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Everything posted by fallenphoenix1986

  1. VF84CTB

    From the album SF2NA

  2. Do I detect a Sea Venom in the last post? (extended fairing above the engine to house the hook) Craig
  3. I cant keep this a secret...

    I've got to wonder, do the target audience find these adds as wired as the rest of us? Craig
  4. Jurassic World Trailer

    Really not digging the tamed Raptors I've been reading about, pretty much all the previous films it was the Raptors screwing with the humans - otherwise I can't wait. Craig
  5. Some screenshots from Naval Action.

    I've never pre-ordered a game but after watching the vids on YT I'm sorely tempted with this one - definitely on the hitlist when its done Craig
  6. F-8 pilot has a bad day

    Was convinced they were going to find sabotage as the root cause - the odds against all of those failures in one flight are astronomical - particularly so when the same thing happened to the other guy the day before. Craig
  7. Gather 'Round Boys and Girls: Important Lesson Time

    I've been the kid in the goofy polo shirt so it goes without saying About 10 years ago working behind the desk in a shop with a few other guys we "were put in our place" by an obnoxious (insert expletive of your choice) - she didnt take to kindly to having it pointed out that behind the desk were two undergrad engineers, a med student and a chemist - like you say don't judge a book by its cover. Craig
  8. F-4 Rocket loadout

    Would it maybey be easier to make a 3 pod model thats set up as a single unit? Craig
  9. i love to tease!

    So what is this one? Tailfin looks like it belongs on a Bucaneer as does the landing gear so I'm guessing Brittish, beyond that not a clue :P Craig
  10. I've been reading the Aubrey Maturin series by Patrick O'Brian for the last year or so and been on the look out for something like this.... count me in. Craig
  11. F-8 dogfights 6 x VPAF MiGs over Vietnam

    If Cuba could then so could Vietnam, Atoll armed Frescos were rare but they did exist. Craig
  12. MiG17pino

    From the album ID Comp

  13. 50 year ban?

    If its player on player and a result of a screwed up tackle thats one thing, maybe accidental maybey not - as you say difficult to prove one way or the other, if the victim is the ref though then it should be easily provable as assault as players have no justifiable reason for going near the ref. Craig
  14. i love to tease!

    Had me stumped, thought it was an XF104 due to the intakes but the wings threw me. Good to see you back Craig
  15. New BSG movie

    Everything after the first 10 minutes in "First Contact" and then about every third episode of Voyager had time travel woven into it. That said I much prefere classic Trek to Abrams Trek... still can't look at the new Klingons wiout laughing... Craig
  16. Well deserved

    What exactly are the required criteria to be nominated? Craig
  17. RN/USMC F-4K?

    Along simillar lines: Just ran accross this page while looking for a pic of her, worth a look if your interested in FAA Tooms. http://www.phantomf4k.org/ Craig
  18. a1ax0

    From the album SF2NA

  19. Samurai's Shipyard

    Personally I wouldn't mind if a QE/POW class carrier appeared on your slip way some day Craig
  20. I'll put something in middle of next week, on the road just now and I'd rather not do it via my phone Craig
  21. African Pilots

    Pretty sure theres an ancient Flight of the Intruder crew pack that features Cmdr Camparelli. Craig
  22. independent Scotland?

    We DID get some incredibly close results... where I live it was 50.08% to 49.02% thats 27,243 to 27,329 - 86 votes difference out of 54,572 cast. Also in typical politician fashion some of the "No" party leaders have already started reneging on "The Vow" - only took them 22 hours or so from its inception... Fact is this isn't the first time Scotland has went to the polls on this matter and I'll be stunned if its the last. On the plus side however it seems Piers Morgan vowed to return to the US in the event of a No vote... he's your problem again guys Craig
  23. independent Scotland?

    For the natural resources Geography.... unless theres a means of relocating oil fields that I'm unaware of. For the fishing grounds, international maritime law. The rest of it, why would it go anywhere? Craig
  24. independent Scotland?

    The oil and Gas is a bonus...and we're lucky to have it but we could still stand on our own without it albeit not as comfortably. Lets see the rest of the scottish economy electronics, agriculture/fisheries, financial services, construction, renewable energy, textiles, defence, food/drink, tourism, aviation services... you said something about being poorly diversified? As for monetary policy I'd love to know where thats headed myself however continuing to use the £ without a curency union wouldn't really be all that different to the situation were in right now. Thats also precicely what South Africa, Australia, New Zealand , India (the list goes on....) did until the creation of their own currencies. How many countries that have gained their independance from another state have ever asked to return? Noone thinks its going to be a walk i the park, its going to be tough - probably for a generation or more but in the end it will be worth it. As it sits now Scots don't really have a vote, were so outnumbered by the rest of the UK that regardless which way Scotland as a whole votes on any given issue it only goes Scotlands way when the English electorate happens to agree - quite often they do not. In general elections if the Scottish vote was removed in every single election since WWII the outcome would have been exactly the same. Recent policy examples: Bedroom tax : 91% Scottish MP's against - it happened Welface cuts: 81% Scottish MP's against - it happened Austerity cuts: 76 % Scottish MP's against - it happened Vat increase : 81% Scottish MP's against - it happened Postal service privitisation: 79% Scottish MP's against - it happened Craig edit... Out of intersst you might want to check the GDP of Scotland and England as they are right now if taken as independant nations, the figures might suprise some...
  25. independent Scotland?

    Scotland has 8.4% of the Uk's population and generates 9.4% of tax revenues, we have approximately 90% of the UK oild reserves, 65% of the gas reserves, 60% of the fishing grounds all of which currently heads in to a UK wide pot to support a population of around 60m, after independance these figures will not change however will then have to support a population of around 5m... so same income now supporting 1/12th the population... I fail to see the problem here. As for defence, Scotland would as other have mentioned inherit a portion of current UK assets, so rather than a handful of Helo's and Pilatus trainers more like a squadron or so of Typhoons, if we can actually justify a requirement for them. Scotland as an independant nation is on the same level as places like Norway, Finland, Denmark and Belgium.... all of which have signifficantly higher military capabilities than Ireland, Ireland simply dosn't see the need for anything more than they have. Craig

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