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Everything posted by Gepard

  1. The sat pictures, which i used to made the city tile, showing a lot of trees. Thatswhy i planted 460 trees on the tile. I think so it looks a little bit more realistic.
  2. Right now I'm thinking about which project to start next. I have 4 in mind. 1) Poland 2) Borderwar between China and Vietnam in 1979 3) version of Battle of Britain terrain for the 1960th or 70th 4) Diego Garcia Poland is an area with a lot of possible scenarios. World War 2 in 1939 and 1945, a possible Warsaw Pact invasion in 1981, a modern Suwalki Gap scenario, or a hypotetical what if the former german province Ostpreussen would have become the homestate of the jews: Israel in Central Europe. China and Vietnam Borderwar is an interesting scenario, because both sides have similar planes and weapons, so that only the skill of the player decides of an outcome of an air battle. I like the idea very much. "Modern" Battle of Britain terrain has two major possible scenarios. One: The Soviets have taken control over France and UK is in the same situation as 1940, but with other enemy. Two: A conflict between the European Community and UK, a scenario with its own flair, because blue vs blue and to be honest true friends the Brits and the French never were. Diego Garcia. Its an other naval map with one base on an island and carrier operations.
  3. It's a bug in game engine. For some reasons the game engine let ships operate outside the designated "water" areas. AFAIK you can't do anything against it.
  4. As one of the pilots said: "Flying a Starfighter is like driving a sports car. Just fun."
  5. The first tiles for Detroit, Michigan are now on the map. The screenshot shows the view from the canadian side. I think i must create some new city coastal tiles with buildings up to the waterline. The one, which i use, i made with sat pictures of Chicago. But they not really fit for Detroit.
  6. F-104 Starfighter with SF2 generic skin. Historical not correct, but i think it looks pretty cool.
  7. Nice job. Well made plane and skins. What i'm missing is the MBD3 multi rack, which is not included in the download. And i'm not sure whether the unit "156 APIB, 19 AO, PVO, Baku" is correct. The 156th was in the first time a fighter regiment in the Air Defence (PVO), based at Mary in Turmenistan and was later transfered to the Air Force (VVS) as fighter bomber squadron. From 1983 it was based in Afghanistan. So i think you should change PVO to VVS and check, whether Baku is correct.
  8. Su-17 Fitter-C V1.0

    Very nice bird. Well made LOD and skins. Good job.
  9. I just finish to reread Tom Clancy's "Debt of honor". Was an fantastic scenario around the islands of Saipan and Guam in Pacific Ocean. The islands were captured by the Japanese and the US Navy was going to fight down F-15J's and Mistubishi F-2 with only one carrier group of F-14's and F-18's. Would be a nice terrain. Or what do you think?
  10. Don't cry for me, Argentina!
  11. I made an additional tile for suburbs. The houses are smaller, than in the other two suburb tiles. I have no idea, how i should populate this tiles with TOD houses. # On the left side you see one of the older suburb tiles, in the right the new tile.
  12. It is still a long way to go. So the planning map looks at the moment:
  13. Somewhere over Michigan (WIP terrain)
  14. Sitrep: I let the TerrainEditor do the transition work. So sea to farm, sea to forrest, forrest to farm tiles are now all over the map available. Towns, cities and transition of city tiles i must do by hand. It's still a long way to go. Screenshots of a test mission: I was intercepted by a bunch of Air Force Phantoms. Had a short discussion with them. Thatswhy the black dots in the sea.
  15. MiG-23BN vs british carrier.
  16. Le Mirage 2000 est arivee en Ukraine.
  17. One problem with TOD per tile is, that the number of TOD, which can placed on one tile, is very limited. Simple X-shape trees you can have around 800 and for simple cuboid shaped houses it are 500. If you use houses with pitched roof then the number is down to 200 or so. This is for detailed populating of a city tile very few.

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