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Everything posted by fallenphoenix1986

  1. Simply not true. Internal load = 2 x IRM & 2 x BVRM AND whatever you want to hang under the wings, it can easilly match the Hornet. If the earlier portion of the post was directed at me and not understanding how the F-104 was the wrong tool for the job then go back and read each of my coments again, clearly I state the 104 was missused by the majority of its operators and thus does not deserve its poor/pilot killer reputation. Craig PS. Umm nope....
  2. Thats exactly what Toryu said, the "F-35C is the A-7's successer's successer"s The reason I brought the A-4, A-7, F-8 and F-16 into the discussion is because someone mentioned being single engined asa handicap to the F-35, I was just pointing out it wasn't a big deal for the aformentioned legendary aircraft. As for being a poor choice in Canada and Australia as an air defence asset because of range issues, I don't see the argument since the operational radius of an F-35 is greater than the F/A-18's it will be replacing. For places such as Norway or the Netherlands where air policing is the main concern I would agree, something along the lines of the Gripen or Typhoon would seem to make more sense. Craig
  3. There are also F-14's and 15's that havn't survived bird strikes, mid airs or SAM's... any aircraft wil fall out of the sky if you hit it hard enough in a vulnerable spot. It wont fly as well as an F/A-18... based on what? I'll give you the cost, its ever so slightly out of hand.... Several tons of Super Hornet can also be seen and shot down,... far earlier and more easily than a VLO aircraft. As for being single engined, that didn't seem to be too much of an issue for the A-4, A-7, F-8 or F-16 so I fail to see why its so catastrophic for the F-35. As for paying for it, I'm from the UK, from where I sit it replaces the Harrier/Sea Harrier, no ifs ands or buts the F-35 is superior in every regard. Craig
  4. The 104 was "deadly" because it was a particularly demanding jet being used in a low altitude environment, performing a role it wasn't designed for, ie it was missused...* how precisley does any of that relate to the F-35... a jet which by all accounts just about flies itself and is primarily intended to be a bomb truck? * Those countries that used it as intended, ie. as an interceptor/air superiority fighter (Spain 0 losses, Japan 3 lost with two in the same midair) had far better safety records than Germany and Canada. Lower loss of airframes due to being used in a more suitable environment, lower loss of crew as much more likely to be able to perform sucesssful ejection at altitude. Craig
  5. Operación Invencible

    Yes... several actually. So are we to take it that it is totally implausible for an official body such as the F.A,A or C.O.A.N to lie through their teeth but its perfectly reasonable to believe that the Royal Navy, RAF, UK Government, multiple defence contractors and god alone knows how many individual military and civillian personel to do exactly the same thing? Craig
  6. Operación Invencible

    Because it didn't happen... they may well have mounted an attempt however the Invincible was not hit. There are a few "documentaries" in Spanish on youtube that detail the alleged events however there is no physical evidence or witness testimony outwith the pilots claims. The fact that the ship remained on station and operational before going on to serve another 28 years kinda puts it to rest. As a theory exorcize/"what if" the raid is somewhat intereseting though. Craig
  7. Small world, I was about to ask if the F-108 had ever been released - ran a google search as I couldn't remember who was working on it and landed here. Hopefully it gets picked up. Craig
  8. UK Elections soon

    The contenders: Tories... problem... they're Tories Labour.. problem... pretty sure they're Tories as well... getting kinda hard to tell the difference. Lib-Dems... problem... they've been proven as part of the coalition to be completely spineless and incompetent. Greens... nuff said... UKIP... problem... closset Nazi's BNP... problem... out of the closset Nazi's MRLP... Most sensible of the lot... have been for some time... Whats left? Craig N.B. hope this dosn't breach the no politics terms, if its any consolation I'm fair and even ballanced with nothing good to say about any of them
  9. WARNING! Rant ahead

    D'oh... Sorry WK, in my defence Its 03:00 here and I've been up since 05:30... going crosseyed lol Craig
  10. WARNING! Rant ahead

    O'er the the land of the not quite so free? Just my personal opinion but the way I see it if you make a law against putting your own spin on it then you fly in the face of what it stands for. Craig
  11. Pretty sure Russo is/was reworking the FRS.1, whether those plans include a skin template or not I can't say. Craig
  12. Its A Peaceful Religion......

    Some of the comentors on that site need profesional help... that or at the very least new tinfoil hats... "they are the product/paid shills of the left/media and/or athiest groups" - <--- Westboro baptists aparently were funded by atheists to give true christians a bad name... this is after it was pointed out that there are complete wako's in every religious group. Craig
  13. I'm having a blond moment here, after numerous attempts to intercept a flight of Mig-25's with Sundowner's Arrow FGR.3 and not having been able to get a lock I decided the RAF could do with an upgrade. I was able to splash Mig-21's all day long however the ECM on the 25's was too stong. After shopping around the RAF seems to have decided that the Arrow is potentially adaptable to house the AWG-9 systems recently in service with the F-14... The RAF in this instance will be using the Blue-Dragon missile (an SA-11 reskinned and edited).... systems integration is proving to be a Royal PITA... I've taken the various radar entries from the MF F-14A_82 ant transplanted them into the corresponding Data and Avionics ini's of the Arrow, I can get the F-14 hud symbology to work however I can't get the radar to fire up, probably missing something really obvious. so far I've moved the entire Avionics Data ini from the F-14 to the Arrow's avionics ini and the Detect system entreis into the Data ini... now out of ideas.... ummm help please Craig
  14. Knew it was going to be something simple I'd missed, owe you one Craig
  15. Yeah the Frankenmssile works fine, test fired it against a flight of Mig-21's with the original CF-105 radar. Its actually your fault I started messing with this bird, saw your pics over at WHIF modeler of the 105 with a quad of SA-6's, Sparrows/Skyflashes look a bit on the small side under those massive wings so wanted something a bit beefier Now that I've tried messing with the radar, mainly to get TWS working, I've been left with no operational Radar... figure theres a line in an ini somewhere I should be changing but damned if I can think what it might be. Heading out in 10 minutes, will check the vid tomorrow, thanks. Craig
  16. Food for Thought; A Flight Sim for the Ages

    Showed up when this was still BioHaz and been into the thridwire games since SFP1 at around 2002/3, would have been midway through highschool aged 15 or 16. I've now just picked up my second engineering degree, mechanical first then aero. Craig
  17. Anyone know why we bothered to paint the camo pattern on them? Can't recall any other occasion where British forces have done this. Craig
  18. A tragic tale

    Surely some blame lies withe the officer instructing the pilot to divert and not simply the pilots questionable judgement? Had they not made a run for the beach they had enough fuel to attempt recovery.
  19. IL2 Vietnam

    Got drawn into that, almost forgot it was IL-2 Craig
  20. Avro Arrow FGR3

    Nice one, just grabbed download number 1 Off to splash Badgers Craig
  21. I've actually been using the F-4 as a baseline for comparrison - so far I havn't had any luck spotting anything that should make the slightest difference, it simply refuses to lock onto anything seemingly for nor reason. Craig
  22. Granted it probably is an exageration however I've been unable to obtain a lock against anything at any range, just took it up against a flight of B-57B's with the exact same results. Craig
  23. Aircraft Carrier Decks 2014

    Seeing as the Lioning is the former Varyag (the Kuznetsov's sister) I'd be suprised if they didn't look alike. Craig
  24. Going to have a look at the radar after dinner, wasn't the Mig-25 supposed to be able t burn through ECM as if it wasn't there? Couldn't lock up a B-52 at 3 miles flying the E model... Craig
  25. Aircraft Carrier Decks 2014

    Would love to see the QE and/or PoW released for SF2 some day :) Craig

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