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Files posted by allenjb42

  1. Strike Fighters 2: Israel Music Pack for 1948-1956 Installs

    This music pack is an updated and expanded version of my original Strike Fighters Israel Music pack for the first generation Wings Over Israel game.
    As the name suggests, this pack is intended to provide appropriate menu music for your enhanced enjoyment of this great game.
    Because you have potentially two seperate SF2 Israel installs, one covering 1948 - 1956 and another covering 1967 - 1982 and beyond, I have created a music pack for each era.
    1) Unzip the folders to a temp folder and then depending on your install select either Strike Fighters2 Israel (for your post-1967 install) or Strike Fighters2 Exp 1 (for your 1948 - 1956 install)
    2) Copy the Menu folder within your selected folder to your Mod folder and allow it to overwrite.
    3) Fire up the game and go fly over the turbulent skies of the Middle East.
    Track Listings:
    (1) Strike Fighters2 Israel
    MainScreen.wav - 'Israeli Air Force 50th Anniversary Theme'
    SingleMissionScreen.wav - 'Janes IAF Theme'
    HangarRadio1.wav - 'The Raid' from the movie 'Raid On Entebbe'
    DebriefSuccess.wav - 'Chom Yuli-Ogust - July August Heat' by Shlomo Artzi

    DebriefFail.wav - 'Im In Alu - If The Doors Are Locked' by Ofra Haza
    DebriefKilled.wav - 'Eretz Hatzvi - The Land of Deer' by Talma Alyagon Raz (Lyrics) and Dov Zeltzer (Music), and performed by Yehoram Gaon, from the movie 'Operation Thunderbolt'
    OptionsScreen.wav - 'Eretz Hatzvi - The Land of Deer' (Instrumental) from the movie 'Operation Thunderbolt'

    (2) Strike Fighters2 Exp 1
    MainScreen.wav - Theme from the movie 'Exodus'
    SingleMissionScreen.wav - 'The Road to Jerusalem' from 'Cast A Giant Shadow'
    HangarRadio1.wav - 'The Gathering of Forces' from the movie 'Cast a Giant Shadow'
    DebriefSuccess.wav - Song of the Israeli Air Force - 'On Silver Wings' performed by the Israel Army Band under the direction of Colonel Yitzhak Graziani
    DebriefFail.wav - 'Shir HaPalmach' - 'Song of the Palmach'(The Palmach were the forerunner of the IDF)
    DebriefKilled.wav - 'Yerushalayim Shel Zahav - Jerusalem of Gold' by Naomi Shemer and performed by the Dor L’Dor Singers
    OptionsScreen.wav - 'Land of Hope' from the movie 'Cast a Giant Shadow'
    I've included a document with translations of the songs in the debrief screens, as well as some biographical details of the artists/composers which can serve as a starting point if you want to get into this in more detail.
    All of the above music tracks are free downloads from various record company websites in various formats and have been converted to the correct format for use in game by me.
    There are therefore no file sharing issues in respect of this music pack.
    Allen "allenjb42" Burton


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  2. Strike Fighters 2: Israel Music Pack for Post-1967 Installs

    This music pack is an updated and expanded version of my original Strike Fighters Israel Music pack for the first generation Wings Over Israel game.
    As the name suggests, this pack is intended to provide appropriate menu music for your enhanced enjoyment of this great game.
    Because you have potentially two seperate SF2 Israel installs, one covering 1948 - 1956 and another covering 1967 - 1982 and beyond, I have created a music pack for each era.
    1) Unzip the folders to a temp folder and then depending on your install select either Strike Fighters2 Israel (for your post-1967 install) or Strike Fighters2 Exp 1 (for your 1948 - 1956 install)
    2) Copy the Menu folder within your selected folder to your Mod folder and allow it to overwrite.
    3) Fire up the game and go fly over the turbulent skies of the Middle East.
    Track Listings:
    (1) Strike Fighters2 Israel
    MainScreen.wav - 'Israeli Air Force 50th Anniversary Theme'
    SingleMissionScreen.wav - 'Janes IAF Theme'
    HangarRadio1.wav - 'The Raid' from the movie 'Raid On Entebbe'
    DebriefSuccess.wav - 'Chom Yuli-Ogust - July August Heat' by Shlomo Artzi

    DebriefFail.wav - 'Im In Alu - If The Doors Are Locked' by Ofra Haza
    DebriefKilled.wav - 'Eretz Hatzvi - The Land of Deer' by Talma Alyagon Raz (Lyrics) and Dov Zeltzer (Music), and performed by Yehoram Gaon, from the movie 'Operation Thunderbolt'
    OptionsScreen.wav - 'Eretz Hatzvi - The Land of Deer' (Instrumental) from the movie 'Operation Thunderbolt'

    (2) Strike Fighters2 Exp 1
    MainScreen.wav - Theme from the movie 'Exodus'
    SingleMissionScreen.wav - 'The Road to Jerusalem' from 'Cast A Giant Shadow'
    HangarRadio1.wav - 'The Gathering of Forces' from the movie 'Cast a Giant Shadow'
    DebriefSuccess.wav - Song of the Israeli Air Force - 'On Silver Wings' performed by the Israel Army Band under the direction of Colonel Yitzhak Graziani
    DebriefFail.wav - 'Shir HaPalmach' - 'Song of the Palmach'(The Palmach were the forerunner of the IDF)
    DebriefKilled.wav - 'Yerushalayim Shel Zahav - Jerusalem of Gold' by Naomi Shemer and performed by the Dor L’Dor Singers
    OptionsScreen.wav - 'Land of Hope' from the movie 'Cast a Giant Shadow'
    I've included a document with translations of the songs in the debrief screens, as well as some biographical details of the artists/composers which can serve as a starting point if you want to get into this in more detail.
    All of the above music tracks are free downloads from various record company websites in various formats and have been converted to the correct format for use in game by me.
    There are therefore no file sharing issues in respect of this music pack.
    Allen "allenjb42" Burton


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  3. Strike Fighters Briefing Pack

    Strike Fighters Briefing Pack Readme
    For some reason the creators of many of the third party terrains that have been released have omitted to include a briefing.ini file with the terrain or have included a blank document. What this means is that when you click on the briefing tab in the mission setup area you will get a black screen and a CTD, which kind of ruins the atmosphere when you're getting pumped up to go out there to defend the free world against the rampaging communist/Nazi etc hordes.
    Here is a collection of briefing.ini files for most of the terrains out there that have this problem with what I hope is some appropriate text to get you in the mood for your mission. Feel free to edit them to suit your needs.
    I've also included English briefing.ini files for Gepard's Israel and Suez terrains as the originals are in German.
    List of briefings included:
    AE - Madagascar terrain
    AmericaNW - American North West terrain
    ANWgreen - American North West terrain (Green)
    ANWwinter - American North West terrain (Winter)
    DS - Desert Storm terrain
    IR - Iran Iraq terrain
    Israel 2 - Israel v2 terrain
    Israel - Israel terrain
    Kosovo - Kosovo terrain
    libya - Libya terrain
    LibyaWW2 - WW2 Libya terrain
    Malvinas - Malvinas terrain
    mideast - Middle East terrain
    scal - Southern California (Top Gun) terrain
    SE - South East USA terrain
    Suez - Suez terrain
    SW - South West USA (Red Flag) terrain
    tiawan - Taiwan terrain (the USAFMTL version)
    Ibstallation is simple - just extract the briefing you want to the appropriate terrain's folder, which you will already have installed within your Strike Fighters, WOV or WOE Terrain folder. The only other thing you may need to do is to check inside the individual terrain's folder in the .ini file to make sure that the line
    includes the name of the briefing.ini file. For example, in my Kosovo terrain folder the kosovo.ini file contains the line
    The only terrains that I know you will have to edit are USAFMTL's mideast terrain (which points to the original desert_briefing.ini) and Wrench's WW2Libya (which points to the libya_briefing.ini). All of the rest should work just fine.
    Thanks to TK for SF, WOV, WOE, FE and who knows what else, and of course to the creators of all of these fine terrains for enhancing this great game of ours.
    Have fun, and good hunting...
    Allen (allenjb42) Burton
    Any problems, find me at combatace.com, simhq.com or column5.us


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  4. WOI F-15A Baz skin - 133 Squadron

    This is just zyzy6464's skin for the WOE F-15A re-formated to work with the stock WOI F-15A_Baz.
    The skin is for 133 Squadron, Twin Tails, and all credit for the skin should go to zyzy6464.
    Unfortunately I couldn't contact him to obtain permission to post this mod, but I haven't altered his skin in any way. All I did was to rename the .bmp files and edit the decal.ini
    To install just extract the idfaf folder to your objects/aircraft/F-15A_Baz forlder and then boot up WOI and go fly.
    Thanks to TK for this great sim, and of course to zyzy6464 for the original skin.
    Safe flying, and good hunting.


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