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Everything posted by fallenphoenix1986

  1. Might this one be released? Was kinda hoping someone was going to do this after the M mod came out :D Craig
  2. This is truley frightening.... you have been warned

    He dosn't star in this one though Ron makes another apearance here. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EVNRjPazuOc Craig
  3. CFS2: Training with the Dambusters

    Nice touch there, gunner(s) & bombaimer are only at their stations after gear up. Craig
  4. Why do birds...........

    Wonder how much they spent on this, I didn't even realise it was considered a mystery... hell I read that exact explanation almost verbatum before I left school Craig
  5. This is cool too, beauty at Fox!

    I'm sorry... what? Craig
  6. The weight wasn't the issue directly - KE was - the A-3 though greater in mass to the F-4 landed significantly slower so presented lower forces on deck impact and cable engagement. Craig
  7. That tiny little bird makes those rocket pods look HUGE. Hmmmm gives me an idea, I read a while back about an Indian Navy plan to replace their Sea Hawks with a navalised Gnat/Ajeet variant, been a while sine I did any decal dancing and I've got a couple of days off Craig
  8. Russo-British naval incident in Scotland

    Big deal - The USN and Royal Navy will be doing more or less the same thing elsewhere in the world. Case in point USN cruiser(s) shadowing the Liaonig's group. Craig
  9. Hope they Rot!

    They think their soldiers? Put them in MCTC... I give them about 5 maybe 6 seconds... Craig
  10. TSA Union wants guns for agents

    Apologies in advance some of you are not going to like this.... Civilian right to bear arms summed up in once sentance... Craig
  11. Have a nice flight

    Some bright spark decided to try this on Harriers not too long ago Craig
  12. Thanks for that, had wondered why Germany went in for dayglo so much more than everyone else. Craig
  13. Sounds good, Lightnings were still around in numbers at this point... hint hint Craig
  14. Well, got my install working again - still no idea what broke it or how it was fixed though Craig
  15. twinprobe

    From the album SF2NA

  16. Sorry been away from home for a couple of days - gave it a shot, game CTD'd at 100% load - removed it and it still CTD's at 100% load. With any bird other than the A-6A I can load up into the pit for a few seconds and the game crashes, its nuts - I've made no changes whatsoever since Sunday other than adding and subsequently removing those few lines and somehow thats broken the install. Craig
  17. Quite liking the twin Amraam rail. Craig
  18. Managed to complete one sucsessfully a few days back, was dumb luck though, spent most of my time down low jinking around hiding behid hills before levelling out inside of 2 miles for the bombrun. Any chance I could bug you for how you managed to get the "DIANE/CCIP" to work in the Razbam pit, been trying since yesterday afternoon and it just aint happening. Craig
  19. Worth a shot but its already set to False. craig
  20. Hey just picked up the RB A-6 and go the pit installed just fine, except that I now have two refueling probes at slightly different angles to each other. Also having no luck getting the DIANE/ccip mod to work with this pit though I see from Beach's AAR series that it can be done. Craig
  21. I set up an NA/SF2V combo a few days ago at July 2012 level - can confirm parked aircraft on deck can't say I've spotted any escorts though. Craig
  22. Female RAF recruits paid compensation for marching injuries

    I've got a book I'd quite like to read...
  23. I've recently gotten into Vietnam so loaded up the expansion packs and green hell 3.5 into a Jul 2012 install merged with NA Havn't noticed much in the way of bugs other than all stock A-6's permanently carrying a full set of external tanks regardless of wheather or not I select them at preflight. I've looked in the data and loadout ini's and both look normal. Craig
  24. It just started - thanksgiving sale I think he's calling it. Craig
  25. Need a load out guru

    I've only installed the first 4 packs as I don't have SF2, from what I've read the first 4 don't require anything other than a stock Vietnam install whilst the 2013 update requires SF2. As for the cockpit all I did was move the pit as instructed - all sorted now Also had my firsrt run in wit the "deadly flak" - first 3 missions the flak was decidedly underwhelming.... this time I was up against a supply depot surrounded by 3 or 4 other juicy targets and got my ass nailed on a mk.82 pop up.... round two snakeyes Craig

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