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Everything posted by allenjb42

  1. I'd like to see some rides for Snoopy in WW2 - Westland Lysander, Feisler Storch, Hs-123. A Fw-200 Condor for anti-shipping strikes would be nice too. As for modern stuff, the Lavi would be nice, but to tell the truth, with WOI and all of the stuff I see in various WIP threads, I'm finding it harder and harder to think of something I'd like that isn't already being worked on.
  2. The last I heard from Zero was that he was taking down the YAP downloads at the end of May and would be putting out YAP 2 thereafter, whenever it's ready.
  3. D-Day June 6th, 1944

  4. The first batch of my mods of the SFP1 Dev A Team's Mi-24 Hind are now up at Capun's site http://cplengineeringllc.com/SFP1/ Each aircraft comes with two skins, and they are all interchangeable between aircraft. Mi-24D Hind D: Soviet - Red 33 Syria Mi-24P Hind F (early): Soviet Desert Ukraine Mi-24P Hind F (late) 248th Helicopter Regiment, Belarus Armenia Mi-35P Hind F (early) Nigeria Indonesia More coming soon.
  5. It's actually just the stock Desert terrain from Strike Fighters.
  6. File Name: Mi-24 Czechoslovakia File Submitter: allenjb42 File Submitted: 2 Jun 2008 File Category: Mil Helicopters Strike Fighters/Wings Over Vietnam/Wings Over Europe etc Mi-24 skins readme All credit for these skins goes to their creators as detailed below. All I've done is to re-format them for SF\WOV\WOE and add a textureSet to each skin. Not all of the countries for which we have skins are included in the standard NATIONS.ini list, so I've left those as Soviet. It doesn't make any difference to the skins' appearance as there are no decals to worry about. If you have the New Nations mod that includes these missing countries then feel free to modify the relevant TextureSet. All you need to do is to extract the skin to your Objects\Aircraft\Mi-24 folder, then go fly and blow up some stuff. Thanks must go to the A Team for making the Mi-24 for SF\WOV\WOE, Tim Conrad for the original Mi-24V, and of course TK for giving us these great sims to play with. This skin is based on Mike Pearson's textures and converted with his kind permission. Enjoy, and good hunting Allen ps You can use these skins in any mods, campaigns etc, but please name check me and the original skinners in your credits as a courtesy. Thanks Click here to download this file
  7. Plenty more to come. Including
  8. File Name: Mi-24 Cuba '17' File Submitter: allenjb42 File Submitted: 5 Jun 2008 File Category: Mil Helicopters Strike Fighters/Wings Over Vietnam/Wings Over Europe etc Mi-24 skins readme All credit for these skins goes to their creators as detailed below. All I've done is to re-format them for SF\WOV\WOE and add a textureSet to each skin. Not all of the countries for which we have skins are included in the standard NATIONS.ini list, so I've left those as Soviet. It doesn't make any difference to the skins' appearance as there are no decals to worry about. If you have the New Nations mod that includes these missing countries then feel free to modify the relevant TextureSet. All you need to do is to extract the skin to your Objects\Aircraft\Mi-24 folder, then go fly and blow up some stuff. Thanks must go to the A Team for making the Mi-24 for SF\WOV\WOE, Tim Conrad for the original Mi-24V, and of course TK for giving us these great sims to play with. This skin is based on Javier Montes' textures. Enjoy, and good hunting Allen ps You can use these skins in any mods, campaigns etc, but please name check me and the original skinners in your credits as a courtesy. Thanks Click here to download this file
  9. Mi-24 Cuba '17'



    Strike Fighters/Wings Over Vietnam/Wings Over Europe etc Mi-24 skins readme All credit for these skins goes to their creators as detailed below. All I've done is to re-format them for SF\WOV\WOE and add a textureSet to each skin. Not all of the countries for which we have skins are included in the standard NATIONS.ini list, so I've left those as Soviet. It doesn't make any difference to the skins' appearance as there are no decals to worry about. If you have the New Nations mod that includes these missing countries then feel free to modify the relevant TextureSet. All you need to do is to extract the skin to your Objects\Aircraft\Mi-24 folder, then go fly and blow up some stuff. Thanks must go to the A Team for making the Mi-24 for SF\WOV\WOE, Tim Conrad for the original Mi-24V, and of course TK for giving us these great sims to play with. This skin is based on Javier Montes' textures. Enjoy, and good hunting Allen ps You can use these skins in any mods, campaigns etc, but please name check me and the original skinners in your credits as a courtesy. Thanks
  10. File Name: Mi-24 Cuba '12' File Submitter: allenjb42 File Submitted: 5 Jun 2008 File Category: Mil Helicopters Strike Fighters/Wings Over Vietnam/Wings Over Europe etc Mi-24 skins readme All credit for these skins goes to their creators as detailed below. All I've done is to re-format them for SF\WOV\WOE and add a textureSet to each skin. Not all of the countries for which we have skins are included in the standard NATIONS.ini list, so I've left those as Soviet. It doesn't make any difference to the skins' appearance as there are no decals to worry about. If you have the New Nations mod that includes these missing countries then feel free to modify the relevant TextureSet. All you need to do is to extract the skin to your Objects\Aircraft\Mi-24 folder, then go fly and blow up some stuff. Thanks must go to the A Team for making the Mi-24 for SF\WOV\WOE, Tim Conrad for the original Mi-24V, and of course TK for giving us these great sims to play with. This skin is based on Gregory Paul's textures. Enjoy, and good hunting Allen ps You can use these skins in any mods, campaigns etc, but please name check me and the original skinners in your credits as a courtesy. Thanks Click here to download this file
  11. Mi-24 Cuba '12'



    Strike Fighters/Wings Over Vietnam/Wings Over Europe etc Mi-24 skins readme All credit for these skins goes to their creators as detailed below. All I've done is to re-format them for SF\WOV\WOE and add a textureSet to each skin. Not all of the countries for which we have skins are included in the standard NATIONS.ini list, so I've left those as Soviet. It doesn't make any difference to the skins' appearance as there are no decals to worry about. If you have the New Nations mod that includes these missing countries then feel free to modify the relevant TextureSet. All you need to do is to extract the skin to your Objects\Aircraft\Mi-24 folder, then go fly and blow up some stuff. Thanks must go to the A Team for making the Mi-24 for SF\WOV\WOE, Tim Conrad for the original Mi-24V, and of course TK for giving us these great sims to play with. This skin is based on Gregory Paul's textures. Enjoy, and good hunting Allen ps You can use these skins in any mods, campaigns etc, but please name check me and the original skinners in your credits as a courtesy. Thanks
  12. File Name: Mi-24 Nicaragua, Green Camo File Submitter: allenjb42 File Submitted: 5 Jun 2008 File Category: Mil Helicopters Strike Fighters/Wings Over Vietnam/Wings Over Europe etc Mi-24 skins readme All credit for these skins goes to their creators as detailed below. All I've done is to re-format them for SF\WOV\WOE and add a textureSet to each skin. Not all of the countries for which we have skins are included in the standard NATIONS.ini list, so I've left those as Soviet. It doesn't make any difference to the skins' appearance as there are no decals to worry about. If you have the New Nations mod that includes these missing countries then feel free to modify the relevant TextureSet. All you need to do is to extract the skin to your Objects\Aircraft\Mi-24 folder, then go fly and blow up some stuff. Thanks must go to the A Team for making the Mi-24 for SF\WOV\WOE, Tim Conrad for the original Mi-24V, and of course TK for giving us these great sims to play with. This skin is based on Gregory Paul's textures. Enjoy, and good hunting Allen ps You can use these skins in any mods, campaigns etc, but please name check me and the original skinners in your credits as a courtesy. Thanks Click here to download this file
  13. File Name: Mi-24 Nicaragua, Brown Camo File Submitter: allenjb42 File Submitted: 5 Jun 2008 File Category: Mil Helicopters Strike Fighters/Wings Over Vietnam/Wings Over Europe etc Mi-24 skins readme All credit for these skins goes to their creators as detailed below. All I've done is to re-format them for SF\WOV\WOE and add a textureSet to each skin. Not all of the countries for which we have skins are included in the standard NATIONS.ini list, so I've left those as Soviet. It doesn't make any difference to the skins' appearance as there are no decals to worry about. If you have the New Nations mod that includes these missing countries then feel free to modify the relevant TextureSet. All you need to do is to extract the skin to your Objects\Aircraft\Mi-24 folder, then go fly and blow up some stuff. Thanks must go to the A Team for making the Mi-24 for SF\WOV\WOE, Tim Conrad for the original Mi-24V, and of course TK for giving us these great sims to play with. This skin is based on Tim Conrad's textures and converted with his kind permission. Enjoy, and good hunting Allen ps You can use these skins in any mods, campaigns etc, but please name check me and the original skinners in your credits as a courtesy. Thanks Click here to download this file
  14. Mi-24 Nicaragua, Brown Camo



    Strike Fighters/Wings Over Vietnam/Wings Over Europe etc Mi-24 skins readme All credit for these skins goes to their creators as detailed below. All I've done is to re-format them for SF\WOV\WOE and add a textureSet to each skin. Not all of the countries for which we have skins are included in the standard NATIONS.ini list, so I've left those as Soviet. It doesn't make any difference to the skins' appearance as there are no decals to worry about. If you have the New Nations mod that includes these missing countries then feel free to modify the relevant TextureSet. All you need to do is to extract the skin to your Objects\Aircraft\Mi-24 folder, then go fly and blow up some stuff. Thanks must go to the A Team for making the Mi-24 for SF\WOV\WOE, Tim Conrad for the original Mi-24V, and of course TK for giving us these great sims to play with. This skin is based on Tim Conrad's textures and converted with his kind permission. Enjoy, and good hunting Allen ps You can use these skins in any mods, campaigns etc, but please name check me and the original skinners in your credits as a courtesy. Thanks
  15. I thought there was a Libyan skin with the WOI version of the Mi-8?
  16. File Name: Mi-24 Polish Air Force, 49th Helicopter Regiment File Submitter: allenjb42 File Submitted: 1 Jun 2008 File Category: Mil Helicopters Strike Fighters/Wings Over Vietnam/Wings Over Europe etc Mi-24 skins readme All credit for these skins goes to their creators as detailed below. All I've done is to re-format them for SF\WOV\WOE and add a textureSet to each skin. Not all of the countries for which we have skins are included in the standard NATIONS.ini list, so I've left those as Soviet. It doesn't make any difference to the skins' appearance as there are no decals to worry about. If you have the New Nations mod that includes these missing countries then feel free to modify the relevant TextureSet. All you need to do is to extract the skin to your Objects\Aircraft\Mi-24 folder, then go fly and blow up some stuff. Thanks must go to the A Team for making the Mi-24 for SF\WOV\WOE, Tim Conrad for the original Mi-24V, and of course TK for giving us these great sims to play with. This skin is based on Mike Pearson's textures and converted with his kind permission. Enjoy, and good hunting Allen ps You can use these skins in any mods, campaigns etc, but please name check me and the original skinners in your credits as a courtesy. Thanks Click here to download this file
  17. We definitely need Eastern Front terrain(s) - there are lots of Luftwaffe and Soviet planes & skins out there just itching to mix it up over home ground.
  18. File Name: Mi-24 Sri Lanka File Submitter: allenjb42 File Submitted: 3 Jun 2008 File Updated: 20 Jul 2008 File Category: Mil Helicopters Strike Fighters/Wings Over Vietnam/Wings Over Europe etc Mi-24 skins readme All credit for these skins goes to their creators as detailed below. All I've done is to re-format them for SF\WOV\WOE and add a textureSet to each skin. Not all of the countries for which we have skins are included in the standard NATIONS.ini list, so I've left those as Soviet. It doesn't make any difference to the skins' appearance as there are no decals to worry about. If you have the New Nations mod that includes these missing countries then feel free to modify the relevant TextureSet. All you need to do is to extract the skin to your Objects\Aircraft\Mi-24 folder, then go fly and blow up some stuff. Thanks must go to the A Team for making the Mi-24 for SF\WOV\WOE, Tim Conrad for the original Mi-24V, and of course TK for giving us these great sims to play with. This skin is based on Mike Pearson's textures and converted with his kind permission. Enjoy, and good hunting Allen ps You can use these skins in any mods, campaigns etc, but please name check me and the original skinners in your credits as a courtesy. Thanks Click here to download this file
  19. Mi-24 Sri Lanka



    Strike Fighters/Wings Over Vietnam/Wings Over Europe etc Mi-24 skins readme All credit for these skins goes to their creators as detailed below. All I've done is to re-format them for SF\WOV\WOE and add a textureSet to each skin. Not all of the countries for which we have skins are included in the standard NATIONS.ini list, so I've left those as Soviet. It doesn't make any difference to the skins' appearance as there are no decals to worry about. If you have the New Nations mod that includes these missing countries then feel free to modify the relevant TextureSet. All you need to do is to extract the skin to your Objects\Aircraft\Mi-24 folder, then go fly and blow up some stuff. Thanks must go to the A Team for making the Mi-24 for SF\WOV\WOE, Tim Conrad for the original Mi-24V, and of course TK for giving us these great sims to play with. This skin is based on Mike Pearson's textures and converted with his kind permission. Enjoy, and good hunting Allen ps You can use these skins in any mods, campaigns etc, but please name check me and the original skinners in your credits as a courtesy. Thanks
  20. File Name: Mi-24 Nigeria File Submitter: allenjb42 File Submitted: 2 Jun 2008 File Category: Mil Helicopters Strike Fighters/Wings Over Vietnam/Wings Over Europe etc Mi-24 skins readme All credit for these skins goes to their creators as detailed below. All I've done is to re-format them for SF\WOV\WOE and add a textureSet to each skin. Not all of the countries for which we have skins are included in the standard NATIONS.ini list, so I've left those as Soviet. It doesn't make any difference to the skins' appearance as there are no decals to worry about. If you have the New Nations mod that includes these missing countries then feel free to modify the relevant TextureSet. All you need to do is to extract the skin to your Objects\Aircraft\Mi-24 folder, then go fly and blow up some stuff. Thanks must go to the A Team for making the Mi-24 for SF\WOV\WOE, Tim Conrad for the original Mi-24V, and of course TK for giving us these great sims to play with. This skin is based on Mike Pearson's textures and converted with his kind permission. Enjoy, and good hunting Allen ps You can use these skins in any mods, campaigns etc, but please name check me and the original skinners in your credits as a courtesy. Thanks Click here to download this file
  21. Mi-24 Nigeria



    Strike Fighters/Wings Over Vietnam/Wings Over Europe etc Mi-24 skins readme All credit for these skins goes to their creators as detailed below. All I've done is to re-format them for SF\WOV\WOE and add a textureSet to each skin. Not all of the countries for which we have skins are included in the standard NATIONS.ini list, so I've left those as Soviet. It doesn't make any difference to the skins' appearance as there are no decals to worry about. If you have the New Nations mod that includes these missing countries then feel free to modify the relevant TextureSet. All you need to do is to extract the skin to your Objects\Aircraft\Mi-24 folder, then go fly and blow up some stuff. Thanks must go to the A Team for making the Mi-24 for SF\WOV\WOE, Tim Conrad for the original Mi-24V, and of course TK for giving us these great sims to play with. This skin is based on Mike Pearson's textures and converted with his kind permission. Enjoy, and good hunting Allen ps You can use these skins in any mods, campaigns etc, but please name check me and the original skinners in your credits as a courtesy. Thanks
  22. File Name: Mi-24 Indonesia (subdued) File Submitter: allenjb42 File Submitted: 3 Jun 2008 File Updated: 20 Jul 2008 File Category: Mil Helicopters Strike Fighters/Wings Over Vietnam/Wings Over Europe etc Mi-24 skins readme All credit for these skins goes to their creators as detailed below. All I've done is to re-format them for SF\WOV\WOE and add a textureSet to each skin. Not all of the countries for which we have skins are included in the standard NATIONS.ini list, so I've left those as Soviet. It doesn't make any difference to the skins' appearance as there are no decals to worry about. If you have the New Nations mod that includes these missing countries then feel free to modify the relevant TextureSet. All you need to do is to extract the skin to your Objects\Aircraft\Mi-24 folder, then go fly and blow up some stuff. Thanks must go to the A Team for making the Mi-24 for SF\WOV\WOE, Tim Conrad for the original Mi-24V, and of course TK for giving us these great sims to play with. This skin is based on Mike Pearson's textures and converted with his kind permission. Enjoy, and good hunting Allen ps You can use these skins in any mods, campaigns etc, but please name check me and the original skinners in your credits as a courtesy. Thanks Click here to download this file
  23. Mi-24 Indonesia (subdued)



    Strike Fighters/Wings Over Vietnam/Wings Over Europe etc Mi-24 skins readme All credit for these skins goes to their creators as detailed below. All I've done is to re-format them for SF\WOV\WOE and add a textureSet to each skin. Not all of the countries for which we have skins are included in the standard NATIONS.ini list, so I've left those as Soviet. It doesn't make any difference to the skins' appearance as there are no decals to worry about. If you have the New Nations mod that includes these missing countries then feel free to modify the relevant TextureSet. All you need to do is to extract the skin to your Objects\Aircraft\Mi-24 folder, then go fly and blow up some stuff. Thanks must go to the A Team for making the Mi-24 for SF\WOV\WOE, Tim Conrad for the original Mi-24V, and of course TK for giving us these great sims to play with. This skin is based on Mike Pearson's textures and converted with his kind permission. Enjoy, and good hunting Allen ps You can use these skins in any mods, campaigns etc, but please name check me and the original skinners in your credits as a courtesy. Thanks

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