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Everything posted by Gepard

  1. All NATO combat planes have this arrestor hook. It is part of the NATO emergency landing system. THe WP used a different system, the so called MiG-Catcher. This is a big net, relative comparable with the US Carrier barrier net for emergency landings on carriers.
  2. Vogesen Terrain

    Hi Bandy, unfortunalty I'm no model builder. But i could look into my file library. Perhaps i will find an other bridge to fly "Blue Max" stylish.
  3. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...ode=sst&id=4058 File Name: Test TerrainFile Submitter: Gepard File Submitted: 14 Feb 2007 File Category: Terrains Test TERRAIN ================= Test terrain is made for First Eagles. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ INSTALLATION 1.) unzip all files into your WWI/Terrain folder Thats it. *************************************** Test terrain is made for guys who want to test their new made planes under easy conditions. You can fly all missions over test terrain, including offensive and devensive patrols, balloon defending, balloon busting, recon, army cooperation and truck hunting. It contains only 2 airfields and to target areas with one balloon each. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Test terrain Beta is freeware. If you find bugs please post them in StrikeFighters section of SimHQ.com forum or Combatace.com forum. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Hope you enjoy it. Michael (Gepard) Click here to download this file
  4. Simple request to a map maker...

    Upload a small terrain for testers at combatace. It must still approved and then you can download it. Test TERRAIN ================= Test terrain is made for First Eagles. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ INSTALLATION 1.) unzip all files into your WWI/Terrain folder Thats it. *************************************** Test terrain is made for guys who want to test their new made planes under easy conditions. You can fly all missions over test terrain, including offensive and devensive patrols, balloon defending, balloon busting, recon, army cooperation and truck hunting. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Test terrain Beta is freeware. If you find bugs please post them in StrikeFighters section of SimHQ.com forum or Combatace.com forum. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Hope you enjoy it. Michael (Gepard)
  5. Version


    Test TERRAIN ================= Test terrain is made for First Eagles. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ INSTALLATION 1.) unzip all files into your WWI/Terrain folder Thats it. *************************************** Test terrain is made for guys who want to test their new made planes under easy conditions. You can fly all missions over test terrain, including offensive and devensive patrols, balloon defending, balloon busting, recon, army cooperation and truck hunting. It contains only 2 airfields and to target areas with one balloon each. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Test terrain Beta is freeware. If you find bugs please post them in StrikeFighters section of SimHQ.com forum or Combatace.com forum. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Hope you enjoy it. Michael (Gepard)
  6. Simple request to a map maker...

    Lets see what i can do for you.
  7. Jug, i must correct your statement. It was no MiG-27 that did it, it was a MiG-23MF. It started in Kolobrzeg (Kolberg) Air Base in Northwest Poland crossed the GDR and the FRG and made a crash landing in Belgium killing one man there. The bird crashed after consuming its last bit of fuel. There was no fire on the ground, only a MiG that sat in a destroyed small house. Not only the US Eagles monitored the fly of the MiG-23, but also soviet and east german MiG's, which also got no permission to open the fire. The incident happend not in the landing phase, it happend during start without afterburner. The drag chute was accidently deployed and the MiG began to stall. The pilot ejected thatswhy. But shortly after it the drag chute was burned and the autopilot of the MiG leveled the plane. It climbed to approx. 10.000 meters and headed westward till the fuel was out. It happend in summer 1989.
  8. Vogesen Terrain

    Try recon missions with radom set enemy air activity. Always if i fly with DVIIF twinformation i get opposition of 6 to 12 Spads and SE-5's. It real hard work to survive such a mission without crashing into the hills or shooten down.
  9. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...ode=sst&id=4023 File Name: Vogesen TerrainFile Submitter: Gepard File Submitted: 6 Feb 2007 File Category: Terrains VOGESEN TERRAIN Beta ===================== Vogesen terrain is made for First Eagles. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ INSTALLATION 1.) unzip all files into your WWI/Terrain folder Thats it. *************************************** The Vogesen, in french Vosges, are a mountain ridge along the former french german border. It devided the Elsass (Alsace) from Lothringen. The Elsass was till 1648 german, from 1648 to 1871 french and became german again in 1871. When the great war broke out french armies tried to attack from Fortress Belfort in direction of Mühlhausen (Muhlhouse), but had no real success. Also along the hills of the Vogesen mountains the war was hard and bitter. The german soldier fought here on german soil to defend the civilists in the Elsass lowlands, very often only some steps away from the last hills from where you have a beautifull look over the towns and villages. Very hard were the fights around the hill Hartmannsweilerkopf (Hartmannswillerkopf). I gave the towns and villages their old german names, to represent the time of the great war. This is not expression of desires of revanche which poissend the relations between germans and french since the french engagement during the 30 years war (1618 - 48). I'm glad that this bitter times are over and germans and french call friends each other. Vogesen Terrain is still a Beta. Only the southern part of the terrain is finished. The most airfields are also not yet finished. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Vogesen terrain Beta is freeware. If you find bugs please post them in StrikeFighters section of SimHQ.com forum or Combatace.com forum. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Hope you enjoy it. Michael (Gepard) Click here to download this file
  10. Version


    VOGESEN TERRAIN Beta ===================== Vogesen terrain is made for First Eagles. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ INSTALLATION 1.) unzip all files into your WWI/Terrain folder Thats it. *************************************** The Vogesen, in french Vosges, are a mountain ridge along the former french german border. It devided the Elsass (Alsace) from Lothringen. The Elsass was till 1648 german, from 1648 to 1871 french and became german again in 1871. When the great war broke out french armies tried to attack from Fortress Belfort in direction of Mühlhausen (Muhlhouse), but had no real success. Also along the hills of the Vogesen mountains the war was hard and bitter. The german soldier fought here on german soil to defend the civilists in the Elsass lowlands, very often only some steps away from the last hills from where you have a beautifull look over the towns and villages. Very hard were the fights around the hill Hartmannsweilerkopf (Hartmannswillerkopf). I gave the towns and villages their old german names, to represent the time of the great war. This is not expression of desires of revanche which poissend the relations between germans and french since the french engagement during the 30 years war (1618 - 48). I'm glad that this bitter times are over and germans and french call friends each other. Vogesen Terrain is still a Beta. Only the southern part of the terrain is finished. The most airfields are also not yet finished. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Vogesen terrain Beta is freeware. If you find bugs please post them in StrikeFighters section of SimHQ.com forum or Combatace.com forum. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Hope you enjoy it. Michael (Gepard)
  11. My work in Progress is the Vogesen Terrain, the area from the Swiss Border up to Metz, including Elsass Lothringen. Its in an early development phase. I know Edward has Flandern Terrain on the board and it is 60% done.
  12. Junkers J4-10

    Unique and very safe for the pilots. Had an astonishing armour for its time
  13. terrain building is time consuming. Be a little bit patient. There will come something. At the moment i'm not sure wheter i will find the time for a WW1 mod of my BoB terrain. But i think it could happen.
  14. Always if i crash a plane or I was shot down my computer is hanging up. The only help is restarting the system. Has someone an idea, how to fix it? Config Intel2,8MHz 2GB RAM Radeon X850XT
  15. Computer freeze

    I think it runs now. I uninstalled the game again, then i made a completely new installation. Then i tried it again, but now with graphics set only to medium and now it seems to be a stable game. It pity, that i cant use the high graphic quality, but i think better a lower quality and a stable game than in opposite game. Thanks for all advices.
  16. Computer freeze

    Dagger, i have a clean installation of FE, no mods. I guess it could be a graphic card related problem. I have a Radeon X850XT. When the problem appered the first time it always happend on german planes. Perhaps the game engine hates german planes ;-)
  17. Computer freeze

    Now it becomes funny. The computer freezes now not more after crash, but if i press ALT+N after accomplished mission. Strange!
  18. Computer freeze

    Charles. It does not help. But the gameplay itself is stable. It freezes only after plane crashes. There is no way to leave the program with ESC or Alt+Q. Only help is to pull out the plug from the socket.
  19. I doubt, that the romanians or even the israelis have the software to guide the R-77. Of course you can hang a R-77 on the pylons, but firing is completly different thing. If you would say, that the Lancer got the capability to fire the AMRAAM i would understand it. Perhaps the American sold this missiles and its guidance software. But i doubt that the russians sold the R-77 Adder software to Romania.
  20. I think you mix something. The Lancer is not BVR capable. There is no R-77 support by radar and also no R-73 capability. The Lancer can use the Sidewinder, but no modern russian waepons. In so far it is inferior to the 21/93.
  21. Do you use the latest patch of SFP1? If not, perhaps it could help to switch off the new watereffects (Water detail set to low or medium)
  22. Strange. Should run without problems. Strange. Let see what i can do. But finally i have no idea at the moment.
  23. I would like to, but it is far beyond my capabilities. I'm not bad in terrain making, but planes, that is nearly terra incognita for me. But if i can help you, i will do it. A link for some Bison pictures. http://www.bharat-rakshak.com/IAF/Images/C...nt/MiG-21d.html
  24. Please test it also with the other stock planes. Perhaps it is also a problem with the desert tileset that cause the CTD. At the moment i rework the tileset, to solve some problems. Perhaps it is responsible for your problem too.
  25. I would think the MiG-21/93 update program which is in indian service under the name MiG-21BISON would be much better. R-77, R-73 missiles and a wide range of modern air to ground weapons. Much better than the Lancer

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