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Posts posted by Gepard

  1. next version of Midway terrain is on a good way


    What will be new?

    The number of target areas was increased from 10 to 21.

    +Kure Atoll airfield is now operational from 1943

    +Trenches and AAA Machinegun sites are added on Midway.

    +PTBoat base added

    +2 Marine Camps

    +1 Radiostation

    +1 Radarstation

    +US Flags added


    For the case that you want to know, what if the japanese Landing operation would have been successfull i added

    as easteregg the file Midway What if_targets.ini.

    There the Midways and Kure atoll are in japanese hands. The japanese Navy is operating close to the islands and is waiting on the US counterstrike.

  2. To say it in the first line, as action thriller the new James Bond movie is acceptable.

    But a James Bond movie had to be more than an action thriller.

    I expect to see and listen all the small details which i love and miss this time.

    I expext the "My name is Bond, James Bond"

    I expect that he drinks his martinis "shaken, not stired"

    I expect to see Moneypenny and her neverending "love" to Bond.

    I expect to see Q and his funny toys.




    Finaly i expect to see James Bond as a british Gentleman with all his noblesse, snobism, sexism and his stiff upperlip. I expect to see James Bond as a Lion under the cover of the gentleman, not as a Rambo immitation in a smoking.

  3. Mirage 2000EM

    Mirage2000EM Egypt


    version 1.1


    In is version of the Mirage2000EM i have changed the flightmodel to fit in the October2008 patch. With the old flightmodel the Mirage had the tendency to overroll and by using the autopilot to overpitch while landing approach.

    With version v1.1 the Mirage200EM had become again a very good dogfighter with acceptable handling capabilities.


    Hope you enjoy it.


    Michael (Gepard)


    Made in Germany

    January 2010



    Readme of version 1.0




    This is a mod of Erwin_Hans Taiwanese Mirage2000-5.


    It represent the egyptian version of the Mirage-2000E.

    The Mirage-2000EM was ordered in 1981 and was delivered from 1986. It was intended to act as couterpart to the israeli F-16C.





    Changes: - weaker engine to represent the M-53/5

    - other Radar and weaker avionics

    - i use the F-15A cockpit which is the closest available to the Mirage2000E cockpit

    - new skin







    I want to say thank you to Erwin_Hans for the permission to mod his Mirage2000-5.

    The original 3D Model was made by aleks

    The flight Model was done by IAFmars and YEYEYE and Erwin_hans








    -Unzip all files into your objects/aircraft folder.


    -For the case that you have no weaponpack you will find all Mirage2000EM weapons in the included Weapons folder. To install follow the instructions in the readme there.





    For remarks, comments, bugs, etc please use CombatAce forum or send me a PM.










    Hope you enjoy it.



    Michael (Gepard)



    Made in Germany

    November 2008


  4. Its a nice idea to have crashed helicopters on the map. I know, that Capun has such static helis on his page. I will ask him wheter i can include them into Afghanistan terrain.

    I see 2 possibilities for such heli ground objects:

    1. the downed heli is to destroy, so that no sensitive technologie is falling into wrong hands

    2. a downed heli crew is to protect against attacking enemies.

    No 1 i can include without problems into the terrain, the No.2, i think is more for scriped missions.

  5. Afghanistan terrain Beta 0.6

    Afghanistan Terrain Beta 0.6




    AFGHANISTAN Terrain IS MADE FOR WINGS OVER ISRAEL (WOI) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    This package is a work in progress preview. It should allow you a short view into this project. It is far away to be finished. Also, dont worry if you find bugs.




    From December 1979 till now Afghanistan is a land in war. Soviets, Dushmans, Mudjahedin, Warlords, Taliban and Americans (OEF) destroyed the once florish land nearly completly.

    This terrain is dedicated to all man who fought in this country and to all who lost their lives in a senseless war.





    Afghanistan terrain is a Beta, so far, that not the entire land is covered at the moment. Finished, or nearly finished is the area around Kabul, Bagram, Jalalabad, Kunduz and Mazar i Sharif. This area is now completly tiled and the target areas are set.

    So you can fly and fight along the Jala Road and surrounding mountains and in the north eastern part of Afghanistan where today the German ISAF sector is situated. You will find enemy positions in the hills and valleys north of Bagram, but also single bandit troops on the soviet/allied hold lowlands. You will find friendly and enemy fortified hill positions


    - number of set target areas: -90

    - Missions which can be flown are CAS, Armed Recon, Recon, Strike,SEAD

    -Air to air missions are impossible, because no taliban airfield is set (as historical correct)


    -I recommend a seperate installation of WOI for Afghanistan terrain. The new nations.ini would otherwise make trouble with other terrains. (I set all nations = friendly, only Afghanistan= Enemy

    So you can fly for the Soviets and the OEF troops( USA,UK,NL etc) against the same Enemy)

    You can delete not needed planes (for instance Mirages) and groundobjects (SAM, Radar,most tanks etc) and you can include needed planes, like the Mi-24 or the A-10 more easily.

    -Panzers, like T-54,55,62 etc should be redesignated from TANK to ARTILLERY in their groundobjects data.ini. The reason is, that Panzers are widely useless in such a mountainous land. With the groundobjects i have included in this package you will have infantry engagements which are more Afghan style






    -Unzip the file into your Wings over Israel


    Thats it!


    If you want then you can place mainscreen.bmp into your menu folder.




    V. Credits

    At this place i want to say thank you to Geo for his permission to use his SquadCent files which i modified into Taliban warriors etc. And to Wrench who allowed me to use Montys Stinger site which i modified into Blowpipe and Strela site. I want to say thank you to Pasko who made the lod file for the BTR-60 and 70 and the single soldier with SA-7 which i also use for RPG-7 and Mortar (recoilless gun.)

    I want to say thank you to _____ for the Taliban Dushka and the Toyota Hillux. And i want to say thank you to Capun for the permission to use his Mi-8 and Mi-24 as shot down heli ground objects.






    Sharing of Groundobjects which are part of this package needs the permission of their makers.


    If you find bugs please post them in StrikeFighters section of Combatace.com forum.



    Hope you enjoy it. Good Hunting along the Jalalabad road!


    Michael (Gepard)





    Made in Germany

    April 2009




  6. I agree with Wrench. WW2 scenarios should be better not september patched.

    I myself patched BOB and it runs. No crashes which are terrain related so far.

    But the feeling of flying the birds now is more arcade than sim. The balance between enemy and friendly planes is lost.


    By the way, which runways have the not "flatted problem"?


    I only remember that Caffiers was one. A short fix for it:



    Name=Caffiers Fliegerhorst






    AirfieldDataFile=airfield_SLB kurz.ini


  7. Lindr

    i included the links to 3 drawings.








    You will see, that the running gears of T-64, T-72 and T-80 are completly different. A look on the running gear is a clear indicator for the panzer type.


    The autoloader of the T-64 simply not fitted into the T-72 chassis. If you look on the running gear of T-64 and T-72 you will see that the T-72 has broader tracks. Because the tanks had a definite max wide (related to the railway transport) the chassis of the T-72 had to be smaller and in the smaller chassis the T-64 joint autoloader does not fit. Thatswhy the casette autoloader of the T-72 was developed.


    The T-64 genesis

    The T-64 development started in 1954 with Object 430 (100mm smoothbore gun, 35,5 tons). (In 1960 in Nishni Targil Object 166 was developed as backup because Object 430 had to slow development progress. Preparation for serial production of Obj.166 in 1961, entered service in 1962 as T-62.)

    1961 in Charkow Object 432 (115mm smoothbore gun, 36,7 tons) was developed. Shown the first time in 1962 at Kubinka weapon display. Prototyp in 1963, entered service in very small numbers in 1964 as T-64.

    Further development to object 434 (125mm gun, 37,3 tons), Prototype in 1964 entered service in 1967 as T-64A.

    1974 object 447 (125mm gun, capable to fire gun launched guided missiles, 39 tons), entered service in 1974 as T-64B. Modified in 1983 with ERA armour (42,4 tons) as T-64BV, later to T-64BM modernised.



    The first T-72 version (41 tons) was definetly worser protected than the T-64A (37.3 tons). The iraqis used in 1991 mostly the basic T-72 in combat and we all know how this ended.

    The T-72 lacked the multi layer armour on the turret and had a thinner armour.

    With the T-72A version with increased armour thickness and included ceramic layers in the turret the T-72 reached the protection level of the T-64B. Live firing tests of east german T-72M1 (export version 43.5 tons) showed in 1991 that this panzers were bullet proof against 105mm NATO tank guns and ATGM warheads in head on duell situations and normal combat distances. With the T-72B (44.5 tons) the T-72 got a superior protection level against the T-64 and the T-80 as the war in Chechenya showed. The last conflict in Georgia showed also the superiority of the russian T-72BM over the polish PT-91 (polish T-72M1 mod).


    One of my major source is the book "Kampfpanzer heute und morgen" by Rolf Hilmes


    And finaly a link to a T-64 site, made by a former T-64 tankist



  8. The T-64 was the first tank of a new panzer generation. Smoothbore gun 115mm, multi layer armour (Chopham or sandwitch by western terms), autoloader etc. Developed in Charkow (Kharkow) by the same construction bureau which had already developed the very successfull T-34 and T-54. The first T-64 had massive problems with reliablility of the engine.

    As a backup for the T-64 in Nishni Targil was developed the T-62. This tank was simply a stretched version of the T-55 with a 115mm smoothbore gun without autoloader.

    In Charkow the problems with the T-64 were solved with a new version, T-64A. New features were a 125 mm smoothbore gun with autoloader and a new turret., the multi layer armour was increased, so that this tank was bulletproof against 105mm AT ammo of the Nato. The T-64A was introduced only in soviet troops. The weakpoint was the light weight wheels and his high production costs. Produced in ca 8000 units (all versions)

    In Nishni Targil the T-64 was used as basic for the development of a mass production panzer. It got new running gear and a other diesel engine. To fit in this the chassis must be newly developed. In the new chassis the autoloader of the T-64 does not fit, so it must newly developed etc.

    By the end the T-72 was heavier, but not as good protected as the T-64A. The production cost were much lower. It has been produced in over 30.000 units (all versions)

    In 1977 the T-72 was shown the first time on the parade and went into export. For the soviet army the new T-72A version was introduced by this time. (355mm turret armour against 281 mm in the basic version), later the T-72B version followed (380mm turret plus ceramic elements). In mid 1980the the ERA armour was integreted, so that T-72BV were nearly invulnerable against NATO ATGM in head on engagements.

    1988 a new version T-72BU was developed (450mm + ceramic + ERA turretarmour), Laser jammer, fire guidance electronic of the T-80U etc. This panzer became later the designation T-90.

    The T-80 was no product of Charkow, but of a Leningrad construction bureau. Fisrt a gas turbine was implemented into a T-62, later into the T-64. New electronic, a new running gear, better armour etc made the way to the T-80 which was produced in Leningrad and Omsk.

    In Charkow the T-64 was produced till 1984 as T-64BM then the further development was canceled, because the running gear was to weak for a further increasing of weight. Thatswhy the T-80 was produced also in Charkow. There was tested to replace the gas turbine with a new diesel engine. So the T-84 was developed.

    Today the T-84 is produced in the Ukraine, the T-80U in Russia for export only and the T-90 for the russian army and export.

    While weapon tests in India between T-90 and M1A2 Abrams the russian tank astonishingly proved as superior and was selected as the new standard panzer for the Indian Army. Pakistan instead had choosen the T-84.


    From the outside all this tanks (T-64A/B, T-72 A/B/M, T-80 A/B,U, T-84 and T-90) looks very similar, so that i think we could use the standard T-72 model of WOE for modelling all this tanks.

  9. EricJ, the direction of Jalalabad AB and the other airfields i have changed now acording to the data i have taken from FS2004.

    THe Problem of the plane hanging mid into the air is simple. You had run against the "invisible" wall around each terrain. You cant go closer than 80km to the edge of a terrain. If you look on your screenshot you will see that you were at x = 920km on a 1000km terrain. But in the end version of the terrain it will be no problem. All targets are west of Jalalabad.

  10. Tja, the problem of the nonfiring groundunits i face in WOI and WOE with September patch. Without this patch i have now in WOE Talibs firing at airfields, convois, barracks.


    The progress of Afghanistan terrain is slow, because i had to correct a mistake. In my preview you can already see, where i intended to place Kabul. After finishing Kabul i realized, that i missplaced this town and had to rebuild this area by hand. Give me one or two weeks and i can release a first Beta which is concentrated on the area of Jalalabad, Bagram and Kabul.

    This area i have now completly tiled, placed the 3 airfields and now i'm working on the ground targets etc.pp


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