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Everything posted by fallenphoenix1986

  1. Didn't know it existed... the pipper on the panel/canopy has driven me nuts since day one. Craig
  2. Did the Battle of Jutland Really Matter...?

    Victory goes to he who controls the field, since the German fleet never sortied again after Jutland... The RN royally screwed up in taking significantly worse losses than they really should have, primarily due to lax fire/flash prevention measures. However it was still a British strategic victory, if a German tactical victory. Craig
  3. Can't say I've noticed in sims but I'm better at pool after a few beers so maybe? Craig
  4. I've got a couple of weeks leave and decided to give skinning a go. I have a few project ideas based on the Sea Harrier FRS.1 and FA2, some real world, some semi- what-if and some pure conjecture. The FA2 ideas I can base off of existing skins with a decal dance though the FRS.1 requires a bit more work. I might be able to base some of them onthe FRS.51 blue/cream two tone skin after removing the Indian markings from the skin, the last two ideas though are probably going to require a complete redress of the whole bird. In short do templates for the SHAR's exist? Kind regards Craig
  5. Sea Harrier Template?

    Thanks, figured it was uploaded somewhere else as it wasn't in the aircraft folder. Found it now though. Craig
  6. Sea Harrier Template?

    Might as well go with the current standard I guess, that said since its my first attempt I dont reall know how challenging any differences might be between the two. Having a hard time finding an updated SHAR in the library, thought it might have been bundled in with the new terrain but other than that I can't find anything recent relating to the Falklands or the SHAR. Craig
  7. Sea Harrier Template?

    Missed that actually, I'd been planning on using the mk51 from 2013 mainly as it has the 2 tone scheme. If there's a remapped update though I'll have a look at it. Was it just the mapping thats updated or is this the model you were reworking a while back? Craig
  8. Pretty cool, I might have missed a memo but I've never seen a 360' video before Craig
  9. If TK was trying to model the GR.7/AV-8B then fair enough but those wing boxes are ridiculous on a gen1 Harrier. Craig
  10. Pretty sure Veltro did a Nimrod, there is also an S3-Viking and a Neptune. Lastly the Dat site has a series of S-2 Trackers/Tracers. Craig
  11. Makes me wonder what the AMI would have requested for a late model 104's parallel. Btw the black trim looks really cool, not as cool as 111 SQN black and gold, but cool Craig
  12. F-22 flies the Mach loop (UK)

    On my phone so wont link to it just now, I just read on Flight Global that enquiries are being made into reopening the production line - Who woulda thought 187 wasnt going to be enough... Craig
  13. Langley AFB Airshow

    The Bulldog was a bit of a surprise Craig
  14. Can't wait, the more modern bird kinda looks like an F-16 and an F/A-18 found a quiet little corner in a hangar one night... I like it Craig
  15. Do I detect a TwoSader on that flight deck? Craig
  16. On a somewhat related note I was reading a few days back that there is a new model (real) in development. Turns out smaller pilots run the very real risk of breaking their necks if they eject wearing the current model. Think the cut off was around 130-ish lbs, so I'd imagine probably only female pilots in that weight range... though the article did say for anyone 103 lbs or under it was a death sentence to punch out wearing the mod II helmet. Struggling to picture a pilot that small though, parachute size would be a legitimate concern by that point. Craig
  17. The lack of shock cones really makes it look like a Convair F-102 baby brother at first glance. Can easily picture it in ADC grey with a couple of Falcons under the wings. Craig
  18. Viper's Music Challenge

  19. 10 Worst British aircraft designs

    Not to mention that operating single engine bird a few hundred miles out over the North Atlantic at night in winter isn't exactly an appetizing proposition for any pilot (SHAR pilots were just nuts....) Craig
  20. 10 Worst British aircraft designs

    In fairness to the Tornado F.3 it was never meant to go toe to toe with another fighter, think of it more as a mobile SAM site... fly out very far from the coast relatively quickly and wait there until there's something to shoot at. In that context it actually did its job quite well, better in some respects than an F-15 could have and cheaper than an F-14. Dunno if I'd fancy trying that mission profile in an F-16, even if it magically did have the legs for it. As for the F-4, I can't really speak for the RAF but the FAA were desperate to get their hands on Phantoms, nothing in service or realistic and on the drawing board came close to what the F-4 was already doing at the time. Craig
  21. 10 Worst British aircraft designs

    Hardly surprising since the Buccaneer was designed specifically to replace the Scimitar... its almost as shocking as an F-22 being superior to the F-15 As for the late entry to service of the Sea Vixen that was political more than technical... Javelin on he other hand... why the RAF went for the "Harmonious-Dragmaster" over the DH-110 I will never know, the Javelin being inferior in every respect. Craig
  22. Final Super Etendard launch

    Actually just had a thought, wont quite be the last bridle launch. Whether the Argentine birds go to sea again or not Brazil's A-4's and S-2's will still be using bridles for a while. Craig
  23. Final Super Etendard launch

    Fair point, so that was the last ever bridle launch as well then? Craig
  24. Final Super Etendard launch

    Since Argentina occasionally operates at sea with the Brazilians I dare say there will probably be some Sea life left for the type... still served the French well for a bloody long time. Craig

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