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Everything posted by fallenphoenix1986

  1. Unpopular Aviation Opinions?

    The IRIAF probably agrees with you but I can't see them replacing them anytime soon. Hows this one, I can't think of a single F-15 engagement that couldn't have had the exact same outcome had the F-4 Phantom been flying the mission in the Eagles place, yet the Eagle is the king of fighters with its 100+:0 kil ratio... In every single one of those victories the Eagle driver had the advantage of superior training and better situational awareness, if we look at lthe F-4's payload compared to the F-15's you'll notice it eaither has the potential to haul the exact same warload or in some cases does carry the exact same warload , the F-15s raw performance wasn't really such a big deal in actual conflicts. Craig
  2. Supermarine Sora Fmk.1 with a mixed load of Blue Dolphins* and Red Tops. *Blu Dolphin a never to materialise British SARH missile, represented here with a reskinned Red Top and modded data ini. the actual missile would have been longer with a more pointed nose. Any plans to release the RAF Arrow? Could do with those replacing the Javelin/Lightning in my whif install , just looks right Craig
  3. SoraFmk1

    From the album SF2NA

  4. YF-23 vs F-22?

    There was also an issue with the bay arrangement, if you get a missile hung up in the F-23's bay you can't launch the next one becase its above the first, F-22 dosn't have this issue. Craig
  5. Your fav "BAD GUYS" Cold War plane as a youth?

    Probably the Mig-31, makes the F-106's title of "Ultimate Interceptor" sound a little silly. Craig
  6. Real cool RC plane

    Watched the Vulcan one after linknig from the original Vid - the Red Arrows pair that shows up was quite cool as well. Craig
  7. Pacific P-40: IL-2 '46+DBW

    Actually I've got a now most likely outdated version of DBW installed already, still to mess with the WW1 side of things but that Panther got quite a thorough work out over Toko-Ri. The fleet sits quite far out so had the odd interesting fuel crisis on the way back, including one flight where I botched the first approach, went around trapped then ran out of gas while taxiing forward to park/shutdown. Craig
  8. Pacific P-40: IL-2 '46+DBW

    Quite enjoying these AAR's you're putting out, almost enough to fire up IL-2 for the first time in about a year... Craig
  9. Vipers during Desert Storm?

    Whats the story with the A-10's? I've heard the F-15E and Apace stories before, also heard about an RAF Tornado doing much the same as the F-15. Craig
  10. I'm thinking Finish Folland Gnat myself, though at first did take it to be a Mig as well. Craig
  11. pattern

    From the album SF2NA

  12. gunfighter

    From the album SF2NA

  13. rollout

    From the album SF2NA

  14. rolling

    From the album SF2NA

  15. goofers

    From the album SF2NA

  16. night

    From the album SF2NA

  17. Shooting the Cockpit - War Crime or just immoral?

    Neither wrong or immoral, chivalry in air combat is for the large part a myth. Take for example a CAS pilot deliberately targeting a formation of infantry, this is perfectly acceptable, so why should the pilot be offered some kind of protection from being personally targeted when its his job to target others? Craig
  18. F-35C High Alpha testing

    This just occurred to me, been reading a lot recently about people slatting the F-35 for rear view... generally the same guys that praise the Crusader for being the be all and end all in naval dogfighters, try lookig over your shoulder in an F-8... Craig
  19. Black Projects

    Awesome, I'd just asumed they had been lost in a HD meltdown or something Craig
  20. Fake! ... theres no way a puny little Lynx can generate enough lift to carry the mass of that pilots balls Craig
  21. Jag's have some merit I gues, supersonic dash capability and the potential to have an avionics & a2a fit that at the very least matches the Sea Harrier, potentially opens the door fo buddy tankers as well. Craig
  22. SAAB promotes Sea Gripen to Brazil & India

    Surely a stinger hook would make some sense in the case of the F-35, would allow for a longer hook arm length than provided by the current design thus increasing the distance from gear to hook tip. Craig
  23. Had the same thing happen once in RoF, also in a D.VII. I went head on against a Breguet14.B2 with enough time to get off about 6 rounds, one of which killed the pilot. Was one of those rare sim moments you never forget. Craig
  24. SAAB promotes Sea Gripen to Brazil & India

    Unless they decide it has to land like a daintly little fairy (vertically) then I think they'll manage. From a technical point of view it should be do-able, don't see a business case for it myself though, the only potential markets for a light naval fighter are Brazil & India and unfortunaly for Saab the Indians have it covered indigenously with the already built naval variant of the Tejas. Craig
  25. I think Bobcat works fairly well, though if you want something that hasn't been used by Grumman how about Lion... a large overweight predator, lets face it for cats they arn't particularly lean. Craig

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