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Everything posted by fallenphoenix1986

  1. Need a load out guru

    Thanks guys got the A model sorted, will have a go at fixing up the rest tomorrow, think I might have buggered up one of the stations in the process as what ever goes on the inbords now gets selected for the outboard right but I'll worry about that after I catch up on three nights missed sleep :P Craig
  2. Need a load out guru

    Tried comenting out the tank references from the weapons stations/loadout ini - can't select them (as expected) and theyre still part of the model, can't find a reference to tank lods outside of the weapons folder. Craig
  3. Just about caved - set up a fresh Vietnam instal and loaded up the expansion packs, seems only the most recent update requires SF2 - still using the default A-6 and an A-6E pit... got some kind of goof though - all A-6's have a permanent load of drop tanks... Craig
  4. They say it was better cut off the movie...i disagree

    Agreed - bit cheesy but I kinda liked it Craig
  5. Depends on what you want to fly really, the abality to designate and launch on multiple targets with the F-14 makes the plane, tthen theres the water in NA... pretty impressive - seeing as I spend most of my time shipboard thats kind of a big deal for me . From what I understand the battle group formations can be set up in other titles but it takes a bit of fiddling to get them to work, though if you're land based an in anything other than a tomkitty I guess it wont add much to the other titles. If you are a fan of Red Storm Rissing however then NA is a must. Might pick up the RB A-6 as well.. been buying their birds ince they came out witht he CFS2 A-4 though bar the Banshee my entire Razbam collection is MSFS based... can just about justify the cost for the pit. Craig
  6. Been flying SF2V for the first time recently - I only bought that title to get the Essex boats and Crusaders now I'm hooked on F-105's... really should pick up SF2 so I can get the expansion packs to work... I'm blaming this A-6 series for putting me out of pocket :P Craig
  7. RAF RC-135s

    Read somewhere the paint cheme was kept for heat disapation reasons... still how much could it have cost to apply a 707 based mod thats already been developed to a bird thats already plumed for IFR? Craig
  8. To be fair the Firestreak wasnt actually that bad (or am I thinking Redtop?). Seem to remember te test/eval group gettin 100% reliability when they fired within parameters... also had a much bigger warhead than the winder if I remember right. I have an RAF starfighter mod of my own though I placed the missiles on the mid-span pylons, thought they would look bit oversized at the tips so never actually tried them there, actualy don't look as out of proportion as I though they would. Craig
  9. INS Vikramaditya starts sea trials

    You do know that the current incarnation of the Mig 29K has about as much in common with the original Mig-29K as the F/A-18F has in common with the F/A-18A? It is not the same bird the Soviets rejected 20 something years ago. As far as a refurbed Kittyhawk my personal opinion is that they should have just focused on building their own flat tops from word go, first one will be ready only a few years behind the Gorshkov/Vikramaditya - could have saved themselves a few billion right there. Craig
  10. Nope, that one did end up in FSX but it was adapted by another group (UKMIL), the guys at Flying Stations built their S.1 & 2 from the ground up. Craig
  11. Havn't picked up the S.2 yet but I do have the S.1 - really looking forward to the new Victorious model to fly them off of. Craig
  12. Is There a F-105B...

    Looks like the B had an additional window, not sure when they got rid of the internal bomb-bay http://www.the-blueprints.com/en/blueprints/modernplanes/republic/28340/view/republic_f-105_thunderchief/ Craig
  13. Thanks - thought that looked like a breech at the back, still I didn't realise WW1 birds carried anything that heavy. Craig
  14. For the WW1 uninitiated - what the heck is that whatchamajig up front? Craig
  15. Who Is Going To Be Playing Battlefield 4?

    Sold :) can hopefully get back to being a sneaky sneaky sniping b****** now Craig
  16. Who Is Going To Be Playing Battlefield 4?

    Its not the bunnys with knifes I have trouble with - if you get behind me and I don't spot you then fair enough, its the advertiseing my position from the other side of the map every time I think about taking a shot thats the issue. Craig
  17. Who Is Going To Be Playing Battlefield 4?

    Not unless they ditched that retarded permanent scope glare <--- one p!ssed of sniper/lighthouse Craig
  18. UK Carriers sold after 3 years?

    Don't put too much stock in that article - apparently according to the f*ckwit that wrote it our Harriers are going to be scrapped NEXT year... that would be the Harriers that have already been retired, stripped and shipped as spares to the USMC as spare parts? Having read the second half of the article I can confirm the aforementioned f*ckwit hasn't the slightest notion of what he is talking about and his information is for the most part years out of date. Craig edit: I'll now humbly piont out that the article is 3 years old... stil full of things that havn't come to pass though - ie the installation of cats and arresting gear :P
  19. Just a matter of comfort really, if you're used to steam guages then the lack of a HUD really isn't that much of a handicap. As for the stability the f-4 had a reputation for going arond the circuit as if it were on rails... the F-14 not so much, as you said it can wildly oscilate throughout the aproach. One piece of advice I'd give to your guide above however is to come in slower, 150 knots is kinda hot for an F-14. Going by the manual 122-137 knots is more like it, also Navy birds do not flare on landing fly it onto the deck (good luck pulling this off and surviving with the default model however):) Craig
  20. Managed that a few times in F-14's and 18's back when the Desert Storm mod came out, lights off at about 02:00 real time... heart was pounding out my chest as I passed through about 400'... hell even in a Harrier its a wild ride just trying to find and line up with the ship at night. Craig
  21. Thats actually for AOA, you want to keep the circle amber however it wont tell you if you're on glideslope or not. The amber light indicates optimal AOA for a given airspeed it will display this value regardless of your altitude, the ILS on the F-14 is located in the MFD possibly the hud as well, havn't flown it in months and can't remember. The AOA data combined with the ILS and ASI can give you a decent picture when you're quite far out but in close it holds no candle to a meatball. Craig
  22. Your not missing anything mate, the default F-14's landing characteristics are P*** poor at best... damn thing blows up if you look at it the wrong way and as for the AI I've yet to encounter an AI bird in any Thirdwire game that lands realistically. There is an ILS system but thats about it for landing aids unless I'm missing something as well. I would kill to have functioning Fresnels but I very much doubt it will ever happen, the NA release would have been the time to do it if TK was going to bother. Craig
  23. F-15C also gets rumored for the scrap yard.....

    & Phantoms, SLEP'd then scrapped to make way for Tornado F.3's. Theres plenty of F-4's still flying today so it stands to reason that with another updrade or two our F-4's could have easily served another 10-15 years. Then theres the Harriers, paint was still drying on the Gr.9's when they canned them. Craig
  24. Lebanon 1982-83

    There was a pretty good single mission based around the Gulf of Sidra incident back in the SFP1 days, guy that wrote it was a minor player in the events of that day if I remember right, not really aware of any others. Craig
  25. landingon

    From the album FSX


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