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Everything posted by Gepard

  1. Kuznetsov fighter wing (ship model WIP)
  2. Thanks. At the moment the numbers and names are only painted on the skin. Later we will change it to decals.
  3. Closer look to the flightdeck. Dont forget: its still WIP.
  4. At the moment the real Kuz is out of order, because a drunken sailor managed it to let fall a big crane on the flightdeck. This is a screenshot of our Kuz (WIP) As you see the VLS SAM launchers are operational now. And the Flak is firing too.
  5. rokieborghunder sent me the last version of the ship. It is still WIP. But on the screenshot below you see some members of the crew on deck. and parked planes in the hangar. When it will be finished, the Kuz will be a beauty and eyecandy.
  6. One step after an other. I think it should be not to difficult to make a Liaoning.
  7. View File Faroe Islands terrain Faroe islands 1.0 ***************************************************** This terrain is written for SF2NA. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ I. Short description: North of Scotland you will find small groups of islands, the Shetlands and the Faroe. They are nothing more than tiny rocks, surrounded by the icy waters of the Atlantic Ocean. On the first view completly unimportant rocks somewhere in the nowhere. But a second view shows high economical values. The islands sitting in the middle of rich fishing grounds, and then, even more, there is oil. North Sea oil. But not enough. A powerfull nation, that is able to install a base at the Faroe, rules all the waters between Iceland and the british islands. A hostile nation might be even able to raise a blockade over Great Britain. This makes some scenarios possible: First the classical what if the Soviets would had captured the Faroe and the US Navy starts an attempt to push them out. Second, what if America sends the Marines? Third, what if Britain tries to defeat the Soviets with own power? Forth, what if Hitler-Germany would have captured the Faroe? Fifth, what if the EU raise a blockade over a Brexit UK? Sixth, what if Britain was bought by President Trump instead Greenland and John Bull stand up to fight fort the british independence? ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ II. INSTALLATION: To run this terrain you need SF2NorthAtlantic. Unzip all files into your saved game folder ...ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2NorthAtlantic /terrain folder. Thats it. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ III. Modifications Faroe islands terrain is made so, that you can play it out of the box. You will find a classic Cold war scenario US Navy vs Soviet forces. Other possible scenarios are prepared. Open the folder Goodies and you will find the folder Nation ini In this folder you find 6 subfolders, one for each scenarios i have descriped above. Choose the one you like. In this subfolders you find the file FAEROER_NATION.ini. Copy this file to the Faeroer folder and let overwrite the existing file and enjoy the other scenario. (BTW personaly i prefer Brexit scenario. Flying Hunters vs Hunters is really fun.) Faroe islands terrain is made so, that you has 2 fixed carrer stations. For the red side a station north of the Shetlands. For the blue side south of the Faroes. If you want to have multible carrier stations, than you must open the Subfolder "multible carrier stations" and copy the file FAROE_WATER.bmp to the Faroe folder. When i started to make Faroe islands terrain i used TOD files made by M.Broers for the IcelandNA HFD terrain. Later i found out, that on the Faroes no trees exist. So i decided to remove the TOD files. If you want trees and TOD buildings, the copy the tod files in the Faroe folder. But be aware, there are not all tiles fitted with tods. It looks a little bit strange. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ IV. Credits. The basic Tileset i took from M.Breors terrain IcelandNA HFD. The basic files for the emergency runways, parking areas and quais are made by ErikGen. The OilRig was made by RussoUK for my PersianGulf terrain. I hope i have not forgotten someone. . ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ V. This Terrain is Freeware. Commercial use is not allowed. And i say it again for the YAP, YankeeAirPirates file thiefs, the use of this terrain and parts of the terrain for commercial use is not allowed. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ VI. For remarks, comments, bugs, etc please use CombatAce forum or send me a PM. Hope you enjoy it. Michael (Gepard) Made in Germany 31. August 2019 Submitter Gepard Submitted 08/31/2019 Category Full Terrains  
  8. I was not aware of such a problem. I tried it to create a mission with TW mission editor and it workes fine for me. But i must admit, that i only added an additional flight and nothing more. What exactly you have done? What kind of mission? Perhaps the problem has something to do, that the terrain is restricted on allowed mission types. CAS and Armed_recon are not implemented in the map.
  9. Do you have tried to mod the ENVIRONMENTSYSTEM.ini file? Perhaps you find there a solution.
  10. a lot of runways were simple meadows. Take the airfield.ini from First eagles and an empty, flat place on the map.
  11. Hebrew lesson

    "Kurwa" is the polish term.
  12. Su-17M2 cockpit

    This is a Su-22M4 cockpit. But the colors of the cockpits of the soviet planes were always the same, when they were delivered. It was a kind of blue-grey ( maybe turquoise). It was said, that this color was best for the eyes, "not as exhausting to the eyes". Later, in the units the cockpits often were repainted into black, or what color they had. All soviet cockpit panels have on thing in common. It is the so called "T". All instruments, which were essential to fly the planen were framed with a small white line. Here you see the stick and the framed instruments better. The throttle.
  13. Ups, da hilft auch kein Panzerband! Oops, even duct tape wont help, i think, doesnt it?
  14. Sept. 1994. Last take off. The last russian occupation troops left Germany. (BTW the Americans are stll here.)
  15. Over Hokkaido, Kuril Islands 2 terrain (WIP)
  16. Pepelevs favorite fitter

    I know, but i think, that only the users of the Su-7B would have choosen such a plane. A nation, what i miss is India. They used the Su-7B during war with Pakistan. And Iraq would also a buyer for such a plane. The LSK had had a "MiG-only" philosophy at this time.
  17. Pepelevs favorite fitter

    The LSK, the AirForce of the GDR, East Germany definitly never used the Su-20, because at the end of the 70th no Sukhoi jets were used. To buy Sukhoi planes would need a completly new infrastructure. Because the MiG-23MF was coming in 1978, the acquisition of MiG-23BN was the call of the day. Later, when the MiG-23BN proofed as pure dumb iron dropper, the LSK started to search for a new fighterbomber. So we got the Su-22M4 and the Su-22UM-3K. For this birds a completly new airbase was built. (Rostock-Laage)
  18. Faroe Islands terrain

    It's a tribute to the original Top Gear . ;-)
  19. Sorry have overseen your question. I addes following lines in the data.ini //---------------Parkpositionen ParkingChance=100 ParkingMaxSpan=15.50 Parking[01].Heading=280 Parking[01].Offset=26.30,-54.62 Parking[02].Heading=280 Parking[02].Offset=29.13,-65.86 Parking[03].Heading=280 Parking[03].Offset=30.69,-78.84 Parking[04].Heading=280 Parking[04].Offset=26.26,44.13
  20. Modified quick and dirty weapon system fix. Kuznetsov_DATA quick and dirty 2.7z If you has SA-N-9 and SA-N-11 on your installation your Kuz will shoot like the Battlestar Galactica. Position of the SAMs is not correct and the guns are still firing from where they want. Its still a WIP.

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