in Germany along the Rhine where you can find a lot of Castles. To flying in this valley is a nice experience, but unfortunatly i'm unable to set castles in the area. This has never happen before, dont know, what i have done wrong.
  13. Project SM was the MiG-19, like project E was MiG-21 and project S the MiG-15, if i remember right. F means forsasch afterburner P means perechwatschik Interceptor radar equipped PF means perechwatschik forsasch Interceptor radar equipped with afterburner PFM means perechwatschik forsasch modifizirowanui PF modernized S means Saphire Radar type Saphire RP-21 SM means Saphire modifiziroowanui Saphire modernized SMT means Saphire modifizirovanui topliwo Saphire modernized with larger tanks M means modifizirowanui modernised
  14. Nice birds, but the installation is a little bit tricky, nothing for newbees.
  15. The aerodynamics was better, but i thought, that it were only prototypes, because the MiG-21 development made a good progress.
  16. First of all i made Vogesen terrain compatible with the Expansion, what means, that now also winter, spring and autumn terrain will be available. I added some new bridges and some new sight seeing objects, like the castles. Many more streets are now to see in the Elsass region (Rhine Valley), The Frontline and the River Rhine are now longer etc. Parked aircrafts are with the expansion automaticaly available. In the Beta i used a standard airfield for all, in the new version you will find different airfields.
  17. In the soviet SM project had a MiG-19 the nose part of the MiG-21PF, also with a much bigger air cone.
  18. J18Dread, Vogesen terrain high data are taken from satellite high data information. The mountains are nearly so as you can find them in reality. The only diffrence is, that the Vogesen looks a little bit more rocky than in the game. one or two big mountains would be nice, but such mountains you cant find in this area. The highest "hill" is the Grosse Belchen or on french the Grand Ballon, but on this highest hill you can walk without problems. Its not to compare with the high mountains of the Alps.
  19. To put a little bit water in your wine. The effect may be good for fuel aerosol bombs, for nuke effects it lack one major nuclear weapon effect which is called EMP electro magnetic pulse. It destroyes all microelectronic devices in the aerea. What means, that after use of a nuclear bomb all of your plane avionics must switch off.
  20. THe Mi-8 was used by the soviets in Afghanistan in special combat formations. The Mi-24 leaded the formation and searched the enemy in front and the Mi-8 cargo bay gunners protected the back of the formation. One small correction. In the Mi-8 cargo bay the soviets used a 12.7 mm Machine gun, but is was not the DSHK (Duschka) but the 12.7 4 barrel gatling of the Mi-24.
  21. Flug über die Vogesen

    I nice sight seeing trip over the Vogesen mountains.
  22. The other major difference is, that J-10, Eurofighter, Rafale etc use their canards for maneuvering. The Je-8 canards were only stabilisers.
  23. Silverbolt, the Je-8 is a plane with normal design, the J-10 is a plane of canard design. A Mirage is closer to the J-10 than a MiG.
  24. The Je-8 was the planned successor of the MiG-21. It should be named MiG-23, but had nothing in common with the later MiG-23 swing wing fighters. Je-8 was developed from the MiG-21PF. It had the same tail, the same wings, the same gears etc. It got a different nose to incorporate the new Saphire-23 radar, the later MiG-23 radar. Also was planned to implement the R-23 missile family. The air intake was build below the cockpit, 10 years before the F-16. (Is the F-16 a copy of the Je-8, could i ask with the same gestus some people always ask wheter this or that soviet plane is a copy of an american bird.) This was neccessary, because the new engine had need a much higher air flow. The E-8 was built in 2 prototypes and it proved much superior to the MiG-21 in all aspects of speed, accelleration, climb rate, agility and weaponary. But the engine was still "green". It had major weakpoints which cause a fatal plane crash when the first stage of the engine exploded. The problem could not be solved and at this time no other engine of this class was available. Thatswhy Je-8 project was canceled. The surviving plane was scrapped. It was not used in MiG-25 radar trials. It was much to small for it. To say the chinese J-10 based on the Je-8 is as wrong as the idea, that the F-16 is a copy of the Je-8. Its pitty that the Je-8 never came to the troops. It would have been a much better MiG-23 than the swing wing Floggers.

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